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Created February 12, 2013 09:37
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from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
my_data = [line.split('\t') for line in file('decision_tree_example.txt')]
class decisionnode:
def __init__(self, col = -1, value = None, results = None, tb = None, fb = None):
self.col = col
self.value = value
self.results = results
self.tb = tb
self.fb = fb
def divideset(rows, column, value):
split_function = None
if isinstance(value, int) or isinstance(value, float):
split_function = lambda row:row[column] >= value
split_function = lambda row:row[column] == value
set1 = [row for row in rows if split_function(row)]
set2 = [row for row in rows if not split_function(row)]
return (set1, set2)
def uniquecounts(rows):
results = {}
for row in rows:
r = row[len(row) - 1]
if r not in results:
results[r] = 0
results[r] += 1
return results
def giniimpurity(rows):
total = len(rows)
counts = uniquecounts(rows)
imp = 0
for k1 in counts:
p1 = float(counts[k1])/total
for k2 in counts:
if k1 == k2: continue
p2 = float(counts[k2])/total
imp += p1 * p2
return imp
def entropy(rows):
from math import log
log2 = lambda x:log(x)/log(2)
results = uniquecounts(rows)
ent = 0.0
for r in results.keys():
p = float(results[r])/len(rows)
ent = ent - p * log2(p)
return ent
def buildtree(rows, scoref = entropy):
if len(rows) == 0:
return None
current_socre = scoref(rows)
best_gain = 0.0
best_criteria = None
best_sets = None
column_count = len(rows[0]) - 1
for col in range(0, column_count):
column_values = {}
for row in rows:
column_values[row[col]] = 1
for value in column_values.keys():
(set1, set2) = divideset(rows, col, value)
p = float(len(set1)) / len(rows)
gain = current_socre - p * scoref(set1) - (1 - p) * scoref(set2)
if gain > best_gain and len(set1) > 0 and len(set2) > 0:
best_gain = gain
best_criteria = (col, value)
best_sets = (set1, set2)
if best_gain > 0:
trueBranch = buildtree(best_sets[0], scoref)
falseBranch = buildtree(best_sets[1], scoref)
return decisionnode(col = best_criteria[0], value = best_criteria[1],
tb = trueBranch, fb = falseBranch)
return decisionnode(results = uniquecounts(rows))
def printtree(tree, indent=''):
if tree.results != None:
print str(tree.results)
print str(tree.col) + ':' + str(tree.value) + '? '
print indent + 'T->',
printtree(tree.tb, indent + ' ')
print indent + 'F->',
printtree(tree.fb, indent + ' ')
def getwidth(tree):
if tree.tb == None and tree.fb == None:
return 1
return getwidth(tree.tb) + getwidth(tree.fb)
def getdepth(tree):
if tree.tb == None and tree.fb == None:
return 0
return max(getdepth(tree.tb), getdepth(tree.fb)) + 1
def drawtree(tree, jpeg = 'tree.jpg'):
w = getwidth(tree) * 100
h = getdepth(tree) * 100 + 120
img ='RGB', (w,h), (255,255,255))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
drawnode(draw, tree, w/2, 20), 'JPEG')
def drawnode(draw, tree, x, y):
if tree.results == None:
w1 = getwidth(tree.fb) * 100
w2 = getwidth(tree.tb) * 100
left = x - (w1 + w2) / 2
right = x + (w1 + w2) / 2
draw.text((x - 20, y - 10), str(tree.col) + ':' + str(tree.value), (0,0,0))
draw.line((x, y, left + w1 / 2, y + 100), fill = (255,0,0))
draw.line((x, y, right - w2 / 2, y + 100), fill = (255,0,0))
drawnode(draw, tree.fb, left + w1 / 2, y + 100)
drawnode(draw, tree.tb, right - w2 / 2, y + 100)
txt = ' \n'.join(['%s:%d'%v for v in tree.results.items()])
draw.text((x - 20, y), txt, (0,0,0))
def prune(tree, mingain):
if tree.tb.results == None:
prune(tree.tb, mingain)
if tree.fb.results == None:
prune(tree.fb, mingain)
if tree.tb.results != None and tree.fb.results != None:
tb, fb = [], []
for v, c in tree.tb.results.items():
tb += [[v]] * c
for v, c in tree.fb.results.items():
fb += [[v]] * c
delta = entropy(tb + fb) - (entropy(tb) + entropy(fb)) / 2
if delta < mingain:
tree.tb, tree.fb = None, None
tree.results = uniquecounts(tb + fb)
def mdclassify(observation, tree):
if tree.results != None:
return tree.results
v = observation[tree.col]
if v == None:
tr, fr = mdclassify(observation, tree.tb), mdclassify(observation, tree.fb)
tcount = sum(tr.values())
fcount = sum(fr.values())
tw = float(tcount) / (tcount + fcount)
fw = float(fcount) / (tcount + fcount)
result = {}
for k, v in tr.items():
result[k] = v * tw
for k, v in fr.items():
if k not in result:
result[k] = 0
result[k] += v * fw
return result
if isinstance(v, int) or isinstance(v, float):
if v >= tree.value:
branch = tree.tb
branch = tree.fb
if v == tree.value:
branch = tree.tb
branch = tree.fb
return mdclassify(observation, branch)
def variance(rows):
if len(rows) == 0:
return 0
data = [float(row[len(row) - 1]) for row in rows]
mean = sum(data) / len(data)
variance = sum([(d - mean)**2 for d in data]) / len(data)
return variance
import xml.dom.minidom
import urllib2
zwskey = "X1-ZWz1di5mpibbij_23up5"
def getaddressdata(address, city):
escad = address.replace(' ', '+')
url = ''
url += 'zws-id=%s&address=%s&citystatezip=%s' % (zwskey, escad, city)
doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(urllib2.urlopen(url).read())
code = doc.getElementsByTagName('code')[0]
if code != '0':
return None
zipcode = doc.getElementsByTagName('zipcode')[0]
use = doc.getElementsByTagName('useCode')[0]
year = doc.getElementsByTagName('yearBuilt')[0]
bath = doc.getElementsByTagName('bathrooms')[0]
bed = doc.getElementsByTagName('bedrooms')[0]
price = doc.getElementsByTagName('amount')[0]
return None
return (zipcode, use, int(year), float(bath), int(bed), price)
def getpricelist():
li = []
for line in file('addresslist.txt'):
data = getaddressdata(line.strip(), 'Cambridge,MA')
if data != None:
return li
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