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Created August 29, 2012 16:56
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Private Launch Services Flags
0 2 4 06105 (SMW)
0 2 4 04285 (FFV)
1 0 7 0488e (ML TE)
1 4 3 0488e (L TE)
0 4 1 0408e (SF)
1 0 1 0408e (BT64)
0 4 1 0408e (BT32)
0 0 5 0408e (MQD iOS)
1 4 1 0488e (App Store)
00001000 -- is volume
00002000 -- ?? is executable? super maze wars
00004000 -- ?? every non-executable file I can find?
00008000 -- ??
00010000 -- ??
00020000 -- ??
00040000 -- ??
00080000 -- ??
00100000 -- extension hidden
00200000 -- exports services
00400000 -- unsupported format
00800000 -- ??
01000000 -- ??
02000000 -- ppc (and 68k?)
04000000 -- i386
08000000 -- ??
10000000 -- x86_64
#define kLSItemInfoUnsupportedFormat 0x00400000
#define kLSItemInfoProvidesServices 0x00200000
#define kLSItemInfoIsPPC 0x02000000
#define kLSItemInfoIsI386 0x04000000
#define kLSItemInfoIsX86_64 0x10000000
path: /Applications/Freaky Font Viewer 1.6 X
name: Freaky Font Viewer
identifier: (0x0)
version: 0
mod date: 3/6/2004 13:03:19
reg date: 7/18/2012 11:51:49
type code: 'APPL'
creator code: '????'
sys version: 0
flags: cfm launch-disabled
item flags: [file application native-app prefers-native-cfm] unsupported-format ppc
icon: 128
inode: 2229305
exec inode: 2229305
container id: 32
library items:
path: /Volumes/Mountain Lion/Applications/
name: TextEdit
identifier: (0x80005125)
canonical id: (0x8000511e)
version: 301
mod date: 6/22/2012 20:09:19
reg date: 8/6/2012 20:30:39
type code: 'APPL'
creator code: 'ttxt'
sys version: 10.8
flags: apple-internal display-name relative-icon-path launch-disabled h-capable user-can-change-h-mode
item flags: [container package application extension-hidden native-app scriptable] services unsupported-format x86_64
icon: Contents/Resources/Edit.icns
executable: Contents/MacOS/TextEdit
inode: 5155214
exec inode: 5155220
container id: 104
-minimum-versio 100800
library items:
path: /Applications/
name: TextEdit
identifier: (0x80005125)
canonical id: (0x8000511e)
version: 289.5
mod date: 6/15/2012 18:14:43
reg date: 7/18/2012 11:52:20
type code: 'APPL'
creator code: 'ttxt'
sys version: 10.7
flags: apple-internal display-name relative-icon-path h-capable user-can-change-h-mode
item flags: [container package application extension-hidden native-app scriptable] services i386 x86_64
icon: Contents/Resources/Edit.icns
executable: Contents/MacOS/TextEdit
inode: 63508
exec inode: 7911892
container id: 32
-minimum-versio 100700
library items:
path: /Users/seth/build/Release/Screenflick
name: Screenflick
identifier: com.araeliumgroup.screenflick (0x80007493)
version: 1219
mod date: 7/25/2012 11:43:18
reg date: 7/31/2012 16:54:33
type code: 'APPL'
creator code: '????'
sys version: 10.6
flags: relative-icon-path ui-element h-capable user-can-change-h-mode
item flags: [container package application extension-hidden native-app] i386
icon: Contents/Resources/Screenflick.icns
executable: Contents/MacOS/Screenflick
inode: 8863137
exec inode: 8863255
container id: 32
-minimum-versio 100600
library items:
path: /Users/seth/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/BlahThrow-fywjvzyyvrpdxfgiapatjftbxgni/Build/Products/Debug/
name: BlahThrow
identifier: com.araeliumgroup.BlahThrow (0x8001de1d)
canonical id: com.araeliumgroup.blahthrow (0x80001938)
version: 1
mod date: 8/6/2012 20:50:58
reg date: 8/6/2012 20:56:27
type code: 'APPL'
creator code: '????'
sys version: 10.7
flags: h-capable user-can-change-h-mode
item flags: [container package application extension-hidden native-app] x86_64
executable: Contents/MacOS/BlahThrow
inode: 9330011
exec inode: 9350449
container id: 32
-minimum-versio 100700
library items:
path: /Applications/Games/Super Maze Wars
identifier: (0x0)
version: 1.2
mod date: 5/10/1996 11:40:30
reg date: 7/18/2012 11:51:55
type code: 'APPL'
creator code: 'CMWa'
sys version: 0
flags: cfm launch-disabled
item flags: file application classic-app executable unsupported-format ppc
icon: 128
inode: 1030457
exec inode: 1030457
container id: 32
library items:
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