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Last active June 15, 2016 02:05
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A kOS script for KSP. Deploy a CommSat to low Kerbin Orbit (LKO) using a kOS script to handle launch, staging and circularization, without having a proper signal relay network (RemoteTech only).
set headingAngle to 90. //normal EAST
set targetApoapsis to 150000. //Target apoapsis in meters
set targetPeriapsis to 150000. //Target periapsis in meters
lock throttle to 0. //Throttle is a decimal from 0.0 to 1.0
gear off.
set runmode to 0. //Safety in case we start mid-flight
set runmode to 1.
print "Launch!".
set lfStageStart to 0.
set sfStageStart to 0.
set stageHasSF to false.
set stageHasLF to false.
set doStage to false.
set currentThrust to 0.
until runmode = 0 {
lock throttle to 0.
wait 1.
PRINT "Staging...".
stage. //Same thing as pressing Space-bar
wait 2.
set lfStageStart to STAGE:LIQUIDFUEL.
set sfStageStart to STAGE:SOLIDFUEL.
PRINT "Staged! (lf: " + lfStageStart + "; sf: " + sfStageStart + ")".
if sfStageStart > 0 {
set stageHasSF to true.
PRINT "Stage has SolidFuel".
set stageHasSF to false.
SET stageHasLF TO (lfStageStart > 0).
lock throttle to TVAL.
set doStage to false.
set currentThrust to SHIP:AVAILABLETHRUST.
if runmode = 1 {//Ship is on the launchpad
lock steering to UP + R(0, 0, 180). //Point the rocket straight up
set TVAL to 1. //Throttle up to 100%
set runmode to 2. //Go to the next runmode
set doStage to true.
else if runmode = 2 { // Fly UP to 10,000m
lock steering to UP + R(0, 0, 180). //Point the rocket straight up
set TVAL to 1.
set runmode to 3.
else if runmode = 3 { //Gravity turn
//Pitch over gradually until levelling out to 5 degrees at 50km
//set targetPitch to max( 5, 90 * (1 - ALT:RADAR / 50000)).
set targetPitch to max( 5, 90 * (1 - max(0, LN(ALT:RADAR / 1000) ) / 4.6 ) ).
set headingVar to heading( headingAngle, targetPitch).
set headingVar to headingVar + r(0, 0, -90).
lock steering to headingVar.
set TVAL to 1.
if SHIP:APOAPSIS > targetApoapsis {
set runmode to 4.
else if runmode = 4 { //Coast to Ap
//lock steering to heading ( 90, 3). //Stay pointing 3 degrees above horizon
lock steering to SHIP:PROGRADE.
set TVAL to 0. //Engines off.
if (SHIP:ALTITUDE > 70000) and (ETA:APOAPSIS > 60) and (VERTICALSPEED > 0) {
if WARP = 0 { // If we are not time warping
wait 1. //Wait to make sure the ship is stable
SET WARP TO 3. //Be really careful about warping
else if ETA:APOAPSIS < 60 {
SET WARP to 0.
lock steering to SHIP:PROGRADE.
wait 3.
set runmode to 5.
else if runmode = 5 { //Burn to raise Periapsis
lock steering to SHIP:PROGRADE.
if ETA:APOAPSIS < 5 or VERTICALSPEED < 0 { //If we're less 5 seconds from Ap or loosing altitude
set TVAL to 1.
if (SHIP:PERIAPSIS > targetPeriapsis) or (SHIP:PERIAPSIS > targetApoapsis * 0.95) {
//If the periapsis is high enough or getting close to the apoapsis
set TVAL to 0.
set runmode to 10.
else if runmode = 10 { //Final touches
set TVAL to 0. //Shutdown engine.
panels on. //Deploy solar panels
lights on.
unlock steering.
set runmode to 0.
if STAGE:LIQUIDFUEL = 0 AND stageHasLF = true {
set doStage to true.
if STAGE:SOLIDFUEL = 0 AND stageHasSF = true {
set doStage to true.
if currentThrust > SHIP:AVAILABLETHRUST{
set doStage to true.
set currentThrust to SHIP:AVAILABLETHRUST.
lock throttle to TVAL.
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