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Created November 12, 2022 15:48
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import re
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from PIL import Image,ImageColor, ImageDraw, ImageFont
import numpy as np
import zhconv
text = """A140   , 、 。 . ‧ ; : ? ! ︰ … ‥ ﹐ ﹑ ﹒
A150 · ﹔ ﹕ ﹖ ﹗ | – ︱ — ︳ ╴ ︴ ﹏ ( ) ︵
A160 ︶ { } ︷ ︸ 〔 〕 ︹ ︺ 【 】 ︻ ︼ 《 》 ︽
A170 ︾ 〈 〉 ︿ ﹀ 「 」 ﹁ ﹂ 『 』 ﹃ ﹄ ﹙ ﹚
A1A0 ﹛ ﹜ ﹝ ﹞ ‘ ’ “ ” 〝 〞 ‵ ′ # & *
A1B0 ※ § 〃 ○ ● △ ▲ ◎ ☆ ★ ◇ ◆ □ ■ ▽ ▼
A1C0 ㊣ ℅ ¯  ̄ _ ˍ ﹉ ﹊ ﹍ ﹎ ﹋ ﹌ ﹟ ﹠ ﹡ +
A1D0 - × ÷ ± √ < > = ≦ ≧ ≠ ∞ ≒ ≡ ﹢ ﹣
A1E0 ﹤ ﹥ ﹦ ~ ∩ ∪ ⊥ ∠ ∟ ⊿ ㏒ ㏑ ∫ ∮ ∵ ∴
A1F0 ♀ ♂ ⊕ ⊙ ↑ ↓ ← → ↖ ↗ ↙ ↘ ∥ ∣ / """
text = re.sub(r"[A-Z]\d[0-9A-F]0", "", text)
text = zhconv.convert(text, "zh-hans")
import ctypes
from ctypes.wintypes import LPDWORD, DWORD
kernel32 = ctypes.windll.kernel32
GetConsoleProcessList = kernel32.GetConsoleProcessList
GetConsoleProcessList.argtypes = [LPDWORD, DWORD]
GetConsoleProcessList.restype = DWORD
ids_t = DWORD*5
ids = ids_t()
GetConsoleProcessList(ids, 5)
im ='RGB', (200, 200), color="black")
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
font = ImageFont.truetype(font='simsun.ttc', size=8)
draw.text(xy=(10, 10), text=text, fill=(255, 255, 255), font=font)
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