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Making applications error-free

Viktor Szépe szepeviktor

Making applications error-free
View GitHub Profile
* == About this Gist ==
* Code to require from wp-config.php to enhance information available for debugging.
* == DO == test whether it's all working by using the code at the end of the gist.
* If error logging is not working, try:
* - Check if the file was created at all, if not, upload an empty (text) file named error.log and try again.
Plugin Name: Disable plugins when doing local dev
Description: If the WP_LOCAL_DEV constant is true, disables plugins that you specify
Version: 0.1.2
License: GPL version 2 or any later version
Author: Mark Jaquith
Author URI:
function on_shutdown(){
global $php_errormsg;
echo "<!--\n";
echo "\n\tHeaders Sent:";
$file = $line = null;
headers_sent($file, $line);
echo "\n\t\t$file: $line";
echo "\n\tLast Error:";
szepeviktor / download_gists2.js
Last active December 16, 2021 15:47 — forked from thomastraum/download_gists.js
save all your Gists - written in node.js
#!/usr/bin/env node
//# prerequisites:
//# npm -g install request path
//# TODO: modify user agent string
var USER, savepath,
request = require('request'),
path = require('path'),
fs = require('fs'),