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Forked from akr4/maze.scala
Created October 14, 2012 12:43
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A* アルゴリズムで迷路を解く
scala> import maze._
import maze._
scala> val m = Mazes.load(new"maze.txt"))
m: maze.Maze = maze.Maze@20ccb51
scala> Mazes.encodeRunLength(m.solve.get)
res0: List[(maze.Direction.Value, Int)] = List((S,1), (E,10), (S,2), (W,31), (N,4), (E,2), (S,2), (E,2), (N,4), (E,7), (N,1))
package maze
import scala.collection.mutable.PriorityQueue
case class Point(x: Int, y: Int) {
def distance(other: Point): Int = math.abs(x - other.x) + math.abs(y - other.y)
def moveN: Point = Point(x, y - 1)
def moveE: Point = Point(x + 1, y)
def moveS: Point = Point(x, y + 1)
def moveW: Point = Point(x - 1, y)
case class Cell(point: Point, value: Char)
object Direction extends Enumeration {
val N, E, S, W = Value
class DistanceOrdering(target: Point) extends Ordering[Point] {
def compare(a: Point, b: Point) = a.distance(target).compare(b.distance(target))
class Maze(private val data: Array[Array[Char]]) {
lazy val cells =
for {
(line, y) <- data.zipWithIndex
(v, x) <- line.zipWithIndex
} yield {
Cell(Point(x, y), v)
def cellAt(point: Point): Option[(Cell, List[(Point, Direction.Value)])] = {
cells.find { _.point == point } match {
case Some(c@Cell(p, _)) =>
val n = cells.find { _.point == Point(p.x, p.y - 1) }.map { (_, Direction.N) }
val e = cells.find { _.point == Point(p.x + 1, p.y) }.map { (_, Direction.E) }
val s = cells.find { _.point == Point(p.x, p.y + 1) }.map { (_, Direction.S) }
val w = cells.find { _.point == Point(p.x - 1, p.y) }.map { (_, Direction.W) }
Some((c, List(n, e, s, w).collect { case Some((c, d)) if c.value == '.' || c.value == 'G' => (c.point, d) }))
case _ => None
def start: Option[Point] = find('S')
def goal: Option[Point] = find('G')
private def find(value: Char): Option[Point] =
cells.find { _.value == value }.map { _.point }
def solve: Option[List[Direction.Value]] = {
val s = start.get
val g = goal.get
val q = PriorityQueue(s)(new DistanceOrdering(g))
explore(q, Map.empty, Set.empty, s, g)
private def explore(q: PriorityQueue[Point], footprints: Map[Point, Direction.Value], visited: Set[Point], s: Point, g: Point): Option[List[Direction.Value]] = {
if (q.isEmpty) None
else {
val p = q.dequeue
val (c, links) = cellAt(p).get
if (c.point == g) Some(path(footprints, s, g))
else if (visited.contains(c.point)) {
explore(q, footprints, visited, s, g)
} else {
links.foreach { x => q += x._1 }
val f = links.foldLeft(footprints) { case (m, (p, d)) => if (!visited.contains(p)) m + (p -> d) else m }
explore(q, f, visited + p, s, g)
private def path(footprints: Map[Point, Direction.Value], start: Point, goal: Point): List[Direction.Value] = {
def _path(acc: List[Direction.Value], footprints: Map[Point, Direction.Value], start: Point, p: Point): List[Direction.Value] = {
if (p == start) acc
else {
footprints(p) match {
case [email protected] => _path(d :: acc, footprints, start, p.moveS)
case [email protected] => _path(d :: acc, footprints, start, p.moveW)
case [email protected] => _path(d :: acc, footprints, start, p.moveN)
case [email protected] => _path(d :: acc, footprints, start, p.moveE)
_path(List.empty, footprints, start, goal)
object Mazes {
def load(file: File): Maze = {
val cc = Resource.fromFile(file).lines().map { _ toCharArray }.toArray
new Maze(cc)
def encodeRunLength(path: List[Direction.Value]): List[(Direction.Value, Int)] = {
def pack[A](ls: List[A]): List[List[A]] = {
if (ls.isEmpty) List(List())
else {
val (packed, next) = ls span { _ == ls.head }
if (next == Nil) List(packed)
else packed :: pack(next)
pack(path).map { e => (e.head, e.length) }
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