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Created March 17, 2022 00:05
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Port of Mustang theme to the Helix text editor
# Author: Scott W. Dunlop <[email protected]>
# Derived from RayGervais <[email protected]>
# Original Mustang color theme:
"ui.background" = { bg = "base00" }
"" = "base01"
"" = { fg = "base01", bg = "base04" }
"ui.linenr" = { fg = "base03", bg = "base01" }
"ui.popup" = { bg = "base01" }
"ui.window" = { bg = "base01" }
"ui.linenr.selected" = { fg = "base04", bg = "base01", modifiers = ["bold"] }
"ui.selection" = { bg = "base02" }
"comment" = { fg = "base03", modifiers = ["italic"] }
"ui.statusline" = { fg = "base04", bg = "base01" }
"" = { fg = "base04", bg = "base01" }
"ui.cursor" = { fg = "base04", modifiers = ["reversed"] }
"ui.cursor.primary" = { fg = "base05", modifiers = ["reversed"] }
"ui.text" = "base05"
"operator" = "base05"
"ui.text.focus" = "base05"
"variable" = "base08"
"constant.numeric" = "base09"
"constant" = "base09"
"attributes" = "base09"
"type" = "base0A"
"ui.cursor.match" = { fg = "base0A", modifiers = ["underlined"] }
"string" = "base0B"
"variable.other.member" = "base0B"
"constant.character.escape" = "base0C"
"function" = "base0D"
"constructor" = "base0D"
"special" = "base0D"
"keyword" = "base0E"
"label" = "base0E"
"namespace" = "base0E"
"" = { fg = "base06", bg = "base01" }
"markup.heading" = "base0D"
"markup.list" = "base08"
"markup.bold" = { fg = "base0A", modifiers = ["bold"] }
"markup.italic" = { fg = "base0E", modifiers = ["italic"] }
"" = { fg = "base09", modifiers = ["underlined"] }
"" = "base08"
"markup.quote" = "base0C"
"markup.raw" = "base0B"
"" = "base0B"
"" = "base09"
"diff.minus" = "base08"
"diagnostic" = { modifiers = ["underlined"] }
"ui.gutter" = { bg = "base01" }
"info" = "base0D"
"hint" = "base03"
"debug" = "base03"
"warning" = "base09"
"error" = "base08"
base00 = "#000000" # Default Background (this was 202020 in mustang.vim)
base01 = "#282828" # Lighter Background (Used for status bars, line number and folding marks)
base02 = "#383838" # Selection Background
base03 = "#808080" # Comments, Invisibles, Line Highlighting
base04 = "#b8b8b8" # Dark Foreground (Used for status bars)
base05 = "#e2e2e5" # Default Foreground, Caret, Delimiters, Operators
base06 = "#e8e8e8" # Light Foreground (Not often used)
base07 = "#f8f8f8" # Light Background (Not often used)
base08 = "#e2e2e5" # Variables, XML Tags, Markup Link Text, Markup Lists, Diff Deleted
base09 = "#ff9800" # Integers, Boolean, Constants, XML Attributes, Markup Link Url
base0A = "#b1d631" # Classes, Markup Bold, Search Text Background
base0B = "#7e8aa2" # Strings, Inherited Class, Markup Code, Diff Inserted
base0C = "#86c1b9" # TODO Support, Regular Expressions, Escape Characters, Markup Quotes
base0D = "#ffffff" # Functions, Methods, Attribute IDs, Headings
base0E = "#ff9800" # Keywords, Storage, Selector, Markup Italic, Diff Changed
base0F = "#a16946" # TODO Deprecated, Opening/Closing Embedded Language Tags, e.g. <?php ?>
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