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Created April 23, 2011 05:19
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
package App::PSPrinter;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use Carp qw(croak carp);
use utf8;
use File::Basename;
use File::Temp ();
binmode STDOUT, ":utf8";
sub new {
my $class = shift;
bless {
printer => $ENV{PRINTER},
duplex => 'none',
up => 1,
num => 1,
}, $class;
sub parse_options {
my $self = shift;
local @ARGV = @_;
'p|printer=s' => \$self->{printer},
'd|duplex=s' => \$self->{duplex},
'u|up=i' => \$self->{up},
'n|num=i' => \$self->{num},
'h|help' => \$self->{help},
$self->_usage if defined $self->{help};
$self->{argv} = \@ARGV;
sub _validate {
my $self = shift;
croak("Error not specified printer\n") unless $self->{printer};
unless (_get_duplex_option($self->{duplex})) {
croak("invalid 'duplex' option. It should be (none|short|long)\n")
croak("Not specified PS files\n") if scalar @{$self->{argv}} == 0;
sub _get_print_message {
my $self = shift;
my %duplex_str = (
none => "なし", short => "短辺", long => "長辺"
return "両面印刷:" . $duplex_str{$self->{duplex}} . " $self->{up}段組";
sub _get_duplex_option {
my %duplex_option = (
none => 'None', long => 'DuplexNoTumble', short => 'DuplexTumble',
return $duplex_option{$_[0]};
sub _usage {
print <<__USAGE__;
Usage $0 [options] psfiles [...]
-p,--printer Printer name. Default is \$ENV{PRINTER}.
-d,--duplex Duplex printing(none|short|long). Default is none.
-u,--up n-up printing(1, 2, 4, 8...). Default is 1.
-n,--num Number of priting.
-h,--help Show usage.
exit 0;
sub prompt {
my $message = shift;
print $message, " (yes or no) ";
while (1) {
my $input = <STDIN>;
$input =~ s{\r*\n*}{}g;
last if $input eq 'yes';
exit if $input eq 'no';
print "\n", "input again(yes or no) ";
return 1;
sub run {
my $self = shift;
my @files = @{$self->{argv}};
for my $file (@files) {
my (undef, $tempfile) = File::Temp::tempfile(
SUFFIX => '.ps', UNLINK => 1, DIR => '.',
unless ($file =~ m{\.ps$}) {
my @cmd = (qw/u2ps -o/, $tempfile, $file);
system(@cmd) == 0 or die "Can't exec '@cmd'";
system("evince", $tempfile) == 0 or die "Can't exec '@cmd'";
$file = $tempfile;
croak("$file is not psfile\n") unless $file =~ m{\.ps$};
unless (-e $file) {
carp "$file not found\n";
my @command = (
'lpr', '-P', $self->{printer},
'-o', 'number-up=' . $self->{up},
'-o', 'Duplex=' . _get_duplex_option($self->{duplex}),
my $base = File::Basename::basename($file);
my $message = "[$self->{printer}] $base" . $self->_get_print_message;
if (prompt "$message 印刷しますか ? ", '-yes_no') {
my $status = system(@command);
if ($status != 0) {
croak "Can't print $base\n";
print "${base}の印刷に成功しました\n";
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
unless (caller) {
my $app = App::PSPrinter->new;
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