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Created July 9, 2010 14:48
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(* $Id: 1062 2006-12-17 20:17:36Z gerd $ *)
open Unix
exception FCGI_error of string * exn
(* tuning paramaters *)
let bufsize = 100;;
(* maximum stdout/stderr record size *)
let max_rec_size = 65535
(* protocol defines *)
let fcgi_begin_request = 1;;
let fcgi_abort_request = 2;;
let fcgi_end_request = 3;;
let fcgi_params = 4;;
let fcgi_stdin = 5;;
let fcgi_stdout = 6;;
let fcgi_stderr = 7;;
let fcgi_data = 8;;
let fcgi_get_values = 9;;
let fcgi_get_values_result = 10;;
let fcgi_unknown_type = 11;;
let fcgi_maxtype = fcgi_unknown_type;;
let fcgi_null_request_id = 0;;
let fcgi_keep_conn = 1;;
let fcgi_responder = 1;;
let fcgi_authorizer = 2;;
let fcgi_filter = 3;;
(* pstatus - Protocol status. *)
let fcgi_request_complete = 0;;
let fcgi_cant_mpx_conn = 1;;
let fcgi_overloaded = 2;;
let fcgi_unknown_role = 3;;
(* protocal header *)
type fcgiHeader = {version: int; rtype: int; requestid: int; contentlen: int; padlen: int}
(* begin request *)
type fcgiBeginRequestBody = {role: int; flags: int}
(* end request *)
type fcgiEndRequestBody = {astatus: int; pstatus: int}
(* fcgi params will return an asociation list *)
(* fcgi stdin will return a string *)
(* a full request record for the responder roll *)
type fcgiRequest =
id: int;
app_type: int; (* Role *)
params: (string * string) list;
stdin: string;
data: string;
con: Unix.file_descr
(* debug print header *)
let print_header hd =
print_string "ver:";print_int hd.version;print_endline "";
print_string "typ:";print_int hd.rtype;print_endline "";
print_string "id:";print_int hd.requestid;print_endline "";
print_string "clen:";print_int hd.contentlen;print_endline "";
print_string "plen:";print_int hd.padlen;print_endline ""
let print_packet (hd, data) =
print_header hd; print_endline data
let request_to_string rq =
let params_to_string prms =
let param_to_string x = fst x ^ ": " ^ snd x ^ ";\n" in
Misc.str_list "" param_to_string prms in
" * requestid: " ^ string_of_int ^ "\n"
^ " * role: " ^ string_of_int rq.app_type ^ "\n"
^ " * params: [\n" ^ params_to_string rq.params ^ "]"
^ " * stdin" ^ rq.stdin ^ "\n"
^ " * data" ^ ^ "\n"
let print_request rq = print_endline (request_to_string rq)
general encodeing, and decodeing functions
let byte_from_int1 i = (* one byte integer encoding *)
if i > 255 then failwith "Netcgi_fcgi_10.byte_from_int1: out of range";
let buf = String.create 1 in
String.set buf 0 (Char.chr i); buf
let int_from_byte1 s off = (* one byte integer decoding *)
Char.code (String.get s off)
let byte_from_int2 i = (* two byte integer encoding *)
if i > 65535 then failwith "Netcgi_fcgi_10.byte_from_int2: out of range";
let buf = String.create 2 in
String.set buf 0 (Char.chr (i lsr 8));
String.set buf 1 (Char.chr (i land 255)); buf
let int_from_byte2 s off = (* two byte integer decodeing *)
((int_from_byte1 s off) lsl 8) + int_from_byte1 s (off + 1)
let byte_from_int4 i = (* four byte integer encoding *)
let buf = String.create 4 in
String.set buf 0 (Char.chr (i lsr 24));
String.set buf 1 (Char.chr ((i lsr 16) land 255));
String.set buf 2 (Char.chr ((i lsr 8) land 255));
String.set buf 3 (Char.chr (i land 255)); buf
let int_from_byte4 data off = (* four byte integer decoding *)
let byte0 = (Char.code (String.get data off)) in
let byte1 = (Char.code (String.get data (off + 1))) in
let byte2 = (Char.code (String.get data (off + 2))) in
let byte3 = (Char.code (String.get data (off + 3))) in
((+) ((+) ((+) ((lsl) byte0 24) ((lsl) byte1 16)) ((lsl) byte2 8)) byte3)
fastcgi structure encodeing and decodeing functions
let encode_fcgi_header hdr = (* encoding of fcgi header *)
(byte_from_int1 hdr.version) ^
(byte_from_int1 hdr.rtype) ^
(byte_from_int2 hdr.requestid) ^
(byte_from_int2 hdr.contentlen) ^
(byte_from_int1 hdr.padlen) ^
(String.create 1)
let decode_fcgi_header buf off =
let version = int_from_byte1 buf off in
let rectype = int_from_byte1 buf (off + 1) in
let requestid = int_from_byte2 buf (off + 2) in
let datalen = int_from_byte2 buf (off + 4) in
let padlen = int_from_byte1 buf (off + 6) in
let decode_fcgi_begin_request data off =
{role=int_from_byte2 data off; flags=int_from_byte1 data (off + 2)}
let decode_fcgi_param data off =
let get_data data off nmlen vlen =
((String.sub data off nmlen), (String.sub data (off + nmlen) vlen), (off + nmlen + vlen))
(* check flags for 4 byte encoding, or 1 byte encoding of
the length of the datum. This is silly on modern networks.
All this work to save 3 bytes, but there we have it :P *)
if ((lsr) (Char.code (String.get data off)) 7) = 1 then
(let nmlen = int_from_byte4 data off in
if ((lsr) (Char.code (String.get data (off + 4))) 7) = 1 then
get_data data (off + 8) nmlen ((int_from_byte4 data (off + 4)) land 0x7fffffff)
get_data data (off + 5) nmlen (int_from_byte1 data (off + 4)))
(let nmlen = int_from_byte1 data off in
if ((lsr) (Char.code (String.get data (off + 1))) 7) = 1 then
get_data data (off + 5) nmlen ((int_from_byte4 data (off + 1)) land 0x7fffffff)
get_data data (off + 2) nmlen (int_from_byte1 data (off + 1)))
let encode_fcgi_data data id d_type = (* encode stdout, or stderr data for requestid id *)
let buf = Buffer.create bufsize in
Buffer.add_string buf
(encode_fcgi_header {version=1;
contentlen=(String.length data);
padlen=0 (* might explore padding for perormance *)});
Buffer.add_string buf data;
Buffer.contents buf
let encode_fcgi_end_request req id =
let {astatus=astat; pstatus=pstat} = req in
let buf = Buffer.create bufsize in
Buffer.add_string buf
(encode_fcgi_header {version=1;
Buffer.add_string buf (byte_from_int4 astat);
Buffer.add_string buf (byte_from_int1 pstat);
Buffer.add_string buf (String.create 3);
Buffer.contents buf
functions which read or write fcgi structures
let fcgi_read_header con = (* read the packet header *)
let buf = String.create 8 in
let _read = read con buf 0 8 in
decode_fcgi_header buf 0
with Unix_error (e, f, i) ->
raise (FCGI_error ("fcgi_read_header", Unix_error (e, f, i)))
let fcgi_drop_padding con len =
if len > 0 then
let buf = String.make len 'c' in
let read = read con buf 0 len in
with Unix_error (e, f, i) ->
raise (FCGI_error ("fcgi_drop_padding", Unix_error (e, f, i)))
let fcgi_read_packet con = (* read one full packet *)
let header = fcgi_read_header con in
let buf = String.create header.contentlen in
let _read = read con buf 0 header.contentlen in
let _pad = fcgi_drop_padding con header.padlen in
(header, buf)
with Unix_error (e, f, i) ->
raise (FCGI_error ("fcgi_read_packet", Unix_error (e, f, i)))
let fcgi_read_begin_request con =
let (header, data) = fcgi_read_packet con in
match header with
{rtype=fcgi_begin_request;contentlen=0} -> failwith "Protocal Error"
| {rtype=fcgi_begin_request;requestid=id;contentlen=8} ->
(id, (decode_fcgi_begin_request data 0))
| {rtype=_} -> failwith "Invalid FCGI Structure"
(* each packet contains a param. The last one will have content
length of 0. keep reading params until there are no more *)
let fcgi_read_params con =
let rec fcgi_read_params con params =
let (header, data) = fcgi_read_packet con in
match header with
{rtype=v;contentlen=0} when v = fcgi_params -> params
| {rtype=v} when v = fcgi_params ->
let rec fcgi_parse_block params data header off =
let (n, pv, n_off) = decode_fcgi_param data off in
if n_off < header.contentlen then
fcgi_parse_block ((n, pv) :: params) data header n_off
(n, pv) :: params
fcgi_read_params con (fcgi_parse_block params data header 0)
| {rtype=_} -> failwith "Invalid FCGI Structure"
try fcgi_read_params con []
with Unix_error (e, f, i) ->
raise (FCGI_error ("fcgi_read_params", Unix_error (e, f, i)))
(* each stream packet contains part of the stream data
keep reading them and concatinate them all together until
we see the end of stream packed (one with content length 0)*)
let fcgi_read_stream type_t con =
let rec read_stream type_t con data =
let (header, payload) = fcgi_read_packet con in
match header with
{rtype=t;contentlen=0} when t = type_t ->
Buffer.contents data
| {rtype=t} when t = type_t ->
read_stream type_t con (Buffer.add_string data payload;data)
| {rtype=_} -> failwith "Invalid FCGI Structure"
try read_stream type_t con (Buffer.create bufsize)
with Unix_error (e, f, i) ->
raise (FCGI_error ("fcgi_read_stream", Unix_error (e, f, i)))
let fcgi_read_stdin con =
try fcgi_read_stream fcgi_stdin con
with Unix_error (e, f, i) ->
raise (FCGI_error ("fcgi_read_stdin", Unix_error (e, f, i)))
let fcgi_read_data con =
try fcgi_read_stream fcgi_data con
with Unix_error (e, f, i) ->
raise (FCGI_error ("fcgi_read_data", Unix_error (e, f, i)))
(* read a full responder request *)
let fcgi_read_responder_request con id =
let params = fcgi_read_params con in
let stdin = fcgi_read_stdin con in
(* read full authorizer request (note, this is the same as the responder)*)
let fcgi_read_authorizer_request con id =
let params = fcgi_read_params con in
let stdin = fcgi_read_stdin con in
let fcgi_read_filter_request con id =
let params = fcgi_read_params con in
let stdin = fcgi_read_stdin con in
let data = fcgi_read_data con in
(* read a request *)
let fcgi_read_request con =
let (id, beginreq) = fcgi_read_begin_request con in
match beginreq with
{role=v} when v = fcgi_responder -> fcgi_read_responder_request con id
| {role=v} when v = fcgi_authorizer -> fcgi_read_authorizer_request con id
| {role=v} when v = fcgi_filter -> fcgi_read_filter_request con id
| {role=_} -> failwith "FCGI Role Not Supported"
let fcgi_write_end_request req endreq =
try ignore (write req.con (encode_fcgi_end_request endreq 0 16)
with Unix_error (e, f, i) ->
raise (FCGI_error ("fcgi_write_end_request", Unix_error (e, f, i)))
let fcgi_write_stdout req data =
if String.length data > max_rec_size then
raise (FCGI_error ("fcgi_write_stdout", Failure "maximum record size exceeded"))
(encode_fcgi_data data fcgi_stdout) 0
(8 + (String.length data)))
with Unix_error (e, f, i) ->
raise (FCGI_error ("fcgi_write_stdout", Unix_error (e, f, i)))
let fcgi_write_stderr req data =
if String.length data > max_rec_size then
raise (FCGI_error ("fcgi_write_sterr", Failure "maximum record size exceeded"))
(encode_fcgi_data data fcgi_stderr) 0
(8 + (String.length data)))
with Unix_error (e, f, i) ->
raise (FCGI_error ("fcgi_write_stderr", Unix_error (e, f, i)))
(* accept a conn from fastcgi *)
let fcgi_accept fd =
let (con, addr) = accept fd in
fcgi_read_request con
with exn -> raise (FCGI_error ("fcgi_accept", exn));;
(* for toplevel debugging. In the case of apache mod_fastcgi, use the
FastCGIExternalServer directive, open up the socket in the
toplevel, and you'll be able to talk fastcgi protocol with the web
server inside your toplevel *)
let fcgi_debug_accept fd =
let (con, addr) = accept fd in
fcgi_read_request con
(* destroy a connection when we're done with it *)
let fcgi_destroy req = close req.con
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