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Created November 16, 2015 14:17
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Understanding parser combinators. Related blog post:
Version 1 of the code for a parser library.
Related blog post:
open System
/// Type that represents Success/Failure in parsing
type Result<'a> =
| Success of 'a
| Failure of string
/// Type that wraps a parsing function
type Parser<'T> = Parser of (string -> Result<'T * string>)
/// Parse a single character
let pchar charToMatch =
// define a nested inner function
let innerFn str =
if String.IsNullOrEmpty(str) then
Failure "No more input"
let first = str.[0]
if first = charToMatch then
let remaining = str.[1..]
Success (charToMatch,remaining)
let msg = sprintf "Expecting '%c'. Got '%c'" charToMatch first
Failure msg
// return the "wrapped" inner function
Parser innerFn
/// Run a parser with some input
let run parser input =
// unwrap parser to get inner function
let (Parser innerFn) = parser
// call inner function with input
innerFn input
/// Combine two parsers as "A andThen B"
let andThen parser1 parser2 =
let innerFn input =
// run parser1 with the input
let result1 = run parser1 input
// test the result for Failure/Success
match result1 with
| Failure err ->
// return error from parser1
Failure err
| Success (value1,remaining1) ->
// run parser2 with the remaining input
let result2 = run parser2 remaining1
// test the result for Failure/Success
match result2 with
| Failure err ->
// return error from parser2
Failure err
| Success (value2,remaining2) ->
// combine both values as a pair
let newValue = (value1,value2)
// return remaining input after parser2
Success (newValue,remaining2)
// return the inner function
Parser innerFn
/// Infix version of andThen
let ( .>>. ) = andThen
/// Combine two parsers as "A orElse B"
let orElse parser1 parser2 =
let innerFn input =
// run parser1 with the input
let result1 = run parser1 input
// test the result for Failure/Success
match result1 with
| Success result ->
// if success, return the original result
| Failure err ->
// if failed, run parser2 with the input
let result2 = run parser2 input
// return parser2's result
// return the inner function
Parser innerFn
/// Infix version of orElse
let ( <|> ) = orElse
/// Choose any of a list of parsers
let choice listOfParsers =
List.reduce ( <|> ) listOfParsers
/// Choose any of a list of characters
let anyOf listOfChars =
|> pchar // convert into parsers
|> choice
Demonstrates how to build a parser and associated combinators from scratch.
Related blog post:
// =============================================
// Section 1 - Parse a hard-coded character
// =============================================
module Section1 =
open System
let A_Parser str =
if String.IsNullOrEmpty(str) then
else if str.[0] = 'A' then
let remaining = str.[1..]
// --------- Signature of "A_Parser" ---------
// val A_Parser :
// string -> (bool * string)
// -------------------------------------------
let inputABC = "ABC"
A_Parser inputABC // (true, "BC")
let inputZBC = "ZBC"
A_Parser inputZBC // (false, "ZBC")
// =============================================
// Section 2 - Match a specified character
// =============================================
module Section2 =
open System
// parse a single character
let pchar (charToMatch,str) =
if String.IsNullOrEmpty(str) then
let msg = "No more input"
let first = str.[0]
if first = charToMatch then
let remaining = str.[1..]
let msg = sprintf "Found %c" charToMatch
let msg = sprintf "Expecting '%c'. Got '%c'" charToMatch first
// --------- Signature of "pchar" ---------
// val pchar :
// (char * string) -> (string * string)
// ---------------------------------------------
// ---------
// test
// ---------
let inputABC = "ABC"
pchar('A',inputABC) // ("Found A", "BC")
let inputZBC = "ZBC"
pchar('A',inputZBC) // ("Expecting 'A'. Got 'Z'", "ZBC")
pchar('Z',inputZBC) // ("Found Z", "BC")
// =============================================
// Section 3 - Return a Success/Failure
// =============================================
module Section3 =
open System
// Result type
type Result<'a> =
| Success of 'a
| Failure of string
// parse a single character
let pchar (charToMatch,str) =
if String.IsNullOrEmpty(str) then
Failure "No more input"
let first = str.[0]
if first = charToMatch then
let remaining = str.[1..]
Success (charToMatch,remaining)
let msg = sprintf "Expecting '%c'. Got '%c'" charToMatch first
Failure msg
// --------- Signature of "pchar" ---------
// pchar :
// (char * string) -> Result<char * string>
// ---------------------------------------------
// ---------
// test "pchar"
// ---------
let inputABC = "ABC"
pchar('A',inputABC) // Success ('A', "BC")
let inputZBC = "ZBC"
pchar('A',inputZBC) // Failure "Expecting 'A'. Got 'Z'"
pchar('Z',inputZBC) // Success ('Z', "BC")
// =============================================
// currying examples
// =============================================
module CurryingExamples =
let add x y =
x + y
let add x =
fun y -> x + y // return a lambda
let add x =
let innerFn y = x + y
innerFn // return innerFn
let add3 x y z =
x + y + z
let add3 x =
fun y ->
(fun z -> x + y + z)
// =============================================
// Section 4 - Use currying
// =============================================
module Section4a =
open System
// Result type
type Result<'a> =
| Success of 'a
| Failure of string
// parse a single character
let pchar charToMatch str =
if String.IsNullOrEmpty(str) then
Failure "No more input"
let first = str.[0]
if first = charToMatch then
let remaining = str.[1..]
Success (charToMatch,remaining)
let msg = sprintf "Expecting '%c'. Got '%c'" charToMatch first
Failure msg
// --------- Signature of "pchar" ---------
// pchar :
// char -> string -> Result<char * string>
// ---------------------------------------------
let parseA = pchar 'A'
// --------- Signature of "parseA" ---------
// parseA :
// string -> Result<char * string>
// ---------------------------------------------
// ---------
// test "parseA"
// ---------
let inputABC = "ABC"
let inputZBC = "ZBC"
parseA inputABC // Success ('A', "BC")
parseA inputZBC // Failure "Expecting 'A'. Got 'Z'"
let parseZ = pchar 'Z'
parseZ inputZBC // Success ('Z', "BC")
module Section4b =
open System
// Result type
type Result<'a> =
| Success of 'a
| Failure of string
// parse a single character
// same as Section4a, but with explicit inner function
let pchar charToMatch =
// define a nested inner function
let innerFn str =
if String.IsNullOrEmpty(str) then
Failure "No more input"
let first = str.[0]
if first = charToMatch then
let remaining = str.[1..]
Success (charToMatch,remaining)
let msg = sprintf "Expecting '%c'. Got '%c'" charToMatch first
Failure msg
// return the inner function
// --------- Signature of "pchar" ---------
// SAME signature as version 4a!
// pchar :
// char -> string -> Result<char * string>
// ---------------------------------------------
let parseA = pchar 'A'
// --------- Signature of "parseA" ---------
// SAME signature as version 4a!
// parseA :
// string -> Result<char * string>
// ---------------------------------------------
// ---------
// test "parseA"
// ---------
let inputABC = "ABC"
parseA inputABC // Success ('A', "BC")
let inputZBC = "ZBC"
parseA inputZBC // Failure "Expecting 'A'. Got 'Z'"
let parseZ = pchar 'Z'
parseZ inputZBC // Success ('Z', "BC")
// =============================================
// Section 5 - Create a type to wrap the parser function
// =============================================
module Section5 =
open System
/// Type that represents Success/Failure in parsing
type Result<'a> =
| Success of 'a
| Failure of string
/// Type that wraps a parsing function
type Parser<'T> = Parser of (string -> Result<'T * string>)
/// Parse a single character
let pchar charToMatch =
// define a nested inner function
let innerFn str =
if String.IsNullOrEmpty(str) then
Failure "No more input"
let first = str.[0]
if first = charToMatch then
let remaining = str.[1..]
Success (charToMatch,remaining)
let msg = sprintf "Expecting '%c'. Got '%c'" charToMatch first
Failure msg
// return the "wrapped" inner function
Parser innerFn
// --------- Signature of "parseA" ---------
// pchar :
// char -> Parser<char>
// -----------------------------------------
// --------- Signature of "parseA" ---------
// parseA :
// Parser<char>
// ---------------------------------------------
let inputABC = "ABC"
let parseA = pchar 'A'
parseA inputABC // compiler error
// error FS0003: This value is not a function and cannot be applied
// so we need to create a helper function
// ============================
// Introducing "run"
// ============================
/// Run a parser with some input
let run parser input =
// unwrap parser to get inner function
let (Parser innerFn) = parser
// call inner function with input
innerFn input
// --------- Signature of "run" ---------
// run :
// parser:Parser<'a> -> input:string -> Result<'a * string>
// --------------------------------------
// ---------
// test "run"
// ---------
module Test_Run =
let parseA = pchar 'A'
let inputABC = "ABC"
run parseA inputABC // Success ('A', "BC")
let inputZBC = "ZBC"
run parseA inputZBC // Failure "Expecting 'A'. Got 'Z'"
// =============================================
// Section 6 - Combining two parsers in sequence: the "and then" combinator
// =============================================
// given two parsers...
let parseA = pchar 'A' // Parser<char>
let parseB = pchar 'B'
// to compose the two functions?
let parseAThenB = parseA >> parseB // compiler error
// ============================
// Implementing "andThen"
// ============================
/// Combine two parsers as "A andThen B"
let andThen parser1 parser2 =
let innerFn input =
// run parser1 with the input
let result1 = run parser1 input
// test the result for Failure/Success
match result1 with
| Failure err ->
// return error from parser1
Failure err
| Success (value1,remaining1) ->
// run parser2 with the remaining input
let result2 = run parser2 remaining1
// test the result for Failure/Success
match result2 with
| Failure err ->
// return error from parser2
Failure err
| Success (value2,remaining2) ->
// combine both values as a pair
let newValue = (value1,value2)
// return remaining input after parser2
Success (newValue,remaining2)
// return the inner function
Parser innerFn
/// Infix version of andThen
let ( .>>. ) = andThen
// --------- Signature of "andThen" ---------
// val andThen :
// parser1:Parser<'a> -> parser2:Parser<'b> -> Parser<'a * 'b>
// ------------------------------------------
// ---------
// test .>>.
// ---------
module Test_AndThen =
let parseA = pchar 'A' // Parser<char>
let parseB = pchar 'B'
let parseAThenB = parseA .>>. parseB
run parseAThenB "ABC" // Success (('A', 'B'), "C")
run parseAThenB "ZBC" // Failure "Expecting 'A'. Got 'Z'"
run parseAThenB "AZC" // Failure "Expecting 'B'. Got 'Z'"
// =============================================
// Section 7 - Choosing between two parsers: the "or else" combinator
// =============================================
// ============================
// Implementing "orElse"
// ============================
/// Combine two parsers as "A orElse B"
let orElse parser1 parser2 =
let innerFn input =
// run parser1 with the input
let result1 = run parser1 input
// test the result for Failure/Success
match result1 with
| Success result ->
// if success, return the original result
| Failure err ->
// if failed, run parser2 with the input
let result2 = run parser2 input
// return parser2's result
// return the inner function
Parser innerFn
/// Infix version of orElse
let ( <|> ) = orElse
// --------- Signature of "orElse" ---------
// val orElse :
// parser1:Parser<'a> -> parser2:Parser<'a> -> Parser<'a>
// ------------------------------------------
// ---------
// test <|>
// ---------
module Test_OrElse =
let parseA = pchar 'A'
let parseB = pchar 'B'
let parseAOrElseB = parseA <|> parseB
run parseAOrElseB "AZZ" // Success ('A', "ZZ")
run parseAOrElseB "BZZ" // Success ('B', "ZZ")
run parseAOrElseB "CZZ" // Failure "Expecting 'B'. Got 'C'"
// ---------
// combining "AndThen" and "OrElse"
// ---------
let parseC = pchar 'C'
let bOrElseC = parseB <|> parseC
let aAndThenBorC = parseA .>>. bOrElseC
run aAndThenBorC "ABZ" // Success (('A', 'B'), "Z")
run aAndThenBorC "ACZ" // Success (('A', 'C'), "Z")
run aAndThenBorC "QBZ" // Failure "Expecting 'A'. Got 'Q'"
run aAndThenBorC "AQZ" // Failure "Expecting 'C'. Got 'Q'"
// =============================================
// Section 8 - Choosing from a list of parsers: "choice" and "anyOf"
// =============================================
// ============================
// Introducing "choice"
// ============================
/// Choose any of a list of parsers
let choice listOfParsers =
List.reduce ( <|> ) listOfParsers
// --------- Signature of "choice" ---------
// val choice :
// listOfParsers:Parser<'a> list -> Parser<'a>
// ------------------------------------------
// ---------
// test "choice"
// ---------
module Test_Choice =
let digitChars = ['0'..'9']
// map each char to a Parser using pchar
let digitParsers = pchar digitChars
// Parser<char> list
// combine all parsers using choice
let parseDigit = choice digitParsers
// Parser<char>
run parseDigit "1ZZ" // Success ('1', "ZZ")
run parseDigit "2ZZ" // Success ('2', "ZZ")
run parseDigit "9ZZ" // Success ('9', "ZZ")
run parseDigit "AZZ" // Failure "Expecting '9'. Got 'A'"
// ============================
// Introducing "anyOf"
// ============================
/// Choose any of a list of characters
let anyOf listOfChars =
|> pchar // convert into parsers
|> choice
// --------- Signature of "anyOf" ---------
// val anyOf :
// listOfChars:char list -> Parser<char>
// ------------------------------------------
// ---------
// test "anyOf"
// ---------
module Test_AnyOf =
let parseLowercase =
anyOf ['a'..'z']
let parseDigit =
anyOf ['0'..'9']
run parseLowercase "aBC" // Success ('a', "BC")
run parseLowercase "ABC" // Failure "Expecting 'z'. Got 'A'"
run parseDigit "1ABC" // Success ("1", "ABC")
run parseDigit "9ABC" // Success ("9", "ABC")
run parseDigit "|ABC" // Failure "Expecting '9'. Got '|'"
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