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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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  • Save tai271828/9d6697bf8ceba6362841 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tai271828/9d6697bf8ceba6362841 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#for child_of_root in rt:
# if child_of_root.tag == '{}wpt':
# for cc in child_of_root:
# if cc.tag =='{}name':
# print "%s %s %s" % (child_of_root.get('lat'),child_of_root.get('lon'), cc.text)
#for elem in tree.iterfind('wpt/name'):
# print elem.text
#for child_of_root in rt:
# if child_of_root.tag == '{}wpt': print "%s %s %s" % (child_of_root.get('lat'),child_of_root.get('lon'), child_of_root[0].text)
# For XML:
# For Proj
# Verify:
from pyproj import Proj
import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET
tree = ET.ElementTree(file='input.gpx')
rt = tree.getroot()
def lonlatTotwd97tm2(lon, lat):
p = Proj('+proj=tmerc +ellps=GRS80 +lon_0=121 +x_0=250000 +k=0.9999')
x,y = p(lon, lat)
return x,y
def twd97tm2Totwd67tm2(x, y):
#E67 = E97 - 807.8 - A * E97 - B * N97
#N67 = N97 + 248.6 - A * N97 - B * E97
A= 0.00001549
B= 0.000006521
E67 = x - 807.8 - A * x - B * y
N67 = y + 248.6 - A * y - B * x
return E67, N67
def decimanToms(lonlat):
decimal = lonlat % 1 # ->
v = lonlat - decimal
mid = (1.0/60.0) # m in decimal
sid = (1.0/3600.0) # s in decimal
m = (decimal - (decimal % mid))/mid
s = (decimal - (decimal % sid))/sid - m*60
print "%i %i %i" % (v, m, s)
for child_of_root in rt:
if child_of_root.tag == '{}wpt':
for cc in child_of_root:
if cc.tag =='{}name':
x, y = lonlatTotwd97tm2(child_of_root.get('lon'), child_of_root.get('lat'))
x, y = twd97tm2Totwd67tm2(x, y)
print "%s %s %s" % (x, y, cc.text)
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