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Simon Whitty swhitty

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swhitty / junit.swift
Created January 24, 2025 06:29
Script to convert Xcode 16 results JSON in to Junit XML
import Foundation
let resultsJSON = CommandLine.arguments.count > 1 ? URL(filePath: CommandLine.arguments[1]) : nil
guard let resultsJSON else {
print("usage: ./junit.swift <test_results.json>")
swhitty / Mutex.swift
Last active January 20, 2025 18:49
Backports the Swift 6 type Mutex<Value> to all Apple platforms that support OSAllocatedUnfairLock
// Backports the Swift 6 type Mutex<Value> to Swift 5 and all Darwin platforms via OSAllocatedUnfairLock.
// Lightweight version of
// Feel free to use any part of this gist.
// Note: ~Copyable are not supported
#if compiler(>=6)
@available(iOS, introduced: 16.0, deprecated: 18.0, message: "use Mutex from Synchronization module included with Swift 6")
@available(macOS, introduced: 13.0, deprecated: 15.0, message: "use Mutex from Synchronization module included with Swift 6")
public struct Mutex<Value>: @unchecked Sendable {
swhitty / UniqueChanges.swift
Last active January 29, 2024 07:01
PropertyWrapper that can be applied to `Equatable` properties of `ObservableObject` to notify observers of unique changes.
/// PropertyWrapper that can be applied to `Equatable` properties of `ObservableObject` to notify observers of unique changes
struct UniqueChanges<Element: Equatable> {
init(wrappedValue: Element) {
self._wrappedValue = wrappedValue
@available(*, unavailable, message: "@UniqueChanges can only be applied to types that conform to `ObservableObject`")
var wrappedValue: Element {
// ThrowingTaskGroup.waitForAll() behaviour was fixed in Swift 5.9
// This backports the Swift 5.9 behaviour to earlier versions
public extension ThrowingTaskGroup {
#if compiler(>=5.9)
@available(*, deprecated, renamed: "waitForAll")
mutating func waitForAllFix() async throws {
@_implementationOnly import os
// Backports the Swift interface around os_unfair_lock_t available in recent Darwin platforms
@available(iOS, deprecated: 16.0, message: "use OSAllocatedUnfairLock directly")
@available(tvOS, deprecated: 16.0, message: "use OSAllocatedUnfairLock directly")
@available(watchOS, deprecated: 9, message: "use OSAllocatedUnfairLock directly")
@available(macOS, deprecated: 13.0, message: "use OSAllocatedUnfairLock directly")
public struct AllocatedLock<State>: @unchecked Sendable {
/// .handleEvents(onNext: { print($0) }) Similar to the Combine variant, but for AsyncSequence.
public extension AsyncSequence {
/// Attach event handlers to interation events of the sequence.
/// - Parameters:
/// - onInit: handler called when interator is created
/// - onNext: handler called when value is received
/// - onCompletion: handler called when sequence competes
extension AsyncSequence where Element: Hashable {
/// Sequence that emits unique elements once each
func unique() -> AsyncUniqueSequence<Self> {
/// Sequence that only emits unique elements once.
/// While iterating, all emitted elements are retained within a `Set` to ensure uniqueness of each element emitted.
/// .print("🐡") Similar to the Combine variant, but for AsyncSequence.
/// ```
/// 🐡: makeAsyncIterator(): AsyncMapSequence<String>
/// 🐡: receive value: (1)
/// 🐡: receive value: (2)
/// 🐡: finished: AsyncMapSequence<String>
/// ```
import Combine
import Foundation
func copyValues<T>(at keyPaths: [PartialKeyPath<T>], from source: T, to destination: inout T) {
for keyPath in keyPaths.compactMap({ $0 as? any ValueCopyingKeyPath }) {
keyPath.copyValue(from: source, to: &destination)
extension _KeyValueCodingAndObservingPublishing where Self: NSObject {
swhitty / SVG.swift
Created March 8, 2022 10:10 — forked from ollieatkinson/SVG.swift
Utilise the private CoreSVG framework in Swift
import Darwin
import Foundation
import UIKit
class CGSVGDocument: NSObject { }
var CGSVGDocumentRetain: (@convention(c) (CGSVGDocument?) -> Unmanaged<CGSVGDocument>?) = load("CGSVGDocumentRetain")
var CGSVGDocumentRelease: (@convention(c) (CGSVGDocument?) -> Void) = load("CGSVGDocumentRelease")
var CGSVGDocumentCreateFromData: (@convention(c) (CFData?, CFDictionary?) -> Unmanaged<CGSVGDocument>?) = load("CGSVGDocumentCreateFromData")