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Created May 2, 2016 15:59
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EEG files save in GDF are convert in Matlab format with BioSig. This code convert the .mat files in pickled gzip and FIF files, ready to be used in Python with MNE.
from __future__ import print_function
from import loadmat
from os import listdir
from numpy import nan_to_num
import pickle
import gzip
import sys
import mne
def convert_to_pz(fname):
"""Open and convert EEG mat file to pickled gzip file.
fname : string, name of the mat file, without the .mat
s : ndarray, shape(time samples, channels)
The EEG signal
print ("Loading"+fname+".mat file: ")
o = loadmat(fname+'.mat', struct_as_record=True)
print ('Done')
s = nan_to_num(o['s'])
sample_rate = o['SampleRate']
channels_name = o['label']
print ('Writing '+fname+'.pz file: ')
with'_raw.pz', 'wb') as f:
p = {'raw_signal': s, 'sample_rate': sample_rate,
'channels_name': channels_name}
pickle.dump(p, f)
print ('done')
return s
def convert_to_fif(fname, s, id):
"""Convert a signal and save it under fname.fif
fname : string, name of the mat file, without the .mat
s : ndarray, shape(time samples, channels)
The EEG signal
id : int, subject identifier
print ('Warning: the channels name are harcoded, change if needed!')
channel_names = ['Oz', 'C1', 'Pz', 'C2', 'P2', 'EOG1', 'P4', 'Cz']
channel_types = 5 * ['eeg'] + ['eog'] + 2*['eeg']
sfreq = 256
montage = 'standard_1020'
info = mne.create_info(channel_names, sfreq, channel_types, montage)
raw =, info)['description'] = 'Tests for Ellis car'['experimenter'] = 'Julian Devaux Cindric et Babacar Diankha'['subject_info'] = {'id':id, 'his_id':'S'+str(id)}['line_freq'] = 50.['custom_ref_applied'] = True
print ('Writing '+fname+'.fif file: ', end='')'.fif', overwrite=True)
print ('done')
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print ('Usage: ' + sys.argv[0] + ' filename')
fname = sys.argv[1]
s = convert_to_pz(fname)
convert_to_fif(fname, s, 2)
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