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Created August 9, 2013 21:58
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Response from pinterest when I hit in a shell
<h1>We\'ve detected a bot!</h1>\n
<p>Sorry, but it looks like you or someone on the same network as you may be running a computer program that\'s scraping, crawling or attacking Pinterest.</p>\n
<p>If you\'re not running a bot, we\'re sorry for the trouble! Occasionally our system makes mistakes. Please <a class="link" href="//">get in touch</a> and we\'ll help you figure out what\'s going on.</p>\n <p>If you are running a bot, please also <a class="link" href="//">get in touch</a> so we can figure out what you need, and what to do next.</p>\n
<p>Please include your IP address: <b></b> when you get in touch, so we can help you quickly.</p>\n <p>Thanks for cooperating.</p>\n
<a class="link" href="//">Learn More</a>\n </div>\n</body>\n</html>\n'
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