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Last active February 15, 2022 18:16
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Message-Driven Finite-State-Transducer Domain-Driven-Design Aggregate
import cats.instances.either._
import UserRegistration._
object Main extends App {
private val commands = List(GDPRDeletion, StartRegistration, StartRegistration, ConfirmAccount, GDPRDeletion)
// Left(NonEmptyList(Transducer$UnsupportedStateTransition: There is no action defined for state Right(PotentialCustomer) with input GDPRDeletion, UserRegistration$InvalidStateForCommand: Cannot process command GDPRDeletion for invalid state))
// Right(ConfirmationSent)
// Left(NonEmptyList(Transducer$UnsupportedStateTransition: There is no action defined for state Right(WaitingForConfirmation) with input StartRegistration, UserRegistration$InvalidStateForCommand: Cannot process command StartRegistration for invalid state))
// Right(AccountConfirmed)
// Right(AccountDeleted)
import cats.ApplicativeError
import cats.implicits._
import scala.annotation.tailrec
/** This is a POC of a message-driven finite-state-transducer implementation
* It uses cats to enable generic error-handling applicatives for clients.
* @see
object Transducer {
/** The (state, input) label
* @tparam F The error-handling abstraction type-class
* @tparam I A finite set of valid input messages
* @tparam S A finite set of states
type Label[F[_], I, S] = (F[S], I)
/** The output function
* This function uses the more advance Mealy model since it relies on both state and input to determine its output.
* @tparam F The error-handling abstraction type-class
* @tparam I A finite set of valid input messages
* @tparam S A finite set of states
* @tparam O A finite set of valid output messages
type OutputF[F[_], I, S, O] = PartialFunction[Label[F, I, S], F[O]]
/** The state-transition function
* Returns a new state for a defined label of (state, input).
* @tparam F The error-handling abstraction type-class
* @tparam I A finite set of valid input messages
* @tparam S A finite set of states
type ActionF[F[_], I, S] = PartialFunction[Label[F, I, S], F[S]]
/** The transducer tuple
* The tuple is of form (initial state, state-transition function, output function).
* The alphabets are derived from the type parameters.
* @tparam F The error-handling abstraction type-class
* @tparam I A finite set of valid input messages
* @tparam S A finite set of states
* @tparam O A finite set of valid output messages
type Transducer[F[_], I, S, O] = (F[S], ActionF[F, I, S], OutputF[F, I, S, O])
/** The Error abstraction to deal with action and output errors
* @tparam F The error-handling abstraction type-class
type ErrorF[F[_]] = ApplicativeError[F, NonEmptyList[Throwable]]
/** There are two errors that are generic to all transducers.
* 1.) There is no action defined for a given input at a given state
* 2.) There is no output defined for a given new state
sealed trait TransducerError
/** Indicates an unsupported state transition
* @param label The label of (state, input)
* @tparam I A finite set of valid input messages
* @tparam S A finite set of states
final case class UnsupportedStateTransition[F[_], I, S](label: Label[F, I, S])
extends Throwable(s"There is no action defined for state ${label._1} with input ${label._2}")
with TransducerError
/** Indicates that an output is not defined for a given state
* @param label The label of (state, input)
* @tparam I A finite set of valid input messages
* @tparam S A finite set of states
final case class UndefinedOutput[F[_], I, S](label: Label[F, I, S])
extends Throwable(s"There is no output defined for state ${label._1} with input ${label._2}")
with TransducerError
private[this] def state[F[_]: ErrorF, I, S](actions: ActionF[F, I, S])(label: Label[F, I, S]): F[S] =
if (actions.isDefinedAt(label)) actions(label)
else NonEmptyList.of(UnsupportedStateTransition(label)).raiseError[F, S]
private[this] def output[F[_]: ErrorF, I, S, O](outputs: OutputF[F, I, S, O])(label: Label[F, I, S]): F[O] =
if (outputs.isDefinedAt(label)) outputs(label)
else NonEmptyList.of(UndefinedOutput(label)).raiseError[F, O]
/** Returns the sequence of states or errors for a given input tape
* @param transducer The transducer triple to use
* @param inputs A sequence of inputs from the valid input alphabet
* @tparam F The error-handling abstraction type-class
* @tparam I A finite set of valid input messages
* @tparam S A finite set of states
* @tparam O A finite set of valid output messages
* @return Sequence of F[S]
private def runStates[F[_]: ErrorF, I, S, O](transducer: Transducer[F, I, S, O])(inputs: Seq[I]): Seq[F[S]] = {
val (s, actions, _) = transducer
def loop(cur: F[S], in: Seq[I], acc: Seq[F[S]]): Seq[F[S]] = in match {
case x :: xs =>
val newState = state(actions)(cur -> x)
loop(newState.recoverWith { case _ => cur }, xs, acc :+ newState)
case _ => acc
loop(s, inputs, Nil)
/** Returns the sequence of outputs or errors for a given input tape
* @param transducer The transducer triple to use
* @param inputs A sequence of inputs from the valid input alphabet
* @tparam F The error-handling abstraction type-class
* @tparam I A finite set of valid input messages
* @tparam S A finite set of states
* @tparam O A finite set of valid output messages
* @return Sequence of F[O]
def run[F[_]: ErrorF, I, S, O](transducer: Transducer[F, I, S, O])(inputs: Seq[I]): Seq[F[O]] = {
val (_, _, outputs) = transducer
.map { case (s, i) => output(outputs)(s -> i) }
import cats.syntax.either._
import Transducer._
/** This is a simple example of an Aggregate implementation using a transducer */
object UserRegistration {
type ErrorF[A] = Either[NonEmptyList[Throwable], A]
type RegistrationAction = ActionF[ErrorF, Command, State]
type RegistrationOutput = OutputF[ErrorF, Command, State, Event]
sealed trait State
final case object PotentialCustomer extends State
final case object WaitingForConfirmation extends State
final case object Registered extends State
final case object Deleted extends State
sealed trait Command
final case object StartRegistration extends Command
final case object ConfirmAccount extends Command
final case object GDPRDeletion extends Command
sealed trait Event
final case object ConfirmationSent extends Event
final case object AccountConfirmed extends Event
final case object AccountDeleted extends Event
sealed trait UserRegistrationError
final case class InvalidStateForCommand(cmd: Command)
extends Throwable(s"Cannot process command $cmd for invalid state")
def startRegistrationAction: RegistrationAction = {
case (Right(PotentialCustomer), StartRegistration) => WaitingForConfirmation.asRight
def confirmAccountAction: RegistrationAction = {
case (Right(WaitingForConfirmation), ConfirmAccount) => Registered.asRight
def gdprDeleteAction: RegistrationAction = {
case (Right(Registered), GDPRDeletion) => Deleted.asRight
case (Right(WaitingForConfirmation), GDPRDeletion) => Deleted.asRight
def confirmationSentOutput: RegistrationOutput = {
case (Right(WaitingForConfirmation), StartRegistration) => ConfirmationSent.asRight
def accountConfirmedOutput: RegistrationOutput = {
case (Right(Registered), ConfirmAccount) => AccountConfirmed.asRight
def accountDeletedOutput: RegistrationOutput = {
case (Right(Deleted), GDPRDeletion) => AccountDeleted.asRight
def invalidCommandOutput: RegistrationOutput = {
case (Left(errorList), c: Command) => errorList.append(InvalidStateForCommand(c)).asLeft
lazy val userRegistration: Transducer[ErrorF, Command, State, Event] = (
orElse confirmAccountAction
orElse gdprDeleteAction,
orElse accountConfirmedOutput
orElse accountDeletedOutput
orElse invalidCommandOutput,
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