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Created October 20, 2017 08:24
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Delivery drivers
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{"name": "Brandon Stark", "contact": "+6533330000", "latitude": "1.289907", "longitude": "103.829398", "available": false, "user_id": 3},
{"name": "Arya Stark","contact": "+6544440000","latitude": "1.312164","longitude": "103.767720", "available": true, "user_id": 4},
{"name": "Cersei Lannister", "contact": "+6555550000", "latitude": "1.310749", "longitude": "103.843629", "available": true, "user_id": 5},
{"name": "Khal Drogo", "contact": "+6566660000", "latitude": "1.286969", "longitude": "103.844563", "available": true, "user_id": 6},
{"name": "Sansa Stark", "contact": "+6577770000", "latitude": "1.273629", "longitude": "103.799448", "available": false, "user_id": 7},
{"name": "Ned Stark", "contact": "+6588880000", "latitude": "1.295855", "longitude": "103.875833", "available": true, "user_id": 8},
{"name": "Night King", "contact": "+6599990000", "latitude": "1.299964", "longitude": "103.829752", "available": true, "user_id": 9}
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