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Java Stream Api Examples

Data Set

    private List<Footballer> getFootballers() {
        return List.of(
                new Footballer("Messi", 32, Gender.MALE, List.of("CF","CAM", "RF")),
                new Footballer("Griezmann", 28, Gender.MALE, List.of("CF", "CAM", "LF")),
                new Footballer("Arthur", 23, Gender.MALE, List.of("CM", "CAM")),
                new Footballer("Ter Stegen", 27, Gender.MALE, List.of("GK")),
                new Footballer("Puig", 20, Gender.MALE, List.of("CM", "CDM")),
                new Footballer("Jennifer", 29, Gender.FEMALE, List.of("CF", "CAM")),
                new Footballer("Jana", 17, Gender.FEMALE, List.of("CB")),
                new Footballer("Alexia", 25, Gender.FEMALE, List.of("CAM", "RF", "LF"))

Intermediate Operations

  1. filter
  2. map
  3. flatMap
  4. distinct
  5. sorted
  6. peek
  7. limit
  8. skip
  9. takeWhile
  10. dropWhile

Terminal Operations

  1. count
  2. forEach
  3. forEachOrdered
  4. toArray
  5. min
  6. max
  7. anyMatch
  8. allMatch
  9. noneMatch
  10. findFirst
  11. findAny
  12. reduce
  13. collect


The ‘filter’ method is used to eliminate elements based on a criteria.

        List<Footballer> collect =
                .filter(footballer -> footballer.getGender().equals(Gender.FEMALE))
                .filter(footballer -> footballer.getAge() > 23)
                //List collect contains -
                //{name='Jennifer', age=29, gender=FEMALE, positions=[CF, CAM]} &
                //{name='Alexia', age=25, gender=FEMALE, positions=[CAM, RF, LF]}


map() produces a new stream after applying a function to each element of the original stream. The new stream could be of different type.

        long femalesMoreThan24y=
                .filter(footballer -> footballer.getGender().equals(Gender.FEMALE))
                .filter(age -> age > 24)

        System.out.println("femalesMoreThan24y = " + femalesMoreThan24y);
        //prints femalesMoreThan24y = 2


A stream can hold complex data structures like Stream<List>. In cases like this, flatMap() helps us to flatten the data structure to simplify further operations.

        String allPositionsOfMaleLessThan30y =
                .filter(footballer -> footballer.getGender().equals(Gender.MALE))
                .filter(footballer -> footballer.getAge() < 30)

        System.out.println("allPositionsOfMaleLessThan30y = " + allPositionsOfMaleLessThan30y);
        //prints allPositionsOfMaleLessThan30y = CF,CAM,LF,CM,CAM,GK,CM,CDM


Returns distinct elements in the stream, eliminating duplicates. It uses the equals() method of the elements to decide whether two elements are equal or not.

        String allUniquePositionsOfMaleLessThan30y =
                .filter(footballer -> footballer.getGender().equals(Gender.MALE))
                .filter(footballer -> footballer.getAge() < 30)

        System.out.println("allUniquePositionsOfMaleLessThan30y = " + allUniquePositionsOfMaleLessThan30y);
        //prints allUniquePositionsOfMaleLessThan30y = CF,CAM,LF,CM,GK,CDM


The ‘sorted’ method is used to sort the stream.

        List<Footballer>  sortByGenderAndName=

        System.out.println("sortByGenderAndName = " + sortByGenderAndName);
        //prints (prettified) sortByGenderAndName = [
//Footballer{name='Arthur', age=23, gender=MALE, positions=[CM, CAM]}, 
//Footballer{name='Griezmann', age=28, gender=MALE, positions=[CF, CAM, LF]}, 
//Footballer{name='Messi', age=32, gender=MALE, positions=[CF, CAM, RF]}, 
//Footballer{name='Puig', age=20, gender=MALE, positions=[CM, CDM]}, 
//Footballer{name='Ter Stegen', age=27, gender=MALE, positions=[GK]},
//Footballer{name='Alexia', age=25, gender=FEMALE, positions=[CAM, RF, LF]}, 
//Footballer{name='Jana', age=17, gender=FEMALE, positions=[CB]}, 
//Footballer{name='Jennifer', age=29, gender=FEMALE, positions=[CF, CAM]}, 


It performs the specified operation on each element of the stream and returns a new stream which can be used further.

        long malePlayerCount =
                .filter(footballer -> footballer.getGender().equals(Gender.MALE))
                .peek(footballer -> {
                    System.out.println("footballer = " + footballer);

        System.out.println("malePlayerCount = " + malePlayerCount);
//        prints
//        footballer = Footballer{name='Puig', age=20, gender=MALE, positions=[CM, CDM]}
//        footballer = Footballer{name='Arthur', age=23, gender=MALE, positions=[CM, CAM]}
//        footballer = Footballer{name='Ter Stegen', age=27, gender=MALE, positions=[GK]}
//        footballer = Footballer{name='Griezmann', age=28, gender=MALE, positions=[CF, CAM, LF]}
//        footballer = Footballer{name='Messi', age=32, gender=MALE, positions=[CF, CAM, RF]}
//        malePlayerCount = 5


The ‘limit’ method is used to reduce the size of the stream.

        List<Footballer> twoMaleFootballers =
                .filter(footballer -> footballer.getGender().equals(Gender.MALE))
                //twoMaleFootballers = [Footballer{name='Messi', age=32, gender=MALE, positions=[CF, CAM, RF]}, Footballer{name='Griezmann', age=28, gender=MALE, positions=[CF, CAM, LF]}]


        List<Footballer>  sortByGenderAndNameSkipping5=
                //prints (prettified)
                //sortByGenderAndNameSkipping5 = [
                //Footballer{name='Alexia', age=25, gender=FEMALE, positions=[CAM, RF, LF]}, 
                //Footballer{name='Jana', age=17, gender=FEMALE, positions=[CB]}, 
                //Footballer{name='Jennifer', age=29, gender=FEMALE, positions=[CF, CAM]}]
                //Note : See the above mentioned Sorted example for comparison

Take While

        //Normal Filter
        List<Integer> filteredList = Stream.of(2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12)
                .filter(n -> n % 2 == 0)
        System.out.println("filteredList = " + filteredList);
        //prints filteredList = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12]

        //Take, While ...
        List<Integer> takeAWhile = Stream.of(2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12)
                .takeWhile(n -> n % 2 == 0)

        System.out.println("takeAWhile = " + takeAWhile);
        //prints takeAWhile = [2, 4, 6, 8]

Drop While

        List<Integer> dropWhile = Stream.of(2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12)
                .dropWhile(n -> n % 2 == 0)

        System.out.println("dropWhile = " + dropWhile);
        //prints dropWhile = [9, 10, 11, 12]


        long femalesMoreThan24y=
                .filter(footballer -> footballer.getGender().equals(Gender.FEMALE))
                .filter(age -> age > 24)

        System.out.println("femalesMoreThan24y = " + femalesMoreThan24y);
        //prints femalesMoreThan24y = 2

For Each

It loops over the stream elements, calling the supplied function on each element.

                .filter(number -> number<65)
                .forEach(number -> System.out.println("number = " + number));
                //number = 2
                //number = 19
                //number = 3
                //number = 4
                //number = 6
                //number = 7
                //number = 1
                //number = 64

For Each Ordered

                .filter(number -> number<65)
                .forEachOrdered(number -> System.out.println("number = " + number));
                //number = 4
                //number = 1
                //number = 6
                //number = 7
                //number = 19
                //number = 2
                //number = 3
                //number = 64

To Array

If we need to get an array out of the stream, we can simply use toArray().

        Footballer[] femaleFootballers =
                .filter(footballer -> footballer.getGender().equals(Gender.FEMALE))

        System.out.println("femaleFootballers = " + Arrays.asList(femaleFootballers));
        //prints To Array femaleFootballers = [Footballer{name='Jennifer', age=29, gender=FEMALE, positions=[CF, CAM]}, Footballer{name='Jana', age=17, gender=FEMALE, positions=[CB]}, Footballer{name='Alexia', age=25, gender=FEMALE, positions=[CAM, RF, LF]}]


Returns the minimum element in the stream.

        Integer minAge =

        System.out.println("min age = " + minAge);
        //prints min age = 17


Returns the maximum element in the stream.

        Integer maxAge =

        System.out.println("max age = " + maxAge);
        //prints max age = 32

Any Match

anyMatch() checks if the predicate is true for any one element in the stream.

        boolean anyMatch = footballerList
                .anyMatch(footballer -> footballer.getAge() > 25);
        System.out.println("anyMatch = " + anyMatch);
        //prints anyMatch = true

All Match

allMatch() checks if the predicate is true for all the elements in the stream.

        boolean allMatch =
                .allMatch(footballer -> footballer.getAge() > 25);
        System.out.println("allMatch = " + allMatch);
        //prints allMatch = false

None Match

noneMatch() checks if there are no elements matching the predicate.

        boolean noneMatch =
                .noneMatch(footballer -> footballer.getAge() > 100);
        System.out.println("noneMatch = " + noneMatch);
        //prints noneMatch = true

Find First

findFirst() returns an Optional for the first entry in the stream; the Optional can, of course, be empty.

        Integer findFirst = List.of(4, 1, 3, 7, 5, 6, 2, 28, 15, 29)
                .filter(number -> number > 5)

        System.out.println("findFirst = " + findFirst);
        //prints findFirst = 7

Find Any

        Integer findAny = List.of(4, 1, 3, 7, 5, 6, 2, 28, 15, 29)
                .filter(number -> number > 5)

        System.out.println("findAny = " + findAny);
        //prints findAny = 28


        Optional<String> longestName =
                .reduce((name1, name2)
                        -> name1.length() > name2.length()
                        ? name1 : name2);

        //prints Ter Stegen


        List<Footballer> collect =
                .filter(footballer -> footballer.getGender().equals(Gender.FEMALE))
                .filter(footballer -> footballer.getAge() > 23)
                //List collect contains -
                //{name='Jennifer', age=29, gender=FEMALE, positions=[CF, CAM]} &
                //{name='Alexia', age=25, gender=FEMALE, positions=[CAM, RF, LF]}


  1. Stackify
  2. Advanced Java Programming
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