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Last active December 10, 2018 12:07
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Functional Programming and Domain Modelling
import scala.util.Try
println("Hello World")
//Functions as first class citizen
def someFunction = {a: Int=> a + 10}
val zz = someFunction
//val a = 10
//a= a + 20
def squareFun = { x: Int => x * x }
val x = squareFun
def sumFunction(f: Int => Int, a: Int, b: Int): Int = {
(a to b).map(f).sum
sumFunction(squareFun, 1, 10)
def sumFunctionCurried(f: Int => Int)(a: Int, b: Int): Int = {
(a to b).map(f).sum
val sumSquaredFunction = sumFunctionCurried(squareFun)_
val int = sumSquaredFunction(1,10)
//Even Higher
def combineFunction(combineOp: (Int,Int)=>Int,initialValue: Int)(f: Int=>Int)(a: Int, b: Int) = {
var result = initialValue // Oh noes?!
for(number<- a to b) {
result = combineOp(f(number),result)
def add = {(a: Int,b: Int)=> a + b}
def multiply = {(a: Int,b: Int)=> a*b}
def newSumFunction = combineFunction(add,0)_
def cubes= {x: Int => x * x * x}
def prodFunction = combineFunction(multiply,1)_
//val reserveProducts, blockPayment, isProductAvailable,hasReceivedPayment = { _: Any => true }
//trait Product {}
//case class Order(items: List[Product])
//case class Gadget(name: String) extends Product
//case class HouseHoldItem(name: String) extends Product
//trait PaymentType
//case class CashPayment(amount: Int) extends PaymentType
//case class CardPayment(amount: Int) extends PaymentType
//case class OrderSummary(products: List[Product], paymentType: PaymentType)
////def processPurchase: List[Product] => PaymentType => Try[OrderSummary] = ???
//val orderSummary = processPurchase(List(Gadget("Mobile")))(CashPayment(500))
//def processPurchase: List[Product] => PaymentType => Try[OrderSummary] = {
// products => {
// paymentType => {
// Try {
// require(isProductAvailable(products))
// reserveProducts(products)
// blockPayment(paymentType)
// hasReceivedPayment(paymentType)
// OrderSummary(products, paymentType)
// }
// }
// }
////Higher Order
//def combineFunction(combineOp: (Int,Int)=>Int,startValue: Int)(f: Int=>Int)(a: Int, b: Int) = {
// var result = startValue // Oh noes?!
// for(number<- a to b) {
// result = combineOp(f(number),result)
// }
// result
//def add = {(a: Int,b: Int)=> a + b}
//def multiply = {(a: Int,b: Int)=> a*b}
//def newSumFunction = combineFunction(add,0)_
//def prodFunction = combineFunction(multiply,1)_
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