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Created November 5, 2024 12:42
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Keys analyzed 2024-11-05 13:39:55

File analyzed: go/summarize/testdata/keys-log.json


Table Name Reads Writes
customer 7 1
lineitem 17 1
nation 10 1
orders 11 1
part 5 1
partsupp 4 1
region 2 1
supplier 8 1

Column Usage

Table: customer (7 reads and 1 writes)

Column Position Used %
c_custkey JOIN 88%
c_nationkey JOIN 50%
c_custkey GROUP 38%
c_name GROUP 25%
c_acctbal GROUP 12%
c_address GROUP 12%
c_comment GROUP 12%
c_mktsegment WHERE 12%
c_phone GROUP 12%

Table: lineitem (17 reads and 1 writes)

Column Position Used %
l_orderkey JOIN 72%
l_returnflag WHERE 6%
l_shipmode WHERE RANGE 6%
l_shipmode GROUP 6%
l_suppkey JOIN 39%
l_commitdate WHERE RANGE 28%
l_receiptdate WHERE RANGE 28%
l_shipdate WHERE RANGE 22%
l_orderkey GROUP 17%
l_partkey JOIN 17%
l_suppkey JOIN RANGE 17%

Table: nation (10 reads and 1 writes)

Column Position Used %
n_nationkey JOIN 91%
n_name WHERE 27%
n_regionkey JOIN 27%
n_name GROUP 18%

Table: orders (11 reads and 1 writes)

Column Position Used %
o_orderkey JOIN 83%
o_comment WHERE RANGE 8%
o_orderkey WHERE RANGE 8%
o_orderkey GROUP 8%
o_orderpriority GROUP 8%
o_orderstatus WHERE 8%
o_shippriority GROUP 8%
o_totalprice GROUP 8%
o_custkey JOIN 58%
o_orderdate WHERE RANGE 42%
o_orderdate GROUP 17%

Table: part (5 reads and 1 writes)

Column Position Used %
p_partkey JOIN 67%
p_brand WHERE RANGE 17%
p_brand GROUP 17%
p_name WHERE RANGE 17%
p_size WHERE RANGE 17%
p_size GROUP 17%
p_type WHERE 17%
p_type WHERE RANGE 17%
p_type GROUP 17%

Table: partsupp (4 reads and 1 writes)

Column Position Used %
ps_suppkey JOIN 60%
ps_partkey JOIN 40%
ps_partkey GROUP 40%
ps_suppkey WHERE RANGE 20%

Table: region (2 reads and 1 writes)

Column Position Used %
r_name WHERE 67%
r_regionkey JOIN 67%

Table: supplier (8 reads and 1 writes)

Column Position Used %
s_nationkey JOIN 78%
s_suppkey JOIN 78%
s_comment WHERE RANGE 11%
s_name GROUP 11%

Tables Joined

lineitem ↔ partsupp
├─ partsupp.ps_partkey = lineitem.l_partkey 50%
└─ partsupp.ps_suppkey = lineitem.l_suppkey 50%
customer ↔ orders
├─ orders.o_custkey = customer.c_custkey 14%
└─ customer.c_custkey = orders.o_custkey 85%
lineitem ↔ orders
├─ lineitem.l_orderkey = orders.o_orderkey 50%
└─ orders.o_orderkey = lineitem.l_orderkey 50%
lineitem ↔ supplier
├─ lineitem.l_suppkey = supplier.s_suppkey 20%
└─ supplier.s_suppkey = lineitem.l_suppkey 80%
nation ↔ region
└─ nation.n_regionkey = region.r_regionkey 100%
partsupp ↔ supplier
└─ partsupp.ps_suppkey = supplier.s_suppkey 100%
part ↔ partsupp
└─ part.p_partkey = partsupp.ps_partkey 100%
lineitem ↔ lineitem
├─ lineitem.l_orderkey = lineitem.l_orderkey 50%
└─ lineitem.l_suppkey != lineitem.l_suppkey 50%
customer ↔ supplier
└─ customer.c_nationkey = supplier.s_nationkey 100%
nation ↔ supplier
└─ supplier.s_nationkey = nation.n_nationkey 100%
customer ↔ nation
└─ customer.c_nationkey = nation.n_nationkey 100%
lineitem ↔ part
├─ part.p_partkey = lineitem.l_partkey 66%
└─ lineitem.l_partkey = part.p_partkey 33%


Query Error
I am a failing query; syntax error at position 2 near 'I'
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