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Created September 20, 2024 20:37
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For Hotspot C2 Idea Graph IR
const rlp = require('node:readline/promises');
const input = `
5 3 Start === 3 0 [[ 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 ]] #{0:control, 1:abIO, 2:memory, 3:rawptr:BotPTR, 4:return_address, 5:int}
4 22 ConI === 0 [[ 23 ]] #int:7
4 10 Parm === 3 [[ 4 18 21 23 ]] Parm0: int !jvms: TestImageReader::test @ bci:-1 (line 39)
3 23 AndI === _ 10 22 [[ 25 ]] !jvms: TestImageReader::test @ bci:3 (line 39)
3 0 Root === 0 [[ 0 1 3 22 24 26 29 ]]
2 25 AddI === _ 23 24 [[ 21 21 27 ]] !jvms: TestImageReader::test @ bci:5 (line 39)
2 24 ConI === 0 [[ 25 27 31 ]] #int:1
1 27 LShiftI === _ 24 25 [[ 21 28 30 31 32 33 ]] !jvms: TestImageReader::test @ bci:10 (line 40)
1 31 LShiftI === _ 27 24 [[ 32 ]] !jvms: TestImageReader::test @ bci:11 (line 40)
0 32 AddI === _ 31 27 [[ ]] !jvms: TestImageReader::test @ bci:11 (line 40)
const nodes = input.split('\n')
.map(l => l.trim().split(/\s+/))
.map(cols => {
const [_, id, opcode, __] = cols
let flag = true
return {
id, opcode, inputs: cols.slice(4).filter(col => flag = (flag && col !== '[[')).filter(input => input !== '_')
.reduce((acc, cur) => Object.assign(acc, {
[]: cur
}), {})
function toString(node) {
let infixOp = ''
if (/^Add.?/.test(node.opcode)) {
infixOp = '+'
if (/^Sub.?/.test(node.opcode)) {
infixOp = '+'
if (/^Mul.?/.test(node.opcode)) {
infixOp = '*'
if (/^.?Div.?/.test(node.opcode)) {
infixOp = '/'
if (/^LShift.?/.test(node.opcode)) {
infixOp = '<<'
if (infixOp) {
return `(#${node.inputs[0]} ${infixOp} #${node.inputs[1]})`
return `#${}`
const rl = rlp.createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout,
;(async() => {
let formula = '#' + await rl.question('Term to solve: #');
while (true) {
const expansion = await rl.question('Expand: #');
formula = formula.replaceAll(`#${expansion}`, toString(nodes[expansion + '']))
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