He started working in his actual job as a Trainee Engineer, then he growth as a Mid Senior, Senior, and finish as a Project Manager (it is most like a Technical Lead, he has contact with the merchants but still developing)
He has experience working wiht scrum, some times as Scrum master, other times as prodcut owner, and some as developer.
About php his knowledge is strong, he has experience editing the server configurations with the php.ini, also he has some expertise working with woocomerce, the ecommerce plugin for wordpress, editing the database, creting new functions, etc.
Technical lead
Scrum master
java (certificado) jsp jsf
sql server (6 años)
PHP (laravel & mysql)
Get requirements from the client, meetings, 80% of projects are in PHP
He has working in the backend and with the database
PRP expertise:
- Apache server installation
- tomcat
- glasfish
- Affiliated program
- Checkout modifications, form fields
- Payments
- Custom tables
- Update database