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Created July 30, 2018 21:56
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Set up AMMP-edge without snapd
# Ensure that package dependencies are met (specifically python3, libsnmp-dev, and python3-netifaces)
# Create user under which software will be run.
# Enter user directory. In this example this is /opt/datalog
# Pull the codebade
git clone
# Install python package
cd ammp-edge
./ install --user
# One of the lines should be as follows:
# > Installing ammp_edge script to /opt/datalog/.local/bin
# After that one, dependencies will be installed
# Make some required symlinks to configuration and driver files
cd ..
ln -s ammp-edge/remote.yml
ln -s ammp-edge/drivers/
# Also expose the executable (now in /opt/datalog/bin/ammp_edge)
ln -s .local/bin/
# Create a service that will run the software. Put the following text in a new file
# /etc/systemd/system/ammp-edge.service
### Start
Description=AMMP-edge datalogging service
ExecStart=/opt/datalog/bin/ammp_edge -d
### End
# (you can remove the -d from ExecStart if you don't want debug info)
# Enable the service with
sudo systemctl enable ammp-edge.service
# Start with
sudo systemctl start ammp-edge.service
# Check logs
sudo journalctl -u ammp-edge.service -f
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