I hereby claim:
- I am taboularasa on github.
- I am davidelliott (https://keybase.io/davidelliott) on keybase.
- I have a public key whose fingerprint is 7948 9BB4 CE88 AFE3 F563 501A BC46 D821 0F21 0480
To claim this, I am signing this object:
curl -sLS https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/pubkey.gpg | apt-key add - && \ | |
echo "deb https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/ stable main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list && \ | |
apt-get update && apt-get install --no-install-recommends yarn |
def transpose(message, mapping) | |
message.chars.map {|e| mapping[e]}.join | |
end | |
puts "encode or decode?" | |
selected_action = gets.chomp | |
puts "what is the key?" | |
key = gets.chomp | |
puts "what is your message?" | |
message = gets.chomp |
# Although our analytics team produces a styling algorithm | |
# it can't always capture everything a customer has requested. | |
# For example, a customer might write in their note to the stylist | |
# "Please no pink!!!". The algorithm can't always tell that, | |
# so it might suggest pink clothes for the customer. | |
# | |
# Suppose the stylist has the ability to manually filter out | |
# attributes the customer wants to avoid. What we'd like | |
# you to do is, given a list of items, and a list of |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
require 'minitest/autorun' | |
## | |
# Implement flatten | |
# | |
# ruby -Ilib:test flatten.rb | |
def flatten(accumulator, element) | |
if element.is_a? Array | |
element.each {|e| flatten(accumulator, e)} |
#!/bin/sh | |
brew_tap 'caskroom/cask' | |
brew_install_or_upgrade 'brew-cask' | |
brew cask install google-chrome | |
sudo mv /opt/homebrew-cask/Caskroom/google-chrome/latest/Google\ Chrome.app /Applications | |
brew cask install chromium | |
brew cask install firefox |
class User | |
def id | |
... | |
end | |
def name | |
... | |
end | |
def age |
<div ng-controller="TeacherReportsController"> | |
<select ng-options="element.label for element in model" ng-model="firstOption"></select> | |
<select ng-options="child.label for child in firstOption.children" ng-model="secondOption"></select> | |
<select ng-options="child.label for child in secondOption.children" ng-model="thirdOption"></select> | |
{{thirdOption.data}} | |
</div> |
layout | title |
post |
Validating acyclic graphs |
Alexis King and I were building an inventory management system for a Widget factory. In the warehouse they have a variety of containers that can hold either widgets or other containers. We needed to provide an inventory management system for the warehouse manager to keep track of the whereabouts of each container and widget. Here's how it needed to work:
Feature: Customer account | |
Scenario: viewing account information | |
Given I am a logged in customer | |
And I am viewing my dashboard | |
When I click the ACCOUNT link in the navigation | |
Then I should see a form with my account information filled in | |
Scenario: editing account information | |
Given I am a logged in customer | |
And I am viewing my dashboard |