This simple script converts all audio files in a provided directory into MakeNoise Morphagene compatible files (48KHz, floating-point, 32-bit, stereo WAV). It auotmatically names the files in the proper format too.
You must be comfortable with the comand-line, and have sox installed.
Copy this script to somewhere in your PATH, and make it executable (chmod +x mg-convert
ls /some/direcotry/of/sounds
├── foo.wav
├── bar.wav
└── baz.wav
mg-convert /some/directory/of/sounds
will produce:
├── foo.wav
├── bar.wav
├── baz.wav
└── converted
├── mg1.wav
├── mg2.wav
└── mg3.wav
Everything in the converted
subdirectory will be in Morphagene compatible format. All original input files are preserved. Subsequent runs will override anything in the converted
I've only tried this with a handful of input file formats, but in theory should work with any file format sox can process.
Use at your own risk, I'm not able to provide support for this.
@capital-G Thanks so much. That really helps!