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t31k3 / gist:3a42714058e4ae6439d597937b6172a9
Last active April 24, 2023 12:49
compile FastBuild with UnrealEngine patch on Ubuntu20.04 (these commands are meant to be run manually on a terminal)
# compile FastBuild with UnrealEngine patch on Ubuntu20.04 (these commands are meant to be run manually on a terminal)
# check what fbuild patch version is required at: ./Engine/Extras/ThirdPartyNotUE/FASTBuild/*.diff #ex.: 0.99
strPath="`pwd`/Engine/Extras/ThirdPartyNotUE/FASTBuild/Linux/dist_v0.99/" # download and extract fbuild sorce code to a folder like this
cd "$strPath"
chmod -vR u+w * # make it sure the extracted files all have write permission!
patch --binary -p 1 <../../fbuild_0.99.diff # I think this file was downloaded from somewhere by or or may be thru make (mono), as I cant find it's origin to report the bug at the end of this text about FBuildCoordinator.bff
sudo apt install clang g++-7
#$head "$strPath/External/SDK/Clang/Linux/Clang6.bff"
sed -i -r "s@(^.Clang6_BasePath = ').*(')@\1$(dirname $(which clang))\2@" "$strPath/External/SDK/Clang/Linux/Clang6.bff" # to match installed clang
#$head "$strPath/External/SDK/Clang/Linux/Clang6.bff"
t31k3 / gist:3caaa6632786a46884545f41bd77b240
Last active September 17, 2021 00:35
running Unreal Engine Editor and Compiling Shaders on a Linux Potato PC
# performace, try in order:
# 1) Settings/EngineScalability:LOW #WORKS!
# 2) foliage.forceLOD 1 #at console or ini file HELPS!
# 3) Settings/PreviewRenderingLevel:Android #POTATOPC!
# shaders compiling overloading CPU. No config will work to lower the number of child compile shaders proccesses, so just SIGSTOP all the 3 or leave one running!
pkill -SIGSTOP -fe "UnrealEngine.*ShaderCompileWorker.*"
pkill -SIGSTOP -fe "UnrealEngine.*ShaderCompileWorker.* [^0] " #keeps compiler id=0 running
# to increase shaders compile performance, put UE4Editor out of the way without SIGSTOP (or compiling shaders will stop working):
cpulimit -l 10 -p `pgrep UE4Editor`
t31k3 / gist:9fb4056ab8a082cf615ca7cf9fcf22bf
Created August 19, 2021 01:46
initial download (git clone) of UE5 wont complete, how to fix?
$git clone --single-branch --branch ue5-early-access --depth=1
# was ultra slow 10KB/s. But, on south america at least, when it was about 23h, the speed went up to 1.5MB/s!
# I was trying many ways to resume a clone download UnrealEngine/.git/objects/pack/tmp... file, but it is currently impossible.
# The .zip download cannot be resumed also!!! :(
# I tried also to create a local branch, renamed to ue5-early-access, and was trying to fetch it in some way, but the internet speed up. So this is the next step if nothing works again later...