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Created November 2, 2022 03:40
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# 摸板抄你自己的
template = """
### This file contains configuration information for Abaqus/CAE
### language settings.
# This section describes what language and what encoding Abaqus/CAE
# should use for a given system locale name.
# Note: Chinese localization is currently supported on the Windows
# platforms only. Therefore, all zh_CN* encodings are still
# mapped to en_US.
ja_JP.UTF-8 = ja_JP
ja_JP.utf-8 = ja_JP
ja_JP.UTF8 = ja_JP
ja_JP.utf8 = ja_JP
ja_JP.SJIS = ja_JP
ja_JP.sjis = ja_JP
Japanese_Japan.932 = ja_JP
Ja_JP = ja_JP
ja_JP.EUC = ja_JP
ja_JP.eucJP = ja_JP
ja_JP.eucjp = ja_JP
ja_JP = ja_JP
ja = ja_JP
en_US.UTF-8 = en_US
en_US.utf-8 = en_US
en_US.UTF8 = en_US
en_US.utf8 = en_US
en_US.iso88591 = en_US
English_United States.1252 = en_US
en_US.ISO8859-1 = en_US
zh_CN.UTF-8 = en_US
zh_CN.utf-8 = en_US
zh_CN.UTF8 = en_US
zh_CN.utf8 = en_US
zh_CN = en_US
zh_CN.gb18030 = en_US
zh_CN.gbk = en_US
Chinese_People's Republic of China.936 = zh_CN
Chinese (Simplified)_People's Republic of China.936 = zh_CN
# This section describes whether the local language and encoding
# should be used by default (1 = yes; 0 = no). This flag is useful
# because for some regions it may still be preferred that Abaqus/CAE
# uses English by default and that the local language is used only
# upon request.
ja_JP = 1
en_US = 1
# This section specifies the location of dictionaries with
# translations for the given choice of language and encoding.
# Dictionaries are searched under the ABAQUS installation
# directory and under any directories listed in the HKS_DICT_DIR
# environment variable. The dictionary specified for 'C'
# will be used by default.
ja_JP = Configuration/Xresources/ja_JP/
en_US = Configuration/Xresources/en_US/
zh_CN = Configuration/Xresources/zh_CN/
C = Configuration/Xresources/en_US/
# This section specifies the location of dictionaries used in Python
# with translations for the given choice of language and encoding.
# Dictionaries are searched under the ABAQUS installation
# directory and under any directories listed in the HKS_DICT_DIR
# environment variable. The dictionary specified for 'C'
# will be used by default.
[Python Dictionary]
ja_JP = Configuration/Xresources/ja_JP/
en_US = Configuration/Xresources/en_US/
zh_CN = Configuration/Xresources/zh_CN/
C = Configuration/Xresources/en_US/
# This section lists locales that Abaqus/CAE will try before
# falling back to the 'C' locale. Locales with specific encoding
# are preferable to 'C' because encoding for 'C' varies among
# platforms. Locales listed here must be supported, i.e. they
# must be listed in the [Alias] section.
English_United States.1252
config_path = "H:\dssimulia2021\win_b64\SMA\Configuration\locale.txt"
chinese_comand = "Chinese (Simplified)_China.936 = zh_CN"
chinese_comand2 = "zh_CN = 1"
use_chinese = True
if __name__ == "__main__":
print(template.format("", ""))
#with open(path. "w") as f:
# if use_chinese:
# f.write(template.format(chinese_comand, chinese_comand2 ))
# f.write(template.format("", ""))
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