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Created May 11, 2016 12:28
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Dynamic recursive API in F#
module StateMachine =
type State =
| StateA
| StateB
| StateC
| StateD
| End
type Transition =
{ TargetState: State
Continuation: unit -> TransitionResult }
and TransitionResult =
{ CurrentState: State
Transitions: Transition list }
type Actor =
{ DecideTransition: TransitionResult -> Transition }
let transitions = function
| StateA -> [StateB; StateC; StateD]
| StateB -> [StateA]
| StateC -> [StateB; End]
| StateD -> [StateC; StateD]
| End -> []
let rec transitionsOf state =
[for targetState in state |> transitions do
yield { TargetState = targetState
Continuation = fun () ->
{ CurrentState = targetState
Transitions = transitionsOf targetState }}]
let start =
{ CurrentState = StateA
Transitions = transitionsOf StateA }
module Actor =
let random = System.Random ()
let decideTransition result =
let randomIndex = random.Next(result.Transitions.Length)
result.Transitions |> List.item randomIndex
let actor = { DecideTransition = decideTransition }
module Engine =
let runWith actor =
let rec loop result =
if result.CurrentState = End then
let nextTransition = actor.DecideTransition result
printfn "Next: %A" nextTransition.TargetState
nextTransition.Continuation () |> loop
start |> loop
Engine.runWith actor
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