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Last active April 29, 2019 20:59
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Kasugano Colors for Sublime Text 3
// scope reference:
{ "name": "Kasugano Color Scheme"
, "variables":
{ "comment": "#707070"
, "keyword": "#95A7CC"
, "entity": "#EDEFF2"
, "invalid": "#899AFF"
, "reserved": "#7882BF"
, "constant": "#899AFF"
, "string": "#98C9BB"
, "globals":
{ "background": "#1B1B1B"
, "foreground": "#C8CACC"
, "caret": "white"
, "rules":
[ { "scope": "comment", "foreground": "var(comment)" }
, { "scope": "string", "foreground": "var(string)" }
, { "scope": "constant", "foreground": "var(constant)" }
, { "scope": "keyword", "foreground": "var(keyword)" }
, { "scope": "support", "foreground": "var(keyword)" }
, { "scope": "storage", "foreground": "var(keyword)" }
, { "scope": "entity", "foreground": "var(entity)" }
, { "scope": "invalid", "foreground": "var(invalid)" }
// , { "scope": "variable", "foreground": "var(variable)" }
, { "scope": "markup.heading", "background": "#242424" }
, { "scope": "markup.italic", "fontStyle": "italic" }
, { "scope": "markup.bold", "fontStyle": "bold" }
, { "scope": "markup.underline", "fontStyle": "underline" }
, { "scope": "markup.raw.code-fence", "background": "#141414" }
, { "scope": "markup.raw.block", "background": "#141414" }
, { "scope": "markup.raw", "foreground": "#A0A0A0" }
, { "scope": "punctuation.definition.raw", "foreground": "#A0A0A0" }
, { "scope": "", "foreground": "var(constant)" }
, { "scope": "", "foreground": "var(constant)" }
, { "scope": "", "foreground": "var(constant)" }
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This is a port of the Kasugano color scheme by Kori Ayakashi to Sublime Text 3. I use this in tandem with in iTerm to limit noisy colors while I work.

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