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Created November 2, 2016 06:46
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Cost of living data for 2010
Urban Area 100% Composite Index 13% Grocery Items 29% Housing 10% Utilities 12% Transportation 4% Health Care 32% Miscalaneous Goods and Services
Anniston-Calhoun, County, AL 91.2 101.2 74.8 111.2 88.8 89.3 96.6
Akron OH 100.2 105.1 99.7 107.9 107.1 86.8 96.0
Albany, GA 90.1 108.7 74.8 82.0 96.6 89.8 96.8
Albany, NY 108.1 105.0 112.6 101.0 102.8 111.7 108.6
Alexandria, LA 95.1 96.0 92.7 89.9 97.2 92.9 98.2
Amarillo, TX 89.5 89.9 89.4 80.4 92.1 95.2 90.8
Americus, GA 88.3 105.5 71.0 88.2 99.8 103.7 91.3
Ames, IA 96.8 93.7 104.8 82.3 101.8 98.4 93.7
Anchorage, AK 128.4 134.5 142.9 94.1 122.0 135.7 124.8
Anderson, SC 91.8 103.4 77.0 101.6 92.3 99.7 95.9
Appleton, WI 93.3 93.0 81.8 102.3 104.4 104.7 96.0
Ardmore, OK 87.3 92.9 77.3 84.8 101.3 93.7 89.8
Arlington, TX 99.3 94.4 89.4 109.9 98.3 105.4 106.4
Asheville, NC 101.1 104.6 97.8 113.1 94.2 104.7 100.6
Ashland, OH 88.5 100.7 72.1 92.1 98.2 88.8 94.2
Atlanta, GA 95.6 96.2 90.7 86.3 99.3 103.3 100.3
Auburn-Opelika, AL 98.9 104.6 90.2 101.3 92.9 88.4 106.5
Augusta-Aiken, GA-SC 93.2 106.0 79.4 92.1 93.9 101.4 99.4
Austin, TX 95.5 89.3 85.1 110.7 100.2 100.3 100.4
Bakersfield, CA 103.4 107.6 98.4 104.3 111.3 107.2 103.1
Baltimore, MD 119.4 110.8 155.4 112.5 105.3 97.9 100.0
Baton, Rouge, LA 96.1 100.4 102.2 78.2 90.4 97.7 95.8
Beaufort, SC 105.2 106.9 103.5 114.3 99.6 95.7 106.0
Beaumont, TX 95.7 87.1 95.9 92.5 100.4 98.7 98.1
Bellingham, WA 113.0 114.9 135.9 83.8 113.2 115.3 100.8
Bergen-Passaic, NJ 131.3 112.1 174.0 128.9 102.4 106.3 113.8
Bethesda-Gaithersburg-Frederick, MD 130.5 108.5 184.2 120.6 110.1 104.0 104.4
Binghamton, NY 98.4 92.4 92.6 112.8 104.4 114.3 97.7
Birmingham, AL 90.8 93.5 73.2 105.7 93.5 87.9 100.3
Bismarck-Mandan, ND 95.3 105.9 91.5 70.1 102.6 100.5 99.4
Blacksburg, VA 95.0 91.5 94.9 102.3 91.1 97.5 95.1
Boise, ID 97.2 98.5 84.0 99.6 108.0 106.6 103.3
Boston, MA 132.5 116.7 152.7 138.6 104.5 123.5 128.6
Bowling, Green, KY 90.7 93.3 78.2 104.3 96.7 95.8 94.0
Bozeman, MT 102.0 107.3 101.8 89.1 101.6 102.4 104.0
Bradenton, FL 95.8 106.6 90.2 90.4 101.3 98.8 96.1
Brazoria, County, TX 89.3 87.9 75.8 100.8 96.0 95.6 95.6
Brownsville, TX 85.8 88.6 71.0 93.1 95.0 96.5 91.4
Buffalo, NY 95.8 91.8 97.4 115.6 104.8 92.0 87.6
Burlington, IA 97.0 93.8 94.6 108.6 98.6 89.9 97.1
Burlington, NC 94.6 98.6 86.0 82.3 97.5 102.5 102.5
Burlington-Chittenden, Co, (VT) 120.5 112.9 138.7 122.2 102.5 104.6 114.2
Camden, SC 97.4 103.4 87.8 107.5 86.0 93.1 104.3
Cape, Coral-Fort, Myers, FL 95.6 107.9 87.5 83.7 103.0 98.7 98.9
Carlsbad, NM 95.4 102.6 86.6 99.3 95.3 96.0 98.9
Cedar, City, UT 88.7 102.5 73.9 83.7 97.8 85.5 95.5
Cedar, Rapids, IA 92.0 94.8 79.1 101.6 97.1 94.4 97.5
Champaign-Urbana, IL 96.9 98.5 90.8 97.1 98.2 100.5 100.7
Chapel, Hill, NC 113.0 100.9 127.0 85.7 122.8 105.8 112.1
Charleston, WV 92.7 88.8 89.3 96.7 102.9 93.9 92.9
Charleston-N, Charleston, SC 98.3 105.7 92.6 96.6 93.9 104.4 101.5
Charlotte, NC 93.2 97.1 79.5 91.2 95.7 110.3 101.4
Charlottesville, VA 107.0 101.2 122.6 100.8 90.6 94.5 104.0
Chattanooga, TN 91.1 97.4 84.0 82.5 96.4 93.3 95.7
Cheyenne, WY 100.5 101.7 107.9 96.3 95.0 98.3 96.5
Chicago, (IL) 116.9 111.2 134.8 117.3 116.5 108.5 104.4
Cincinnati, OH 93.8 96.4 81.9 103.8 98.0 95.8 98.7
Clarksburg, WV 95.0 95.2 93.1 92.2 103.8 89.5 95.5
Clarksville, TN 93.0 87.9 86.0 86.5 93.9 98.7 102.3
Cleveland, OH 101.0 108.1 93.3 109.0 101.4 104.3 102.1
Cleveland, TN 93.4 101.6 87.7 103.4 91.9 91.3 92.9
Colorado, Springs, CO 92.8 95.4 92.0 86.8 96.2 102.3 92.1
Columbia, MO 91.8 92.6 81.4 90.4 96.3 96.4 99.1
Columbia, SC 100.4 105.2 82.3 109.0 102.0 106.2 110.6
Columbus, OH 92.0 91.6 86.2 100.2 99.1 107.7 90.6
Conroe, TX 91.4 89.4 80.1 96.1 93.8 95.0 99.7
Conway, AR 86.6 97.9 78.8 92.0 96.6 89.8 84.0
Cookeville, TN 85.7 86.7 71.4 82.9 87.5 87.1 98.2
Corpus, Christi, TX 90.8 82.4 79.6 113.5 93.3 92.8 96.0
Covington, (KY) 87.8 86.0 76.8 100.2 99.9 90.6 90.3
Dallas, TX 91.9 96.2 70.7 105.5 100.9 103.8 100.4
Danville, IL 91.1 94.6 74.2 116.4 109.3 95.8 90.7
Dare, County, NC 107.3 111.7 116.7 92.9 110.2 111.7 100.4
Davenport-Moline-Rock, Is, IA-IL 96.8 98.7 98.7 81.4 104.3 97.9 96.8
Dayton, OH 91.4 89.2 74.5 106.1 103.1 93.2 99.0
Decatur, (IL) 91.4 89.1 88.2 92.2 96.7 91.9 93.3
Decatur-Hartselle, (AL) 89.2 98.5 74.2 90.6 96.7 85.5 96.6
Denver, CO 103.2 101.0 107.5 101.9 95.4 105.9 102.7
Des, Moines, (IA) 90.9 90.9 89.6 90.2 95.9 90.8 90.9
Detroit, (MI) 99.4 92.7 95.2 129.5 101.3 94.2 96.6
Dodge, City, (KS) 89.3 90.0 77.6 85.5 95.6 89.9 98.5
Dothan, AL 89.8 100.3 80.1 79.7 91.8 81.7 97.9
Douglas, (GA) 88.6 104.1 68.5 97.9 89.3 91.3 96.6
Dover, (DE) 99.7 110.4 90.9 108.8 97.5 103.0 100.7
Dubuque, (IA) 95.9 98.1 86.5 105.2 99.5 96.5 99.5
Durham, NC 96.6 97.9 86.8 96.3 105.5 108.5 100.6
Dutchess, County, NY 120.4 109.8 141.3 118.8 109.3 110.4 111.1
Dyersburg, (TN) 88.6 93.4 73.8 95.2 92.9 86.3 96.7
Eau, Claire, (WI) 93.7 97.6 90.5 84.8 103.1 105.5 93.5
Edmond, OK 91.6 88.7 82.8 90.2 97.7 94.3 98.9
El, Paso, TX 90.4 99.9 86.0 88.1 97.0 95.4 88.5
Elkhart-Goshen, IN 94.0 91.4 92.7 84.5 99.7 92.8 97.5
Enid, OK 93.6 103.5 77.4 96.1 99.5 99.5 100.7
Erie, PA 92.1 96.4 91.1 96.0 98.4 91.2 88.4
Eugene, OR 109.8 93.8 132.3 85.3 110.0 118.2 102.9
Evansville, IN 96.2 97.9 86.3 120.0 97.1 97.4 96.4
Everett, (WA) 111.3 112.0 128.1 85.4 110.4 129.1 102.1
Fairbanks, (AK) 137.4 127.9 148.5 193.1 118.7 144.9 118.8
Fargo-Moorhead, ND-(MN) 92.7 99.8 87.4 78.7 95.8 102.4 96.6
Farmington, NM 97.0 101.8 97.1 87.1 96.4 98.6 98.2
Fayetteville, AR 92.1 95.3 77.3 99.8 95.2 92.7 100.6
Fayetteville, NC 95.2 105.1 82.5 92.8 96.0 117.9 100.1
Findlay, (OH) 94.3 102.3 77.0 95.8 100.6 91.2 104.3
Fitchburg-Leominster, MA 103.3 99.3 97.1 140.6 99.9 112.3 98.6
Flagstaff, (AZ) 114.9 106.6 149.3 92.5 105.5 100.0 99.5
Florence, AL 90.2 96.6 79.6 91.0 94.5 84.1 96.3
Fort, Lauderdale, FL 115.7 112.5 144.0 92.5 106.3 102.4 103.7
Fort, Smith, (AR) 86.1 92.5 74.5 90.5 87.9 87.5 91.7
Fort, Wayne-Allen, County, (IN) 94.4 93.3 89.3 87.3 106.9 93.4 98.0
Fort, Worth, (TX) 91.1 89.8 78.0 106.2 97.6 93.8 96.1
Framingham-Natick, (MA) 134.5 109.4 177.2 131.9 105.0 116.1 118.8
Fresno, CA 117.3 115.8 131.2 123.6 114.5 106.8 105.9
Gainesville, (FL) 99.8 106.3 101.8 99.2 103.3 92.7 95.5
Galesburg, (IL) 93.0 99.7 80.0 103.1 96.1 97.3 97.2
Garden, City, KS 89.7 91.2 79.9 86.5 94.0 89.6 97.5
Glens, Falls, NY 112.3 105.4 105.9 128.0 107.0 97.3 119.3
Glenwood, Springs, (CO) 124.0 103.3 169.0 89.0 110.9 112.0 108.7
Grand, Junction, (CO) 98.3 101.9 105.4 86.4 99.1 103.8 93.1
Grand, Rapids, (MI) 90.7 102.7 77.6 100.6 103.7 94.4 90.0
Green, Bay, WI 95.1 88.8 83.5 118.6 100.2 105.9 97.7
Greenville, NC 98.5 105.9 84.4 108.5 97.6 113.5 103.3
Greenville, SC 90.3 102.7 72.9 90.1 97.1 98.2 97.7
Gunnison, CO 110.0 110.6 134.5 85.7 99.0 97.3 100.6
Hammond, (LA) 95.9 99.0 95.8 84.8 93.0 97.4 98.9
Hampton, Roads-SE, Virginia, (VA) 111.7 106.6 121.9 108.4 104.1 109.6 108.4
Harlingen, (TX) 82.8 81.5 75.8 105.6 88.7 95.2 79.1
Harrisburg, PA 99.7 97.8 91.5 110.5 100.2 93.8 105.1
Harrisonburg, VA 97.0 97.5 96.8 96.8 90.4 100.8 98.6
Hartford, CT 121.8 120.7 137.8 120.7 109.0 113.0 113.5
Hastings, NE 93.4 103.7 89.1 94.0 87.6 85.8 95.6
Hattiesburg, (MS) 91.9 100.5 74.6 110.3 96.9 95.4 96.2
Hays, KS 89.4 92.0 78.8 92.4 97.5 90.7 94.2
Hickory, (NC) 92.9 101.1 91.3 92.3 86.5 93.8 93.0
Hilton, Head, Island, SC 114.1 111.4 119.8 100.4 101.6 110.7 118.5
Honolulu, HI 165.7 160.1 249.0 146.6 126.2 120.0 117.9
Hot, Springs, AR 93.8 97.3 85.3 95.7 85.6 84.8 102.9
Houston, (TX) 92.2 85.1 82.0 97.7 99.2 94.6 99.9
Huntsville, AL 91.2 94.9 78.7 86.1 99.7 92.0 99.8
Hutchinson, KS 94.0 89.0 92.3 84.4 96.5 94.2 99.6
Idaho, Falls, ID 90.6 99.5 78.0 84.9 102.1 93.2 96.3
Indiana, County, (PA) 93.3 99.7 84.2 97.7 97.7 91.1 96.4
Indianapolis, IN 87.2 91.4 73.4 86.7 100.5 93.6 93.1
Iowa, City, IA 96.2 94.9 97.3 80.1 102.8 95.4 99.0
Ithaca, NY 102.8 102.9 104.4 110.4 104.7 106.6 98.1
Jackson, (MS) 96.9 93.0 94.0 118.1 92.0 95.7 96.1
Jackson-Madison, County, (TN) 90.2 91.1 74.2 98.9 100.0 91.5 98.1
Jacksonville, FL 92.9 102.8 80.0 91.9 103.6 94.5 97.3
Jacksonville, NC 96.5 103.2 88.0 99.2 97.8 101.2 99.6
Janesville, WI 96.2 95.0 91.3 99.3 99.3 103.1 98.2
Jefferson, City, (MO) 92.9 93.9 78.5 97.6 93.3 95.0 103.4
Johnson, City, (TN) 86.7 92.3 74.4 89.1 91.7 91.5 92.6
Johnstown, (PA) 92.9 97.7 79.4 101.0 101.6 90.4 98.1
Joliet-Will, County, (IL) 102.2 100.9 102.3 116.1 111.3 106.5 95.2
Jonesboro, (AR) 88.9 97.5 75.1 91.1 88.8 85.9 97.3
Joplin, MO 88.8 92.2 75.9 108.1 91.8 89.5 92.0
Juneau, AK 136.5 133.1 165.7 135.1 121.2 144.4 116.1
Kalamazoo, (MI) 91.2 95.6 81.3 101.8 99.4 92.5 92.4
Kalispell, (MT) 98.8 116.3 95.5 82.0 103.6 104.8 97.8
Kansas, City, MO-(KS) 97.8 94.8 89.2 99.8 100.8 97.2 105.1
Kennewick-Richland-Pasco, WA 92.6 90.9 85.9 85.1 106.1 109.9 95.2
Kinston, (NC) 93.8 102.5 76.1 108.8 96.7 102.9 99.3
Knoxville, (TN) 89.4 91.4 82.0 95.1 84.2 88.4 95.1
Kodiak, AK 128.7 149.4 127.8 131.9 143.4 130.7 115.4
Lafayette, (IN) 98.2 95.6 82.4 116.5 106.2 116.3 102.7
Lafayette, (LA) 99.2 93.5 110.1 81.2 104.0 88.8 97.3
Lake, Charles, (LA) 97.4 99.8 103.4 89.5 97.1 84.4 95.4
Lake, Havasu, City, AZ 111.8 107.0 139.3 95.9 93.5 98.0 101.7
Lancaster, (PA) 106.8 101.3 118.4 111.0 99.7 95.1 100.9
Laramie, (WY) 97.0 105.1 102.3 90.5 91.6 97.5 92.7
Las, Cruces, (NM) 100.6 103.7 104.4 93.7 99.0 96.5 99.1
Las, Vegas, NV 101.9 106.8 94.1 97.7 104.9 109.0 106.2
Lawrence, KS 94.6 89.1 96.0 91.9 96.2 97.5 95.6
Lawton, OK 93.8 96.3 87.0 87.5 106.9 96.2 96.6
Lexington, (KY) 92.8 86.9 88.7 93.9 97.6 93.7 97.1
Lexington-Buena, Vista-Rockbridge, (VA) 93.7 92.1 97.8 94.3 91.2 90.7 91.7
Lima, OH 93.1 101.9 69.8 102.5 100.7 107.7 103.2
Little, Rock-North, Little, Rock, AR 96.5 92.9 92.2 104.1 94.0 93.5 100.4
Logan, (UT) 95.6 104.7 68.4 85.3 113.6 97.2 113.7
Los, Alamos, (NM) 109.7 97.1 128.1 91.2 110.7 102.6 104.7
Los, Angeles-Long, Beach, CA 136.4 106.0 207.1 101.7 113.6 109.1 107.0
Louisville, KY 87.7 81.6 78.7 99.1 96.9 87.2 91.9
Loveland, CO 91.0 102.7 79.3 89.6 91.4 100.3 95.7
Lubbock, (TX) 89.1 90.0 80.4 74.8 97.6 98.3 97.1
Lufkin, TX 92.4 87.8 83.4 98.7 94.0 105.5 98.3
Lynchburg, (VA) 95.1 90.7 92.7 109.7 88.8 100.1 95.8
Manchester, NH 116.8 102.3 117.0 124.5 100.1 116.1 125.0
Manhattan, (KS) 95.0 92.5 98.7 86.9 99.0 91.6 94.4
Mankato, (MN) 93.0 93.8 76.5 113.5 103.1 104.3 96.4
Marietta, GA 94.8 96.8 84.7 90.3 97.1 107.9 101.9
Marion-McDowell, County, (NC) 92.1 103.1 87.9 94.0 89.5 96.3 90.9
Marshfield, WI 94.2 95.3 92.2 99.9 96.8 103.6 91.7
Martinsburg-Berkeley, County, WV 89.6 91.5 82.7 85.9 103.9 99.9 90.6
Martinsville-Henry, County, VA 87.1 94.0 77.6 89.1 82.9 87.6 93.2
Mason, City, (IA) 89.1 89.4 73.1 105.6 99.5 94.8 94.2
McAllen, (TX) 85.0 79.8 77.6 103.1 92.4 97.9 84.3
Memphis, (TN) 88.2 92.7 76.2 86.9 91.5 98.6 95.2
Miami-Dade, County, FL 106.0 110.9 107.7 91.9 108.8 105.7 106.2
Middlesex-Monmouth, NJ 124.8 108.9 154.1 128.6 103.9 108.9 112.2
Midland, (TX) 93.2 89.7 89.2 93.4 95.7 98.7 96.6
Milwaukee-Waukesha, WI 101.9 98.1 112.7 98.6 99.2 108.1 94.8
Minneapolis, (MN) 111.0 111.6 116.8 104.7 103.7 105.4 110.4
Minot, (ND) 99.9 99.3 95.9 73.5 98.2 91.0 113.6
Missoula, MT 99.4 110.2 92.2 98.3 102.2 107.2 100.1
Mobile, AL 92.7 102.7 80.4 104.4 93.0 86.5 96.7
Monroe, LA 92.7 95.8 83.0 89.1 97.5 96.0 99.3
Montgomery, AL 99.2 102.9 96.0 108.4 99.6 88.0 99.1
Morgantown, WV 100.6 93.9 111.9 89.9 100.7 96.1 97.1
Morristown, TN 90.9 91.6 81.5 80.5 93.9 90.1 101.4
Muncie, IN 91.0 91.0 80.3 98.5 94.5 87.4 97.6
Murfreesboro-Smyrna, (TN) 88.2 94.3 76.2 81.0 92.7 95.8 96.2
Muskogee, OK 86.0 98.0 68.3 97.5 80.8 96.7 93.5
Myrtle, Beach, (SC) 95.2 105.7 78.4 104.5 94.7 100.4 102.4
Nacogdoches, (TX) 92.5 91.0 83.3 97.7 93.8 102.6 98.0
Nashville-Franklin, TN 88.9 91.7 71.3 82.6 92.5 87.3 104.5
Nassau, County, NY 145.7 123.0 206.7 140.7 113.1 119.7 115.3
New, Haven, CT 122.1 117.9 134.9 123.5 106.3 112.7 117.9
New, York, (Brooklyn), (NY) 181.7 130.6 317.8 165.0 103.0 111.5 119.5
New, York, (Manhattan), NY 216.7 154.3 386.7 169.6 120.3 130.2 145.7
New, York, (Queens), (NY) 159.0 128.3 230.8 172.0 108.8 118.0 123.9
Newark-Elizabeth, NJ 129.7 111.6 168.5 129.2 103.9 103.1 113.9
Norman, OK 94.4 95.3 88.7 91.6 104.0 96.6 96.8
Oakland, (CA) 139.1 116.8 198.8 94.7 113.6 119.9 119.0
Odessa, TX 90.9 91.2 88.1 88.8 93.6 96.6 92.4
Oklahoma, City, OK 91.7 92.9 86.0 88.1 92.6 99.4 96.2
Olympia, (WA) 104.1 107.4 102.2 82.1 114.9 120.5 106.0
Omaha, (NE) 88.3 92.0 79.3 89.9 100.0 96.8 89.7
Orange, County, CA 146.4 104.5 242.8 103.2 114.6 111.6 105.2
Orlando, (FL) 97.8 97.8 85.4 108.5 101.8 95.5 104.5
Paducah, (KY) 87.3 94.8 75.8 96.5 86.6 90.3 91.3
Palm, Springs, (CA) 121.8 111.5 154.2 112.7 110.2 100.8 106.1
Panama, City, FL 99.4 93.7 101.5 99.7 108.8 94.5 97.6
Paris, (TX) 88.9 93.6 80.0 87.4 94.1 94.0 93.0
Pascagoula, MS 92.3 101.0 84.3 91.4 97.4 91.6 94.6
Peoria, IL 96.3 93.4 95.0 97.2 101.4 95.8 96.8
Philadelphia, PA 126.5 124.9 141.3 135.9 105.8 108.2 119.6
Phoenix, (AZ) 100.7 108.1 90.4 96.6 108.9 108.8 104.6
Pittsburgh, PA 91.5 104.1 74.4 97.0 105.9 90.1 95.8
Pittsfield, MA 110.6 115.0 96.2 161.9 98.9 105.0 110.0
Plano, (TX) 97.4 101.3 85.2 103.9 101.8 102.9 102.6
Plattsburgh, (NY) 100.1 98.9 95.1 119.4 105.5 113.0 95.9
Ponca, City, (OK) 90.0 94.8 76.6 93.0 94.4 94.4 97.0
Portland, ME 116.5 101.8 143.0 102.9 111.8 109.7 105.5
Portland, OR 111.3 105.8 130.8 87.1 105.8 113.6 105.1
Prescott-Prescott, Valley, (AZ) 103.7 95.2 118.1 91.8 100.3 97.8 99.7
Providence, RI 123.3 113.4 129.0 129.0 102.5 113.2 128.1
Pryor, Creek, OK 84.5 95.0 71.5 82.7 86.6 86.0 91.5
Pueblo, CO 85.6 100.5 71.5 80.1 93.8 94.1 90.1
Quincy, IL 95.5 97.4 94.5 95.5 94.2 99.8 95.5
Raleigh, (NC) 98.2 104.2 88.8 105.6 96.7 101.0 101.9
Reno-Sparks, (NV) 101.1 105.4 101.5 91.2 107.3 101.8 100.0
Richmond, IN 90.8 83.3 84.6 106.4 98.4 95.1 91.7
Richmond, VA 104.5 103.6 103.2 113.9 100.8 112.6 103.2
Rio, Rancho, (NM) 95.1 92.0 90.5 88.6 94.7 100.2 101.8
Riverside, City, (CA) 112.5 104.9 136.3 99.9 113.4 104.4 99.1
Roanoke, (VA) 94.1 89.7 92.2 104.1 91.1 97.9 94.8
Rochester, (MN) 99.2 89.6 91.1 104.8 106.3 109.5 105.0
Rochester, (NY) 100.0 94.6 94.2 114.4 108.7 99.7 100.2
Rockford, IL 92.4 92.6 74.7 111.2 105.8 103.3 96.8
Roswell, (NM) 95.9 105.6 82.9 104.3 97.5 101.2 99.9
Round, Rock, (TX) 89.7 81.9 78.0 107.0 87.6 96.6 97.6
Sacramento, CA 116.2 114.7 135.7 109.6 114.4 110.8 102.8
Salina, KS 86.9 86.9 76.0 87.0 94.7 94.9 93.1
Salt, Lake, City, UT 100.6 100.1 108.0 72.5 102.1 98.8 102.9
San, Angelo, (TX) 92.4 89.3 84.0 106.0 97.6 96.7 94.9
San, Antonio, TX 95.7 84.9 95.3 82.8 100.7 99.9 102.2
San, Diego, CA 132.3 105.5 194.4 101.9 113.1 111.5 105.8
San, Francisco, CA 164.0 111.9 281.0 94.5 113.0 117.0 124.3
San, Jose, (CA) 156.1 115.3 260.3 137.2 114.0 119.0 103.6
San, Marcos, (TX) 94.8 88.7 100.1 86.8 90.1 92.6 96.8
Sarasota, FL 101.5 107.7 102.9 97.4 102.5 105.2 98.1
Savannah, GA 93.5 94.7 84.0 94.0 98.4 99.0 99.1
Seattle, (WA) 121.4 115.1 140.3 85.7 118.8 119.9 119.1
Seguin, TX 90.7 90.7 78.5 103.8 95.6 96.9 95.1
Sheboygan, (WI) 101.4 94.3 97.5 117.3 105.9 105.5 100.8
Shreveport-Bossier, City, LA 95.3 95.2 93.5 89.4 93.4 93.1 99.6
Sierra, Vista, (AZ) 97.9 96.5 99.7 97.2 104.0 96.1 95.5
Sioux, Falls, SD 94.1 91.5 86.6 101.6 86.9 102.2 100.6
Slidell-St., Tammany, Parish, LA 97.0 95.1 101.0 82.2 96.2 93.4 99.4
South, Bend, (IN) 91.9 91.3 84.2 92.3 95.4 96.3 97.3
Spokane, (WA) 93.9 92.4 85.7 89.5 109.1 110.0 96.5
Springfield, (IL) 85.8 89.7 70.1 79.8 104.5 106.5 91.7
Springfield, (MO) 88.0 93.2 76.8 83.2 96.8 95.3 93.8
St., Cloud, MN 98.3 101.7 80.7 117.2 99.9 102.0 105.8
St., George, (UT) 95.9 99.9 94.2 85.9 100.4 87.8 98.4
St., Joseph, (MO) 92.3 95.4 86.5 93.7 90.1 94.9 96.0
St., Louis, MO-(IL) 90.4 98.4 74.6 92.9 99.0 100.8 96.5
St., Paul, (MN) 110.0 107.0 112.9 106.8 103.4 106.7 112.2
Stamford, CT 146.9 121.8 212.6 121.3 110.0 113.3 122.1
Staunton-Augusta, County, VA 96.2 98.3 93.7 100.0 94.5 98.1 96.6
Stillwater, OK 90.1 95.5 81.2 97.9 88.8 95.7 93.1
Sumter, SC 96.3 103.4 90.2 108.4 97.8 91.3 95.3
Syracuse, NY 101.5 98.6 91.4 118.4 108.3 97.8 104.8
Tacoma, WA 109.5 111.3 116.6 83.1 109.0 115.1 110.2
Tampa, (FL) 92.4 96.3 84.7 93.8 103.3 98.4 93.4
Temple, TX 87.4 83.7 71.8 107.6 97.9 91.2 92.8
Thomasville-Lexington, (NC) 89.2 105.5 77.2 80.7 88.8 109.1 93.5
Topeka, KS 91.8 92.9 84.0 85.8 97.4 93.2 98.1
Troy-Miami, County, OH 95.4 96.4 83.9 123.3 99.2 89.2 96.2
Truckee-Nevada, County, CA 146.9 132.2 208.3 114.3 121.5 112.0 120.5
Tucson, AZ 96.5 97.2 91.9 86.7 104.6 99.2 100.5
Tulsa, (OK) 88.4 91.9 66.5 95.2 99.1 94.6 100.5
Tupelo, MS 88.1 91.1 72.3 110.1 93.8 86.6 92.7
Tuscaloosa, AL 94.6 104.9 80.6 105.9 102.8 90.2 97.4
Twin, Falls, (ID) 91.5 95.5 81.4 97.0 99.2 93.3 94.6
Tyler, (TX) 96.3 92.7 91.5 102.1 100.2 93.1 99.3
Valdosta, GA 94.1 111.8 85.3 89.0 96.7 102.2 94.5
Vancouver, (WA) 94.8 96.9 82.2 91.8 106.1 114.3 100.1
Vero, Beach-Indian, River, (FL) 97.4 109.1 83.5 104.5 97.8 97.7 102.5
Waco, TX 88.9 81.8 88.5 85.3 97.6 90.9 90.5
Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA 140.1 107.9 226.4 97.3 109.3 103.4 103.7
Waterloo-Cedar, Falls, (IA) 91.7 89.5 89.6 88.2 99.4 95.9 92.8
Wausau, WI 96.5 100.0 89.6 98.4 97.5 101.3 99.7
Weatherford, (TX) 91.4 95.9 79.7 107.4 96.2 93.1 93.3
Wichita, Falls, TX 86.5 91.9 84.0 84.4 82.5 94.5 87.4
Wichita, (KS) 91.8 90.5 83.6 89.7 100.6 96.7 97.1
Williamsport-Lycoming, Co, PA 100.7 103.5 96.3 127.7 91.8 92.6 98.9
Wilmington, DE 105.2 108.1 102.0 115.4 98.6 108.7 105.2
Wilmington, NC 98.8 108.0 89.7 108.5 97.6 100.1 100.3
Winchester, VA-(WV) 102.3 104.6 94.5 98.2 96.8 105.0 110.9
Winston-Salem, (NC) 92.4 98.5 82.9 88.5 83.3 99.3 101.5
Wooster, (OH) 92.6 99.5 72.1 123.4 103.0 94.6 95.2
Yakima, WA 95.8 99.8 86.9 86.8 105.5 117.1 99.2
York, County, PA 102.1 98.4 106.0 102.6 97.7 96.8 102.0
Youngstown-Warren, (OH) 90.4 92.6 77.7 110.2 92.4 86.9 94.4
Yuma, AZ 101.2 107.4 96.4 112.2 104.6 107.8 97.6
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