Progress: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● | ✓
Tag Pool: #writing #tvqueue #moraleapp #learnsomething #minimalistcards | ✓
Monday | 6:30-9:00 PM | #minimalistcards (Didn't track this as closely as I was at Indy Startup Lab)
- Talked with Tony about card samples, decided on a smaller font
- Going to try a League Gothic and Helvetica Neue print as well
- Reviewed notes from printer regarding costs
Monday | 6:30-9:00 PM | #moraleapp (Didn't track this as closely as I was at Indy Startup Lab)
- Fixed wording related to feedback from beta user on signup process
- Tweaked daily email to use larger clicks and explicitly say "click a link"
- Added additional organization stats to God view and made minor style changes
Tuesday | 9:30-9:55 PM | #writing
- Started writing post about the horrible UX of those stupid touchscreen coke fountains
- Need to wrap-up, edit, link, image it
Tuesday | 9:59-10:24 PM | #writing
- Finished post, read it here
Wednesday | 6:20-6:45 PM | #learnsomething
- Stats 1 - Lesson 1a
- Covered randomized experiments and how they can be used to make strong claims about causality
- Two examples were covered: the Salk Polio vaccine trials and Working memory training
- The Polio trial was a textbook double blind study that successfully eradicated polio
- The Working memory training suffered from confounds - there was a poor control group - that could cause the results to be invalid
- It was also not double blind and the experimenters wanted it to work; the results have not been independently confirmed yet
- One-liner: Randomized experiments allow for predictions and explanations, but only when the correct conditions are met (truly independent variables, no confounds, and representative/random sampling)
Wednesday | 9:05-9:30 PM | #indysa
Wednesday | 9:30-9:55 PM | #indysa
- Updated the jekyll-mailer app to use the correct SMTP credentials (thanks Shane!)
- Using any of the Heroku addons caused the emails to hit the spam filter
Thursday | 9:30-9:55 PM | #tvqueue
- After searching existing solutions, I guess I'll have to write my own, sigh
- API seems okay
Friday | 9:20-9:45 PM | #tvqueue
- figured out schema
- barebones rails app
- fighting with bootstrap-sass...again...
Friday | 9:46-10:11 PM | #tvqueue
- migrations and activerecord models
Friday | 10:13-10:38 PM | #tvqueue
- Finished models, started working on queue index
Friday | 10:50-11:15 PM | #tvqueue
- Toggle watched status on queue working with ajax
Sunday | 9:17-9:42 PM | #tvqueue
- start hooking up to API
Sunday | 9:45-10:10 PM | #tvqueue
- hook up add show form to search API