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Last active June 10, 2016 05:06
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easily email an attachment without reading from disk
package main
import (
func main() {
gun := mailgun.NewMailgun("valid-mailgun-domain", "private-mailgun-key", "public-mailgun-key")
// Create a new io.ReadCloser that reads an in-memory byte array buffer.
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
buf.Write([]byte("these are the file contents"))
rc := ioutil.NopCloser(buf)
m := mailgun.NewMessage("[email protected]", "Subject", "message body", "[email protected]")
m.AddReaderAttachment("my-file.txt", rc)
response, id, _ := gun.Send(m)
fmt.Printf("Response ID: %s\n", id)
fmt.Printf("Message from server: %s\n", response)
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