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# INCAT 失能分數
( Inflammatory Neuropathy Cause and Treatment Disability Score )
## 上肢失能 (ARM disability)
| 分數 | 評分標準 |
| --- | --- |
| 0 | 上肢沒有問題 |
| 1 | 上肢輕度的功能受限不影響以下任何功能:拉鍊和扣子;洗臉、洗頭髮;用餐時使用刀叉;處理小硬幣 |
| 2 | 上肢輕度的功能受限影響不太嚴重但是仍有功能受限 |
| 3 | 上肢輕度的功能受限妨礙上述一或兩項功能的執行 |
t0mst0ne / gist:7fc0b3bfe90f7aeb376d1d00ef2a7dbd
Created February 20, 2024 06:32
Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) Disability Scale
Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) Disability Scale
Score Description
0 A healthy state
1 Minor symptoms and capable of running
2 Able to walk 10m or more without assistance but unable to run
3 Able to walk 10m across an open space with help
4 Bedridden or chairbound
5 Requiring assisted ventilation for at least part of the day
{UPDRS 巴金森症狀衡量表}
1. 智能障礙
0 = 沒有
1 = 輕微,常遺忘事情,經過思考可以想起來,
2 = 中度記憶喪失,處理複雜問題有中度困難,
3 = 重度記憶力喪失,時間與地點容易混淆,處
[Diagnostic criteria for short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache attacks (SUNCT and SUNA)]
[Diagnostic criteria for short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache attacks]
A. At least 20 attacks fulfilling criteria B through D
B. Moderate or severe unilateral head pain, with orbital, supra-orbital, temporal and/or other trigeminal distribution, lasting for 1 to 600 seconds and occurring as single stabs, a series of stabs, or in a sawtooth pattern
C. At least one of the following five cranial autonomic symptoms or signs, ipsilateral to the pain:
1. Conjunctival injection and/or lacrimation
2. Nasal congestion and/or rhinorrhea
3. Eyelid edema
4. Forehead and facial sweating
[Diagnostic criteria for paroxysmal hemicrania]
A At least 20 attacks fulfilling criteria B through E
B. Severe unilateral orbital, supra-orbital, and/or temporal pain lasting 2 to 30 minutes
C: At least one of the following symptoms or signs, ipsilateral to the headache:
Conjunctival injection and/or lacrimation (-)
Nasal congestion and/or rhinorrhea (-)
Eyelid edema (-)
Forehead and facial sweating (-)
Miosis and/or ptosis (-)
EDSS(The Kurtzke Expanded Disability Status Scale)
視覺功能 : 0
感覺功能 : 0
感覺功能 : 0
腦幹功能 : 0
大腦功能 : 0
錐體功能 : 0
腸道泌尿功能 : 0
小腦功能 : 0
URL Transcript
0 what's going on guys I'm excited about this right now this is Acer palmatum Gable's glory and these are showing out I mean this is also known as the chameleon Maple and the reason that is is the colors on this are crazy it's like it adapts to everything in its surrounding I mean you've got greens bronzes Reds purples yellow veining this thing is nuts uh definitely one that you should add to your collection Acer palmatum Gables Glory
1 what's up guys we're here with one of my favorite japonicles now this one goes by many names like anatofolium my acoujaku or the dancing peacock maple you can see that's a very heavily divided beautiful large japonicum leaf now this tree it may not be showing it right now but it's got some hidden talents during the fall time you'll see all sorts of colors purple yellow oranges and they are dancing inside that leaf for an amazing fall color this thing really puts on a show du
[ 神經精神症狀 ]
EDSS (The Kurtake Expanded Disability Status Scale)是一個評估多發性硬化症患者之運動失常及疾病發展程度的評
分方法。評分方法是針對八種神經功能的表現來加以評估(表一),再依評估級數分為0~ 10 分
0 正常