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(ns react-cljs.core | |
(:require React)) | |
(declare render) | |
(defn handle-change [e] | |
(render {:text (.. e -target -value)})) | |
(defn render [{:keys [text]}] | |
(React/renderComponent | |
(React/DOM.div nil | |
(array | |
(React/DOM.h1 nil "Type some stuff in the text box") | |
(React/DOM.input | |
(js-obj | |
"type" "text" | |
"value" text | |
"onChange" handle-change)) | |
text)) | |
js/document.body)) | |
(render {:text ""}) | |
;; -- Oh the beautiful DSLs that await us! -- | |
;; | |
;; (render-component | |
;; (div nil | |
;; [(h1 nil "type some stuff here") | |
;; (input :type "text" :value text :change handle-change) | |
;; text]) | |
;; js/document.body) | |
(defproject react-cljs "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT" | |
:description "FIXME: write this!" | |
:url "http://example.com/FIXME" | |
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.5.1"] | |
[org.clojure/clojurescript "0.0-2080"] | |
[reactjs "0.5.1"]] | |
:plugins [[lein-cljsbuild "1.0.0"]] | |
:source-paths ["src"] | |
:cljsbuild { | |
:builds [{:id "dev" | |
:source-paths ["src"] | |
:compiler { | |
:output-to "main.js" | |
:output-dir "out" | |
:optimizations :none | |
:source-map true | |
:foreign-libs [{:file "reactjs/react.js" | |
:provides ["React"]}] | |
:externs ["reactjs/externs/react.js"]}}]}) |
I wonder if Github should notify me somehow when I got mentioned here, since it does not right now and that's frustrating.
@piranha are there many external React libraries? Or do you mean that components created in ClojureScript will need componentDidMount
, componentWillUnmount
in order to be used by others? To be honest this seems unlikely given ClojureScript's whole program compilation model.
Interesting point about props
, I didn't realize this was compared - do you have a link to the documentation and/or source about this optimization?
@swannodette by "external libraries" I mean absolutely separate external libraries, i.e. jQuery, various date pickers and calendars, d3 and so on.
Regarding optimizations, something like that.
Is there a way to suppress the warnings of React.js? I'm getting 268 warnings about JSDoc tags. I can't find the real warnings about my code (like undefined variables).
@ericnormand, this is fixed in master, your release build should look something like this to suppress warnings:
{:id "release"
:source-paths ["src"]
{:output-to "main.js"
:optimizations :advanced
:pretty-print false
:foreign-libs [{:file "reactjs/react.js"
:provides ["React"]}]
:externs ["reactjs/externs/react.js"]
:closure-warnings {:non-standard-jsdoc :off}}}
After chatting with the React devs some more, there are definitely some improvements to my approach in the counter Gist, will keep exploring and post updates when I discover something new.
@swannodette, in case you weren't aware, Conrad Barski (webfui) has made a few comments on the React mailing list: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/reactjs/e3bYersyd64
Hi I see that you use React, so I am sure that you will find interesting the https://reactjs.co - this is the free online convention and tutorial book for React.JS Developers. React is not only the View (in MVC) anymore. ReactJS For Dummies: Why & How to Learn React Redux, the Right Way.
@noprompt @rads that's right, main reason for functions instead of hiccup-like data structures is performance. IIRC transformation step takes around 20-30% of runtime of a whole application, which is just an overhead and could be fixed quite easily.
@swannodette well
is really not needed with CLJS, local atoms could be used, but I still think that creating React components makes sense since React has some optimisations related to components update. For example, if your props didn't change, there is no need to callrender
, which you will call anyway if you're going with a simple function likerender-counter
.Though it would be interesting to see how would you scale code you wrote into something bigger. :) TBH most components could be represented as just a function (
), but sometimes you need a bit more: sometimes it's local state - that's possible with closures, I guess, but then when you need to integrate with external libraries you will needcomponentDidMount
at least.