P2P VPNs allow you to connect two or more hosts together and do some stuff like play games or test out services just like you were on one real physical local network (LAN). Even when you are on different continents.
- https://www.freelan.org/
- https://haguichi.net/ (Hamachi free GUI client)
- https://www.tinc-vpn.org/download/
- https://edgevpn.io/about/
- https://github.com/ntop/n2n
- https://github.com/switch-iot/hin2n
- https://github.com/gyf304/lpvpn (On top of discord)
- https://github.com/slackhq/nebula (Overlay networking by Slack)
- https://github.com/virtualsquare/vde-2
- https://cloud.nwrk.biz/d/414f6038ee/?p=/Wippien&mode=list
May I propose adding the following:
https://netrinos.com/ (a zero-config wrapper for WireGuard)