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Last active August 7, 2023 15:04
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VsCode snippets for everyday use
"Flutter SizedBox": {
"prefix": "sb",
"scope": "dart,flutter",
"body": [
"const SizedBox(height: $1,),"
"description": "Flutter SizedBox"
"Flutter Theme colorScheme": {
"prefix": "tc",
"scope": "dart,flutter",
"body": [
"description": "Flutter Theme colorScheme"
"Flutter MediaQuery Size": {
"prefix": "sz",
"scope": "dart,flutter",
"body": [
"final size = MediaQuery.of(context).size;"
"description": "Flutter MediaQuery Size"
// Place your global snippets here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a scope, prefix, body and
// description. Add comma separated ids of the languages where the snippet is applicable in the scope field. If scope
// is left empty or omitted, the snippet gets applied to all languages. The prefix is what is
// used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are:
// $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders.
// Placeholders with the same ids are connected.
"Console Log": {
"prefix": "clog",
"scope": "javascript,typescript,vue",
"body": [
"console.log(\"$1\", $1);"
"description": "Console Log"
"Console Log C#": {
"prefix": "clogcs",
"scope": "csharp",
"body": [
"description": "Console/Debug Log C#"
"Console Log Laravel": {
"prefix": "clogcs",
"scope": "php,laravel,blade",
"body": [
"dde(\"$1\", $1);"
"description": "Console/Debug Log Laravel"
"React Functional Component": {
"prefix": "fc",
"scope": "typescriptreact,javascriptreact",
"body": [
"'use client';",
"import { FC } from 'react'",
"interface Props {",
"const ${TM_FILENAME_BASE/(.*)$/${1:/pascalcase}/}: FC<Props> = ({}) => {",
" return <div>${TM_FILENAME_BASE/(.*)$/${1:/pascalcase}/} $1</div>",
"export default ${TM_FILENAME_BASE/(.*)$/${1:/pascalcase}/};",
"description": "React Functional Component"
"React Server Component": {
"prefix": "sc",
"scope": "typescriptreact,javascriptreact",
"body": [
"interface Props {",
"const ${TM_FILENAME_BASE/(.*)$/${1:/pascalcase}/} = async ({} : Props) => {",
" return <div>${TM_FILENAME_BASE/(.*)$/${1:/pascalcase}/} $1</div>",
"export default ${TM_FILENAME_BASE/(.*)$/${1:/pascalcase}/};",
"description": "React Server Component"
"React Functional Component Pascal Filenames": {
"prefix": "fc2",
"scope": "typescriptreact,javascriptreact",
"body": [
"'use client';",
"import { FC } from 'react'",
"interface ${TM_FILENAME_BASE/(.*)$/${1:/capitalize}/}Props {",
"const ${TM_FILENAME_BASE/(.*)$/${1:/capitalize}/}: FC<${TM_FILENAME_BASE/(.*)$/${1:/capitalize}/}Props> = ({}) => {",
" return <div>$TM_FILENAME_BASE $1</div>",
"export default ${TM_FILENAME_BASE/(.*)$/${1:/capitalize}/};",
"description": "React Functional Component Pascal Filenames"
"React Server Component Pascal Filenames": {
"prefix": "sc2",
"scope": "typescriptreact,javascriptreact",
"body": [
"interface ${TM_FILENAME_BASE/(.*)$/${1:/capitalize}/}Props {",
"const ${TM_FILENAME_BASE/(.*)$/${1:/capitalize}/} = async ({} : ${TM_FILENAME_BASE/(.*)$/${1:/capitalize}/}Props) => {",
" return <div>$TM_FILENAME_BASE $1</div>",
"export default ${TM_FILENAME_BASE/(.*)$/${1:/capitalize}/};",
"description": "React Server Component Pascal Filenames"
"React UseState": {
"prefix": "us",
"scope": "typescriptreact,javascriptreact",
"body": [
"const [$1, set${1/(.*)$/${1:/capitalize}/}] = useState<$2>($3);"
"description": "React UseState"
"React useEffect": {
"prefix": "ue",
"scope": "typescriptreact,javascriptreact",
"body": [
"useEffect(() => {",
" $1",
"}, [$2]);"
"description": "React useEffect"
"React useEffect setTimeout": {
"prefix": "uet",
"scope": "typescriptreact,javascriptreact",
"body": [
"useEffect(() => {",
" const timer = setTimeout(() => {",
" console.log('This will run after 1 second!')",
" }, 1000);",
" return () => clearTimeout(timer);",
"}, [$1]);"
"description": "React useEffect setTimeout"
"React useMutation": {
"prefix": "um",
"scope": "typescriptreact,javascriptreact",
"body": [
"// import { useMutation } from \"@tanstack/react-query\";",
"// import { useRouter } from \"next/navigation\";",
"const router = useRouter();",
"const { mutate: submit, isLoading } = useMutation({",
" mutationFn: async ({ userId }: UserRequest) => {",
" const payload: UserRequest = {",
" userId,",
" };",
" const { data } = await",
" `/api/user`,",
" payload",
" );",
" return data;",
" },",
" onError: (err) => {",
" if (err instanceof AxiosError) {",
" if (isAuthError(err.response?.status)) {",
" return loginToast();",
" }",
" return toast({",
" title: \"There was a problem\",",
" description: err.response?.data?.message ?? \"An error occurred\",",
" variant: \"destructive\",",
" });",
" }",
" return toast({",
" title: \"There was a problem\",",
" description: \"Something went wrong, please try again\",",
" variant: \"destructive\",",
" });",
" },",
" onSuccess: () => {",
" router.refresh();",
" // setInput(\"\");",
" },",
" });"
"description": "React useMutation"
"React useForm": {
"prefix": "uf",
"scope": "typescriptreact,javascriptreact",
"body": [
"// import { zodResolver } from \"@hookform/resolvers/zod\";",
"const form = useForm<CreateMessageRequest>({",
" resolver: zodResolver(CreateMessageValidator),",
" defaultValues: {",
" username: user?.username ?? \"\",",
" },",
"const {",
" handleSubmit,",
" register,",
" formState: { errors },",
"} = form",
"description": "React useForm"
"React useForm Form": {
"prefix": "uff",
"scope": "typescriptreact,javascriptreact",
"body": [
"<Form {...form}>",
" <form className=\"space-y-4\" onSubmit={form.handleSubmit((e) => submit(e))}>",
" <FormField",
" control={form.control}",
" name=\"subject\"",
" render={({ field }) => (",
" <FormItem className=\"md:grid md:grid-cols-6 md:space-y-0 md:gap-4 w-full\">",
" <FormLabel className=\"md:self-center\">Subject</FormLabel>",
" <div className=\"md:col-span-5\">",
" <FormControl>",
" <Input placeholder=\"Subject / Concern\" {...field} />",
" </FormControl>",
" <FormMessage />",
" </div>",
" </FormItem>",
" )}",
" />",
" <FormField",
" control={form.control}",
" name=\"message\"",
" render={({ field }) => (",
" <FormItem className=\"md:grid md:grid-cols-6 md:space-y-0 md:gap-4 w-full\">",
" <FormLabel className=\"md:pt-3\">Message</FormLabel>",
" <div className=\"md:col-span-5\">",
" <FormControl>",
" <Textarea",
" placeholder=\"Write your message\"",
" rows={7}",
" {...field}",
" />",
" </FormControl>",
" <FormMessage />",
" </div>",
" </FormItem>",
" )}",
" />",
" <div className=\"flex justify-end\">",
" <Button",
" isLoading={isLoading}",
" type=\"submit\"",
" iconSuffix={<ArrowRight />}",
" >",
" Send Message",
" </Button>",
" </div>",
" </form>",
"description": "React useForm Form"
"Flutter Consumer Widget": {
"prefix": "cs",
"scope": "dart,flutter",
"body": [
"import 'package:flutter/material.dart';",
"import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';",
"class $1 extends ConsumerWidget {",
" const $1({Key? key}) : super(key: key);",
" @override",
" Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {",
" return Container($2);",
" }",
"description": "Flutter Consumer Widget"
"Flutter Consumer Screen": {
"prefix": "css",
"scope": "dart,flutter",
"body": [
"import 'package:flutter/material.dart';",
"import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';",
"class $1Screen extends ConsumerWidget {",
" const $1Screen({Key? key}) : super(key: key);",
" static const routeName = '${1/(.*)/${1:/downcase}/}';",
" @override",
" Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {",
" return Scaffold(",
" appBar: AppBar(",
" title: const Text('$1'),",
" ),",
" body: SingleChildScrollView(",
" child: Column(",
" children: [",
" const Text('$1 Page'),",
" $2",
" ],",
" ),",
" ),",
" );",
" }",
"description": "Flutter Consumer Screen"
"Flutter Consumer Stateful Widget": {
"prefix": "csf",
"scope": "dart,flutter",
"body": [
"import 'package:flutter/material.dart';",
"import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';",
"class $1 extends ConsumerStatefulWidget {",
" const $1({Key? key}) : super(key: key);",
" @override",
" ConsumerState<ConsumerStatefulWidget> createState() => _$1State();",
"class _$1State extends ConsumerState<$1> {",
" @override",
" Widget build(BuildContext context) {",
" return Container($2);",
" }",
"description": "Flutter Consumer Stateful Widget"
"Flutter Consumer Stateful Screen": {
"prefix": "csfs",
"scope": "dart,flutter",
"body": [
"import 'package:flutter/material.dart';",
"import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';",
"class $1Screen extends ConsumerStatefulWidget {",
" const $1Screen({Key? key}) : super(key: key);",
" static const routeName = '${1/(.*)/${1:/downcase}/}';",
" @override",
" ConsumerState<ConsumerStatefulWidget> createState() => _$1ScreenState();",
"class _$1ScreenState extends ConsumerState<$1Screen> {",
" @override",
" Widget build(BuildContext context) {",
" return Scaffold(",
" appBar: AppBar(",
" title: const Text('$1'),",
" ),",
" body: SingleChildScrollView(",
" child: Column(",
" children: const [",
" Text('$1 Page'),",
" $2",
" ],",
" ),",
" ),",
" );",
" }",
"description": "Flutter Consumer Stateful Screen"
"Flutter Consumer Stateful Hook Widget": {
"prefix": "csh",
"scope": "dart,flutter",
"body": [
"import 'package:flutter/material.dart';",
"import 'package:hooks_riverpod/hooks_riverpod.dart';",
"class $1 extends StatefulHookConsumerWidget {",
" const $1({Key? key}) : super(key: key);",
" @override",
" ConsumerState<ConsumerStatefulWidget> createState() => _$1State();",
"class _$1State extends ConsumerState<$1> {",
" @override",
" Widget build(BuildContext context) {",
" return Container($2);",
" }",
"description": "Flutter Consumer Stateful Hook Widget"
"Flutter Consumer Stateful Hook Screen": {
"prefix": "cshs",
"scope": "dart,flutter",
"body": [
"import 'package:flutter/material.dart';",
"import 'package:hooks_riverpod/hooks_riverpod.dart';",
"class $1Screen extends StatefulHookConsumerWidget {",
" const $1Screen({Key? key}) : super(key: key);",
" static const routeName = '${1/(.*)/${1:/downcase}/}';",
" @override",
" ConsumerState<ConsumerStatefulWidget> createState() => _$1ScreenState();",
"class _$1ScreenState extends ConsumerState<$1Screen> {",
" @override",
" Widget build(BuildContext context) {",
" return Scaffold(",
" appBar: AppBar(",
" title: const Text('$1'),",
" ),",
" body: SingleChildScrollView(",
" child: Column(",
" children: const [",
" Text('$1 Page'),",
" $2",
" ],",
" ),",
" ),",
" );",
" }",
"description": "Flutter Consumer Stateful Hook Screen"
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