I've got some games stopped working on ArchLinux (Garuda) via Steam -> Vulkan/Proton -> DXVK It was hard to debug but finally I did it
Originally I tried to reinstall steam, game, proton, try different versions etc but nothing helped
At some point I found out that game launches with PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
argument in steam game properties
However, the performance of the game was really bad and textures was kinda wrong and too dark
So I found out the problem: Nvidia does not like amd vulkan files to be installed.
I don't know how they got into my laptop, here's how I found it:
Run vulkaninfo
(vulkan-tools package) in CLI
If it errors out with something like ERROR vulkaninfo.h:689:vkCreateInstance failed with ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY
it probaly means that you got amd vulkan installed
Remove AMD files: pacman -Rs amdvlk lib32-amdvlk
Reference https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=262694
Now run the game again and it should work OK
If it does not, try update system packages and reinstall nvidia driver, or game files, fetch recent proton (6.21-ge) etc.