Install the Signal desktop app.
Install Java either offline or online.
Download precompiled signal-cli binaries: signal-cli-*.tar.gz
and extract its contents to a new directory, e.g. C:\usr\signal
with your actual values.
bin\signal-cli.bat -u +COUNTRY-CODE-YOUR-PHONE-NUMBER register
- Receive the verification code in SMS
- Open Signal Desktop app
- Make a cropped screenshot of the QR code
- Decode the QR code with ZXing Decoder Online
bin\signal-cli.bat -u +COUNTRY-CODE-YOUR-PHONE-NUMBER addDevice --uri "tsdevice:/QR-CODE-PARSED-RESULT"
bin\signal-cli.bat -u +COUNTRY-CODE-YOUR-PHONE-NUMBER listDevices
Start using Signal without a smartphone :)
Find user data to backup in %USERPROFILE%\.local\share\signal-cli\
Supported locales are stored in %LOCALAPPDATA%\Programs\signal-desktop\locales
Change locale on the command line: Signal.exe --lang=en-US
Thank you for these instructions, very helpful. I ran Signal without smartphone/mobile number for a few years but I haven't managed to make it run again on a newly installed machine. I first had trouble getting the captcha right and tried quite a few times. Now I finally managed, I keep receiving "Failed to register: [429] Rate limit exceeded: 429". I waited a few hours, but no change. Anything I can do or should I just wait longer?