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Last active September 27, 2018 22:40
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Revamping the web development curriculum

Module we could remove

  • Buzzword bingo
    • Teaches: API Usage -> pushed to Express Gallery
  • Network broadcast news
    • Teaches: Sockets -> pushed to HTTP Socket Server
  • Bookshelf.js
    • Teaches: ORM -> Nothing
  • JS Constructors
    • Teaches: Prototype -> Already covered in JS-zombies
  • Elemental HTTP Server
    • Teaches: Nothing, mainly re-enforces FS and Callbacks

Module that could be rewritten

  • Fun-Arrays
    • Remove the needs for rounding numbers
  • Async 1 - 4
    • Compress into a single exercise
  • Aritcles and Products
    • Start with DB in mind rather than with a fake one

Week 1: The Basics

Scope, Hoisting, Closures, Context, Strict Mode, Fat Arrow,
DOM, CSS, Debugging, Pixel Painter, Functional Arrays, 100 specs

Day 1:

  • Intros: 9 - 12:30
  • 1:30 - 4:30: Review InstallFest, Scope, Hoisting, Closures, Calculator, Cash Register
  • 4:30: Assign Secret Number Generator, Vault

Day 2:

  • 9:00AM: Stand up, Review Secret Number Generator, Vault
  • 10:00AM - 12:30PM: Review DOM, CSS, Chrome Debugging, Strict Mode
  • 1:30PM: Context, Fat Arrow
  • 4:30PM: Assign Applied DOM

Day 3:

  • 9:00AM: Stand Up
  • 9:30AM: Review Applied DOM
  • 10:30AM: Assign Pixel Painter

Day 4:

  • 9:00AM: Stand Up
  • 9:30AM: Review Pixel Painter
  • 10:30AM: Functional Arrays Lecture
  • 12:00PM: Assign Fun Arrays

Day 5:

  • 9:00AM: Stand Up
  • 9:30AM: Review Functional Arrays
  • 10:30AM: Data Structures Lecture
  • 12:00PM: Assign LinkedList

Day 6:

  • 9:00AM: Stand Up
  • 9:30AM: Paper Towers
  • 10:30AM: Jam on LinkedList, Polish pixel painter, finish previous assignments

Week 2: Advanced JS & CS Theory

OOP, Prototype
Data Structures, LinkedList, Recursion, Algorithms

Day 1

  • 9:00AM: Stand Up
  • 9:30AM: Review LinkedLists
  • 10:30AM: Recursion Lecture
  • 12:00PM: Chirp-Chirp

Day 2

  • 9:00AM: Stand Up
  • 9:30AM: Review Chirp Chirp
  • 10:30AM: Algorithms and sorting Lecture
  • 2:00PM:Assign Sorting Algorithms

Day 3

  • 9:00AM: Stand Up
  • 9:30AM: Review Sorting Algorithms
  • 10:30AM: OOP Lecture
  • 12:00PM: Assign JS Zombies ES6

Day 4

  • 9:00AM: Stand Up
  • 9:30AM: Review JS Zombies ES6
  • 10:30AM: Prototypes
  • 12:00PM: JS Zombies ES 5

Day 5

  • 9:00AM: Stand Up
  • 9:30AM: Review JS Zombies ES5
  • 10:30AM: TDD Lecture
  • 12:00PM: Assign Behavior Driven Shopping

Day 6

  • 9:00AM: Stand Up
  • 9:30AM: Computers are Robots
  • 10:30AM: Jam on Behavior Driven Shopping

Week 3: Network

TDD, XHR, Rebirth of reddit
Node, Events, Streams, HTTP Socket Server

Day 1

  • 9:00AM: Stand Up
  • 9:30AM: Review Behavior Driven Shopping
  • 10:30AM: XHR Lecture
  • 12:00PM: Async 1 & 2

Day 2

  • 9:00AM: Stand Up
  • 9:30AM: Review Async
  • 10:30AM: SASS & Gulp
  • 1:30PM: Rebirth of Reddit

Day 3

  • 9:00AM: Stand Up
  • 9:30AM: Jam on Rebirth of Reddit


  • 9:00AM: Stand Up
  • 9:30AM: Review Rebirth of Reddit
  • 10:30AM: Node Lecture
  • 11:30: Events Lecture
  • 1:30PM: Streams Leture
  • 2:30PM: HTTP Socket Server

Day 5

  • 9:00AM: Stand Up
  • 9:30AM: Jam on HTTP Socket Server

Day 6

  • 9:00AM: Stand Up
  • 9:30AM: Review HTTP Socket Server
  • 10:30AM: Be Positive
  • 11:30AM: 100 specs

Week 4: Open Week

Normally we would have Elemental HTTP Server, Article and Products, and Buzzword here

  • Express, Middleware - Articles and Products is probably still needed here
  • SpaceTeam

Week 5: Database

  • TubeHacked

Week 6: Express, Middleware

Week 7: Angular

Week 8: React

Week 9 & 10: CMS

Week 11 & 12: Final Project

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