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Last active December 27, 2015 04:09
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DBFlute で MySQL のDATE型をJoda-TimeのLocalDateにマッピングする

DBFlute で MySQL のDATE型をJoda-TimeのLocalDateにマッピングする


  • Java
  • TnAbstractValueType を継承したValueTypeを作り、java.sql.Dateとorg.joda.time.LocalDateの変換を実装する
  • DBFluteInitializerを継承し、prologue()をオーバーライドして、DBFluteConfig#registerBasicValueType() でLocalDateに対するValueTypeを登録する
  • dfprop
  • typeMappingMap.dfprop で、DATEをorg.joda.time.LocalDateにマッピングする
  • littleAdjustmentMap.dfpropのextendedDBFluteInitializerClassに、拡張したDBFluteInitializerを設定する
  • includeQueryMap.dfpropでFromToとDateFromToの生成を抑制する(FromToがjava.util.Dateを使ってしまいコンパイルエラーになるため)


public class JodaDateType extends TnAbstractValueType {

    public JodaDateType() {

    public Object getValue(final ResultSet rs, final int index) throws SQLException {
        final Date date = rs.getDate(index);
        return date == null ? null : LocalDate.fromDateFields(date);

    public Object getValue(final ResultSet rs, final String columnName) throws SQLException {
        final Date date = rs.getDate(columnName);
        return date == null ? null : LocalDate.fromDateFields(date);

    public Object getValue(final CallableStatement cs, final int index) throws SQLException {
        final Date date = cs.getDate(index);
        return date == null ? null : LocalDate.fromDateFields(date);

    public Object getValue(final CallableStatement cs, final String parameterName) throws SQLException {
        final Date date = cs.getDate(parameterName);
        return date == null ? null : LocalDate.fromDateFields(date);

    public void bindValue(final Connection conn, final PreparedStatement ps, final int index, final Object value) throws SQLException {
        if (value == null) {
            this.setNull(ps, index);
        } else {
            ps.setDate(index, this.toSqlDate(value));


    public void bindValue(final Connection conn, final CallableStatement cs, final String parameterName, final Object value) throws SQLException {
        if (value == null) {
            this.setNull(cs, parameterName);
        } else {
            cs.setDate(parameterName, this.toSqlDate(value));

    private java.sql.Date toSqlDate(final Object value) {
        assert value != null;

        if (value instanceof ReadablePartial) {
            return new java.sql.Date(((ReadablePartial) value).toDateTime(null).withTimeAtStartOfDay().getMillis());
        } else if (value instanceof ReadableInstant) {
            return new java.sql.Date(((ReadableInstant) value).getMillis());

        return DfTypeUtil.toSqlDate(value);


public class ExtendedDBFluteInitializer extends DBFluteInitializer {
    private static final ValueType DATE_TYPE = new JodaDateType();

    public ExtendedDBFluteInitializer(final DataSource dataSource) {

    protected void prologue() {
        final DBFluteConfig config = DBFluteConfig.getInstance();
        config.registerBasicValueType(LocalDate.class, DATE_TYPE);


    ; NUMERIC = $$AutoMapping$$ ; DECIMAL = $$AutoMapping$$
    ; DATE = org.joda.time.LocalDate


    ; extendedDBFluteInitializerClass = com.example.ExtendedDBFluteInitializer


    ; Date = map:{
        ; NotEqual = map:{}
        ; InScope = map:{}
        ; NotInScope = map:{}
        ; FromTo = map:{}
        ; DateFromTo = map:{}
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