This memo describes how to upload Arduino sketches to Arduino UNO R3 (Atmel ATMega328P) and R4 Minima (Runesas RA4M1) from Arduino IDE 2.3.2 on GNU/Linux.
Download and unzip
The board with Atmel ATMega328P and Mega16U2 for USB interface.
Start SOMEWHERE/arduino-ide_2.3.2_Linux_64bit/arduino-ide .
Connect Arduino UNO and PC with a USB cable.
$ sudo chmod 666 /dev/ttyACM0
(Maybe, there is another way to make the device writable automatically.)
Then, in Arduino IDE 2.3.2, select Tools->Port->/dev/ttyACM0 . Also select Tools->Board->Arduino AVR Board->Arduino UNO. I could flash/write/up-load the Blink example sketch through the USB cable.
The board with Runesas RA4M1.
As written in , go to , Download as
$ cd Downloads
$ chmod 755
$ sudo ./
Start SOMEWHERE/arduino-ide_2.3.2_Linux_64bit/arduino-ide .
In the Arduino IDE 2.3.2, Tools->Board->Board Manager...->Install "Arduino UNO R4 Boards". Now I can select Tools->Board->Arduino UNO R4 Boards->Arduino UNO R4 Minima. Connect Arduino Arduino Uno R4 MINIMA and PC with a USB-C cable. Then, in Arduino IDE 2.3.2, select Tools->Port->/dev/ttyACM0. I could flash/write/up-load the Blink example through the USB-C cable.