Phoenix LiveView doesn't include TypeScript install instructions since they don't maintain TypeScript support. Follow these additional steps to get it working:
- Install the unofficial NPM typings package to dev dependencies with:
npm install -D @types/phoenix_live_view
- Change:
import LiveSocket from "phoenix_live_view"
to (notice the curly braces):
import { LiveSocket } from "phoenix_live_view"
This is needed because the unofficial type definitions are not one to one with the JS library at this point:
export class LiveSocket {
whereas the JS library does:
export default LiveSocket
- Add the following to assets/js/types.ts:
import { LiveSocket } from "phoenix_live_view";
declare global {
interface Window {
liveSocket: LiveSocket; //Phoenix LiveView
userToken: string; //Phoenix Sockets
- Add the following to assets/js/topbar.d.ts
declare module "topbar" {
export function show(): void;
export function hide(): void;
interface BarColorOptions {
[percent: number]: string;
interface ConfigOptions {
autoRun?: boolean;
barThickness?: number;
barColors?: BarColorOptions;
shadowBlur?: number;
shadowColor?: string;
className?: string | null;
export function config(options: ConfigOptions): void;