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Syd Lawrence sydlawrence

View GitHub Profile
"message": {
"text": "For those who prefer to forgo the hustle and bustle of growing a seedling in the dirt, we offer the option of nurturing a sophisticated virtual cucumber.",
"quick_replies": [
"content_type": "text",
"title": "Adopt your cucumber",
"payload": "@BP:MESSAGE:2168"
"data": [{
"_id": "56f16a940b809d59f763959e",
"attribution": null,
"tags": [
sydlawrence / slack-secret-santa.js
Last active November 24, 2015 14:46
secret santa generator and post to slack, disclaimer: rushed together, did what we needed...
var Slack = require('node-slack'),
webhookUri = '{WEBHOOKURI}';
var slack = new Slack(webhookUri);
var users = [
sydlawrence / musicviz.pde
Created October 3, 2014 15:30
Simple music viz
//import Minim library
import ddf.minim.*;
//for displaying the sound's frequency
import ddf.minim.analysis.*;
Minim minim;
//to make it play song files
AudioPlayer song;
"requireCapitalizedConstructors": true,
"requireMultipleVarDecl": true,
"disallowEmptyBlocks": true,
"disallowSpaceAfterObjectKeys": true,
"requireCommaBeforeLineBreak": true,
"requireParenthesesAroundIIFE": true,
"disallowKeywords": [
sydlawrence / .gitignore
Created June 18, 2014 16:19
# Mac OSX Specific
# ----------------
# Windows Specific
# ----------------
sydlawrence / app.js
Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
The basic launchpad node app
var midiConnector = require('midi-launchpad').connect(midiport);
// wait for the connector to be ready
midiConnector.on("ready",function(launchpad) {
launchpad.on("press", function(button){
launchpad.on("release", function(button) {
sydlawrence / under-pressure-cheats.js
Last active December 24, 2015 14:19
Javascript under pressure cheats...
// Paste these in chunks into the developer console. BEFORE you press "Start game"
editor.setValue("function doubleInteger(i) { return i*2; }");
// wait for the previous tests to run and succeed, then paste the next
editor.setValue("function isNumberEven(i) { return !(i%2); }");
* (c) 2011 Dominik Schmidt <[email protected]>
var DummyResolver = Tomahawk.extend(TomahawkResolver,
name: 'Dummy Resolver',
weight: 75,
sydlawrence / twilioSoundcloud.php
Last active December 23, 2015 23:09
upload twilio recording to soundcloud
// download the recording to the local machine
file_put_contents("recording.wav", file_get_contents($_POST['RecordingUrl']));
// setup the track info to send to soundcloud
$track = array(
'track[asset_data]' => '@recording.wav' // adding @ adds the contents to $_FILES
// upload the sound using the soundcloud php sdk