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Last active November 17, 2019 07:18
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Demonstrates DTO validation for a news feed domain
Demonstrates DTO validation for a news feed domain
// "result.fsx" comes from
#load "result.fsx"
module Domain =
type DocumentId = DocumentId of int
type EmailAddress = EmailAddress of string
type TopicName = TopicName of string
type CategoryBInfo = {
Data : string
/// News Items have a category
type Category =
| A
| B of CategoryBInfo
/// News Items have a topic
type Topic = {
Name: TopicName
Category : Category
/// A NewsItem is a document with
/// some additional metadata
type NewsItem = {
DocumentId : DocumentId
Text: string
Topics: Topic list
/// As part of curating a news item,
/// it can be given a position in the news feed
type CurationPosition = CurationPosition of int
type CurationInfo = {
Position: CurationPosition
IsBreaking : bool
/// A NewsFeedItem is an item
/// that has been given a priority and other
/// attributes for a news feed
type NewsFeedItem = {
NewsItem: NewsItem
CurationInfo : CurationInfo
// ===================================
// The DTO types have a parallel structure
// to the Domain types, but use serializer-friendly types
// e.g. primitive types and arrays.
// ===================================
module Dto =
open System
type DtoError =
| BadDocumentId
| BadTopicArea
| BadCurationPosition
| CategoryTagNotRecognized of string
| UnexpectedNull
| CategoryBDataIsRequired
type TopicNameDto = string
type CategoryBInfoDto = {
Data : string
type CategoryDto = {
Tag: string
// DataForChoiceA: string // nullable
DataForChoiceB: obj // nullable
// DataForChoiceC:
type TopicDto = {
Name: TopicNameDto
Category: CategoryDto
type DocumentIdDto = int
type NewsItemDto = {
DocumentId : DocumentIdDto
Text: string
Topics: TopicDto [] //NOTE use of array rather than list
type CurationPositionDto = int
type CurationInfoDto = {
Position: CurationPositionDto
IsBreaking : bool
type NewsFeedItemDto = {
NewsItem : NewsItemDto
CurationInfo : CurationInfoDto
// ===================================
// Once the DTO types are defined, we
// can then create "conversion" functions
// that map from DTO to domain and back
// It's helpful to put them in a module
// with the same name as the DTO type
// ===================================
let ( <!> ) =
let ( <*> ) = Validation.apply
module CategoryBInfoDto =
let toDomain (dto:CategoryBInfoDto) :Validation<Domain.CategoryBInfo,DtoError> =
if String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dto.Data) then
Error [CategoryBDataIsRequired]
Ok {Domain.CategoryBInfo.Data = dto.Data}
module CategoryDto =
let toDomain (dto:CategoryDto) :Validation<Domain.Category,DtoError> =
match dto.Tag with
| "A" ->
Ok Domain.Category.A
| "B" ->
if dto.DataForChoiceB = null then
Error [UnexpectedNull]
// cast from obj to DTO
// NOTE: this could throw so wrap in an exception handler if you need to
let dataForChoiceB = dto.DataForChoiceB :?> CategoryBInfoDto
// field to domain or error
let practiceAreaOrError = CategoryBInfoDto.toDomain dataForChoiceB
// construct DTO
let practiceArea = Domain.Category.B <!> practiceAreaOrError
| _ ->
Error [CategoryTagNotRecognized dto.Tag]
module DocumentIdDto =
let toDomain (dto:DocumentIdDto) :Validation<Domain.DocumentId,DtoError> =
if dto < 1 then
Error [BadDocumentId]
Ok (Domain.DocumentId dto)
module TopicNameDto =
let toDomain (dto:TopicNameDto) :Validation<Domain.TopicName,DtoError> =
if System.String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dto) then
Error [BadTopicArea]
Ok (Domain.TopicName dto)
module TopicDto =
let toDomain (dto:TopicDto) :Validation<Domain.Topic,DtoError> =
// define a constructor
let ctor name pa :Domain.Topic = {
Name = name
Category = pa
// create the fields as "value or error"
let nameOrError = TopicNameDto.toDomain dto.Name
let practiceAreaOrError = CategoryDto.toDomain dto.Category
// combine them
ctor <!> nameOrError <*> practiceAreaOrError
module NewsItemDto =
let toDomain (dto:NewsItemDto) :Validation<Domain.NewsItem,DtoError> =
// define a constructor
let ctor docId text topics :Domain.NewsItem = {
DocumentId = docId
Text = text
Topics = topics
// create the fields as "value or error"
let docIdOrError = DocumentIdDto.toDomain dto.DocumentId
let textOrError = Ok dto.Text
let topicsOrError =
// convert to F# list
|> List.ofArray
// convert each item
|> (TopicDto.toDomain)
// flip from List<Result<>> to Result<List<>>
|> Result.sequence
// combine them
ctor <!> docIdOrError <*> textOrError <*> topicsOrError
module CurationPositionDto =
let toDomain (dto:CurationPositionDto) :Validation<Domain.CurationPosition,DtoError> =
if dto < 1 then
Error [BadCurationPosition]
Ok (Domain.CurationPosition dto)
module CurationInfoDto =
let toDomain (dto:CurationInfoDto) :Validation<Domain.CurationInfo,DtoError> =
// define a constructor
let ctor p b :Domain.CurationInfo = {
Position = p
IsBreaking = b
let positionOrError = CurationPositionDto.toDomain dto.Position
let isBreakingOrError = dto.IsBreaking |> Ok
// combine them
ctor <!> positionOrError <*> isBreakingOrError
module NewsFeedItemDto =
let toDomain (dto:NewsFeedItemDto) :Validation<Domain.NewsFeedItem,DtoError> =
// define a constructor
let ctor a c :Domain.NewsFeedItem = {
NewsItem = a
CurationInfo = c
// create the fields as "value or error"
let alertableItemOrError = NewsItemDto.toDomain dto.NewsItem
let curationInfoOrError = CurationInfoDto.toDomain dto.CurationInfo
// combine them
ctor <!> alertableItemOrError <*> curationInfoOrError
module Example =
open Dto
let goodNewsItem:Dto.NewsFeedItemDto = {
NewsItem =
DocumentId = 1
Text = ""
Topics =
{Name="TopicA"; Category={Tag="A"; DataForChoiceB= null}}
{Name="TopicB"; Category={Tag="B"; DataForChoiceB= box { CategoryBInfoDto.Data="test"}}}
CurationInfo =
Position = 1
IsBreaking = false
Dto.NewsFeedItemDto.toDomain Example.goodNewsItem
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