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Created February 2, 2024 06:12
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import { useQuery } from "@tanstack/react-query";
type Action<TActionInput = unknown, TActionReturn = unknown> = (
input: TActionInput,
) => Promise<TActionReturn>;
export type BundledAction<TAction extends Action> = {
key: string[];
result: Awaited<ReturnType<TAction>>;
action: TAction;
input: Parameters<TAction> extends undefined
? Parameters<TAction>
: undefined;
export async function bundleAction<TAction extends Action>(
...params: [
key: string[],
action: TAction,
...(Parameters<TAction> extends undefined ? [Parameters<TAction>] : []),
): Promise<BundledAction<TAction>> {
const [key, action, input] = params;
return {
result: (await action(input)) as Awaited<ReturnType<TAction>>,
export function useActionQuery<TAction extends Action>(
bundle: BundledAction<TAction>,
optionalNewInput?: Parameters<TAction>,
) {
return useQuery({
queryKey: bundle.key,
queryFn: () =>
bundle.action(optionalNewInput ?? bundle.input) as Awaited<
initialData: bundle.result,
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