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Created March 11, 2021 18:37
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Save tabatkins/a29f71075d0b31e014978983beb0078e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
There's a reason people don't like to write HTML tables,
and it's because they don't write good HTML in the first place.
Case in point, taken from a spec I'm editting right this moment:
<table id="distinguishable-table" class="matrix data complex">
<th class="corner"></th>
<span>numeric types</span>
<span>string types</span>
<span>callback function</span>
I don't know how this got into the state it's in, but that's *awful*.
It's a heading row not in `thead`,
the tags are broken into newlines in an arbitrary pattern,
and the indentation is just *the worst*, totally self-inconsistent and wrong.
(The `div` and `span` are just some styling wrappers to enable a neat diagonal layout;
they're not the point of the complaints here.)
Here it is fixed:
<table id="distinguishable-table" class="matrix data complex">
<th class="corner"></th>
<th><div><span>numeric types</span></div>
<th><div><span>string types</span></div>
<th><div><span>callback function</span></div>
Everything rolled up into single reasonable lines,
omittable end tags omitted,
`thead` added...
it's a beautiful thing now.
(Technically the `</thead>` could be omitted
since it'll be implied when the parser sees the following `<tbody>` start tag,
but I prefer keeping it in
so I can rely on automatic `tbody` insertion instead,
which lets me reduce the indentation of the body rows by one level.)
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