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Configure Mutt to work with Gmail + GPG on MacOS X and Linux

Mutt (or NeoMutt) with Gmail and GPG, Mutiple Accounts

This note describes how to set up the Mutt or NeoMutt email client to work for Gmail and GnuPG, for two Gmail accounts. The method can be trivially extended to more than two accounts. The configuration should work for both macOS and Linux.

Software versions

The software versions used in this note are:

  • macOS Catalina (version 10.15.4)
  • Mutt 1.13.5 (installed with brew install mutt) or NeoMutt 20200320 (installed with brew install neomutt)
  • gpg (GnuPG) 2.2.20, libcrypt 1.8.5 (installed with brew install gnupg), with a pinentry program properly installed and configured

In the rest of the document, we will use Mutt as an example. The configurations for Mutt and NeoMutt are identical.

Configure Gmail for each account

Sign in with the Google/Gmail account, and follow the instructions provided in Google support page Sign in using App Passwords to obtain an app password dedicated for Mutt). You will need to first enable "2-step authentication" for your Google account if it has not been done. Select the app and devices as "Mail" and "Mac", respectively. Write down the generated app password for Mutt configuration later.

Configure Mutt

  1. Create directory .mutt in your home directory, and the following files in ~/.mutt/:

    ├── common.rc
    ├── mailcap
    ├── muttrc
    ├── username1.rc
    └── username2.rc
  2. GPG encrypt the account's app password setting, and save the encrypted text in file ~/.mutt/<username>.app-password.gpg, where <username> is the Gmail username for the account (username1 or username2 in this demo), as follows

    gpg --recipient <username> --encrypt --armor > <username>.app-password.gpg

    In console window, manually enter the following information (^D is the key combination Ctrl-d)

    set imap_pass = <app password for username>
    set smtp_pass = <app password for username>
  3. Configure Mutt's main configuration file. Add the following content to ~/.mutt/muttrc to set up key bindings (F2 for username1, F3 for username2)

    # muttrc
    # Default account
    source ~/.mutt/username1.rc
    # Macros for switching accounts
    macro index <f2> '<sync-mailbox><enter-command>source ~/.mutt/username1.rc<enter><change-folder>!<enter>'
    macro index <f3> '<sync-mailbox><enter-command>source ~/.mutt/username2.rc<enter><change-folder>!<enter>'
  4. Account-specific configuration files ~/.mutt/username1.rc and ~/.mutt/username2.rc. You need to manually tweak these files to make sure they contain the desired values for my_GID, hostname, realname, and from.

    # username1.rc
    # Gmail user ID. User variable in Mutt must start with "my"
    set my_GID = "username1"
    # Use a fake hostname so Message-ID header does not leak info
    set hostname = fake-hostname1
    set realname = "First1 Last1"
    set from = [email protected]
    # Load common configurations
    source ~/.mutt/common.rc
    # username2.rc
    # Gmail user ID. User variable in Mutt must start with "my"
    set my_GID = "username2"
    # Use a fake hostname so Message-ID header does not leak info
    set hostname = fake-hostname2
    set realname = "First2 Last2"
    # Change 'from' when, say, you want to use another address backed by Gmail
    set from = [email protected]
    # Load common configurations
    source ~/.mutt/common.rc
  5. The remaining configuration files are common for all accounts.

    # common.rc
    # Common configurations
    # For a full list a configuration variables, see 
    # GPG configuration
    # Load gpg encrypted IMAP and SMTP app passwords
    source "gpg --decrypt ~/.mutt/$ |"
    # Use GPGME
    set crypt_use_gpgme = yes
    # Don't sign, so I'm not legally liable to what I say in encrypted email
    set crypt_autosign = no
    # Encrypt replies to PGP emails by default
    set crypt_replyencrypt = yes
    # Mail configuration
    # Timeout
    set pgp_timeout = 1800
    set use_from = yes
    set envelope_from = yes
    set folder = "imaps://"
    set smtp_url = "smtps://[email protected]:465/"
    set imap_user = [email protected]
    set spoolfile = "+INBOX"
    set trash = "+Trash"
    # SSL hardening
    set ssl_force_tls = yes
    set ssl_starttls = yes
    #set ssl_use_sslv2 = no
    #set ssl_use_sslv3 = no
    #set ssl_use_tlsv1 = no
    set ssl_use_tlsv1_1 = no
    set ssl_use_tlsv1_2 = yes
    #set ssl_use_tlsv1_3 = yes
    set ssl_verify_dates = yes
    set ssl_verify_host = yes
    #set ssl_usesystemcerts = yes
    # html email
    set mailcap_path = ~/.mutt/mailcap
    auto_view text/html  # view html automatically
    alternative_order text/plain text/enriched text/html # save html for last
    # G to get mail
    bind index G imap-fetch-mail
    set editor = "vim"
    set charset = "utf-8"
    set record = ''
    # mailcap.rc
    # On Debian: apt install w3m w3m-img
    text/html; \
    w3m -I %{charset} -T text/html; copiousoutput;
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