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Last active April 23, 2018 03:07
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Generic functions

  • convert_label(const int|const float) - Convert from -1|1 to 0.0f|1.0f, or from 0.0f|1.0f to -1|1

  • each_top_k(int K, Object group, double cmpKey, *) - Returns top-K values (or tail-K values when k is less than 0)

  • generate_series(const int|bigint start, const int|bigint end) - Generate a series of values, from start to end. A similar function to PostgreSQL's generate_serics.

    select generate_series(1,9);
  • try_cast(ANY src, const string typeName) - Explicitly cast a value as a type. Returns null if cast fails.

    Usage: select try_cast(array(1.0,2.0,3.0), 'array<string>')
         select try_cast(map('A',10,'B',20,'C',30), 'map<string,double>')
  • x_rank(KEY) - Generates a pseudo sequence number starting from 1 for each key


  • array_append(array<T> arr, T elem) - Append an element to the end of an array

  • array_avg(array<number>) - Returns an array<double> in which each element is the mean of a set of numbers

  • array_concat(array<ANY> x1, array<ANY> x2, ..) - Returns a concatenated array

    select array_concat(array(1),array(2,3));
    > [1,2,3]
  • array_flatten(array<array<ANY>>) - Returns an array with the elements flattened.

  • array_intersect(array<ANY> x1, array<ANY> x2, ..) - Returns an intersect of given arrays

    select array_intersect(array(1,3,4),array(2,3,4),array(3,5));
    > [3]
  • array_remove(array<int|text> original, int|text|array<int> target) - Returns an array that the target is removed from the original array

    select array_remove(array(1,null,3),array(null));
    > [3]
    select array_remove(array("aaa","bbb"),"bbb");
    > ["aaa"]
  • array_slice(array<ANY> values, int offset [, int length]) - Slices the given array by the given offset and length parameters.

    select array_slice(array(1,2,3,4,5,6), 2,4);
    > [3,4]
  • array_sum(array<number>) - Returns an array<double> in which each element is summed up

  • array_union(array1, array2, ...) - Returns the union of a set of arrays

  • conditional_emit(array<boolean> conditions, array<primitive> features) - Emit features of a row according to various conditions

  • element_at(array<T> list, int pos) - Returns an element at the given position

  • first_element(x) - Returns the first element in an array

  • float_array(nDims) - Returns an array<float> of nDims elements

  • last_element(x) - Return the last element in an array

  • select_k_best(array<number> array, const array<number> importance, const int k) - Returns selected top-k elements as array<double>

  • sort_and_uniq_array(array<int>) - Takes array<int> and returns a sorted array with duplicate elements eliminated

    select sort_and_uniq_array(array(3,1,1,-2,10));
    > [-2,1,3,10]
  • subarray_endwith(array<int|text> original, int|text key) - Returns an array that ends with the specified key

    select subarray_endwith(array(1,2,3,4), 3);
    > [1,2,3]
  • subarray_startwith(array<int|text> original, int|text key) - Returns an array that starts with the specified key

    select subarray_startwith(array(1,2,3,4), 2);
    > [2,3,4]
  • to_string_array(array<ANY>) - Returns an array of strings

  • to_ordered_list(PRIMITIVE value [, PRIMITIVE key, const string options]) - Return list of values sorted by value itself or specific key

    with t as (
        select 5 as key, 'apple' as value
        union all
        select 3 as key, 'banana' as value
        union all
        select 4 as key, 'candy' as value
        union all
        select 2 as key, 'donut' as value
        union all
        select 3 as key, 'egg' as value
    select                                             -- expected output
        to_ordered_list(value, key, '-reverse'),       -- [apple, candy, (banana, egg | egg, banana), donut] (reverse order)
        to_ordered_list(value, key, '-k 2'),           -- [apple, candy] (top-k)
        to_ordered_list(value, key, '-k 100'),         -- [apple, candy, (banana, egg | egg, banana), dunut]
        to_ordered_list(value, key, '-k 2 -reverse'),  -- [donut, (banana | egg)] (reverse top-k = tail-k)
        to_ordered_list(value, key),                   -- [donut, (banana, egg | egg, banana), candy, apple] (natural order)
        to_ordered_list(value, key, '-k -2'),          -- [donut, (banana | egg)] (tail-k)
        to_ordered_list(value, key, '-k -100'),        -- [donut, (banana, egg | egg, banana), candy, apple]
        to_ordered_list(value, key, '-k -2 -reverse'), -- [apple, candy] (reverse tail-k = top-k)
        to_ordered_list(value, '-k 2'),                -- [egg, donut] (alphabetically)
        to_ordered_list(key, '-k -2 -reverse'),        -- [5, 4] (top-2 keys)
        to_ordered_list(key)                           -- [2, 3, 3, 4, 5] (natural ordered keys)


  • map_get_sum(map<int,float> src, array<int> keys) - Returns sum of values that are retrieved by keys

  • map_tail_n(map SRC, int N) - Returns the last N elements from a sorted array of SRC

  • to_map(key, value) - Convert two aggregated columns into a key-value map

  • to_ordered_map(key, value [, const int k|const boolean reverseOrder=false]) - Convert two aggregated columns into an ordered key-value map

    with t as (
        select 10 as key, 'apple' as value
        union all
        select 3 as key, 'banana' as value
        union all
        select 4 as key, 'candy' as value
        to_ordered_map(key, value, true),   -- {10:"apple",4:"candy",3:"banana"} (reverse)
        to_ordered_map(key, value, 1),      -- {10:"apple"} (top-1)
        to_ordered_map(key, value, 2),      -- {10:"apple",4:"candy"} (top-2)
        to_ordered_map(key, value, 3),      -- {10:"apple",4:"candy",3:"banana"} (top-3)
        to_ordered_map(key, value, 100),    -- {10:"apple",4:"candy",3:"banana"} (top-100)
        to_ordered_map(key, value),         -- {3:"banana",4:"candy",10:"apple"} (natural)
        to_ordered_map(key, value, -1),     -- {3:"banana"} (tail-1)
        to_ordered_map(key, value, -2),     -- {3:"banana",4:"candy"} (tail-2)
        to_ordered_map(key, value, -3),     -- {3:"banana",4:"candy",10:"apple"} (tail-3)
        to_ordered_map(key, value, -100)    -- {3:"banana",4:"candy",10:"apple"} (tail-100)
    from t


  • bits_collect(int|long x) - Returns a bitset in array<long>

  • bits_or(array<long> b1, array<long> b2, ..) - Returns a logical OR given bitsets

    select unbits(bits_or(to_bits(array(1,4)),to_bits(array(2,3))));
    > [1,2,3,4]
  • to_bits(int[] indexes) - Returns an bitset representation if the given indexes in long[]

    select to_bits(array(1,2,3,128));
    > [14,-9223372036854775808]
  • unbits(long[] bitset) - Returns an long array of the give bitset representation

    select unbits(to_bits(array(1,4,2,3)));
    > [1,2,3,4]


  • deflate(TEXT data [, const int compressionLevel]) - Returns a compressed BINARY object by using Deflater. The compression level must be in range [-1,9]

    select base91(deflate('aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbccc'));
    > AA+=kaIM|WTt!+wbGAA
  • inflate(BINARY compressedData) - Returns a decompressed STRING by using Inflater

    select inflate(unbase91(base91(deflate('aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbccc'))));
    > aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbccc


  • distcache_gets(filepath, key, default_value [, parseKey]) - Returns map<key_type, value_type>|value_type

  • jobconf_gets() - Returns the value from JobConf

  • jobid() - Returns the value of

  • rowid() - Returns a generated row id of a form {TASK_ID}-{SEQUENCE_NUMBER}

  • rownum() - Returns a generated row number in long

    returns sprintf(`%d%04d`,sequence,taskId) as long
  • taskid() - Returns the value of mapred.task.partition


  • l2_norm(double xi) - Return L2 norm of a vector which has the given values in each dimension

  • sigmoid(x) - Returns 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(-x))


  • transpose_and_dot(array<number> matrix0_row, array<number> matrix1_row) - Returns dot(matrix0.T, matrix1) as array<array<double>>, shape = (matrix0.#cols, matrix1.#cols)

Text processing

  • base91(BINARY bin) - Convert the argument from binary to a BASE91 string

    select base91(deflate('aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbccc'));
    > AA+=kaIM|WTt!+wbGAA
  • is_stopword(string word) - Returns whether English stopword or not

  • normalize_unicode(string str [, string form]) - Transforms str with the specified normalization form. The form takes one of NFC (default), NFD, NFKC, or NFKD

    select normalize_unicode('ハンカクカナ','NFKC');
    > ハンカクカナ
    select normalize_unicode('㈱㌧㌦Ⅲ','NFKC');
    > (株)トンドルIII
  • singularize(string word) - Returns singular form of a given English word

    select singularize(lower("Apples"));
    > "apple"
  • split_words(string query [, string regex]) - Returns an array<text> containing split strings

  • tokenize(string englishText [, boolean toLowerCase]) - Returns tokenized words in array<string>

  • unbase91(string) - Convert a BASE91 string to a binary

    select inflate(unbase91(base91(deflate('aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbccc'))));
    > aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbccc
  • word_ngrams(array<string> words, int minSize, int maxSize]) - Returns list of n-grams for given words, where minSize &lt;= n &lt;= maxSize

    select word_ngrams(tokenize('Machine learning is fun!', true), 1, 2);
    > ["machine","machine learning","learning","learning is","is","is fun","fun"]


  • train_arow_regr(array<int|bigint|string> features, float target [, constant string options]) - Returns a relation consists of <{int|bigint|string} feature, float weight, float covar>

  • train_arowe2_regr(array<int|bigint|string> features, float target [, constant string options]) - Returns a relation consists of <{int|bigint|string} feature, float weight, float covar>

  • train_arowe_regr(array<int|bigint|string> features, float target [, constant string options]) - Returns a relation consists of <{int|bigint|string} feature, float weight, float covar>

  • train_pa1_regr(array<int|bigint|string> features, float target [, constant string options]) - Returns a relation consists of <{int|bigint|string} feature, float weight>

  • train_pa1a_regr(array<int|bigint|string> features, float target [, constant string options]) - Returns a relation consists of <{int|bigint|string} feature, float weight>

  • train_pa2_regr(array<int|bigint|string> features, float target [, constant string options]) - Returns a relation consists of <{int|bigint|string} feature, float weight>

  • train_pa2a_regr(array<int|bigint|string> features, float target [, constant string options]) - Returns a relation consists of <{int|bigint|string} feature, float weight>

  • train_regressor(list<string|int|bigint> features, double label [, const string options]) - Returns a relation consists of <string|int|bigint feature, float weight>

    Build a prediction model by a generic regressor


Binary classification

  • kpa_predict(@Nonnull double xh, @Nonnull double xk, @Nullable float w0, @Nonnull float w1, @Nonnull float w2, @Nullable float w3) - Returns a prediction value in Double

  • train_arow(list<string|int|bigint> features, int label [, const string options]) - Returns a relation consists of <string|int|bigint feature, float weight, float covar>

    Build a prediction model by Adaptive Regularization of Weight Vectors (AROW) binary classifier
  • train_arowh(list<string|int|bigint> features, int label [, const string options]) - Returns a relation consists of <string|int|bigint feature, float weight, float covar>

    Build a prediction model by AROW binary classifier using hinge loss
  • train_classifier(list<string|int|bigint> features, int label [, const string options]) - Returns a relation consists of <string|int|bigint feature, float weight>

    Build a prediction model by a generic classifier
  • train_cw(list<string|int|bigint> features, int label [, const string options]) - Returns a relation consists of <string|int|bigint feature, float weight, float covar>

    Build a prediction model by Confidence-Weighted (CW) binary classifier
  • train_kpa(array<string|int|bigint> features, int label [, const string options]) - returns a relation <h int, hk int, float w0, float w1, float w2, float w3>

  • train_pa(list<string|int|bigint> features, int label [, const string options]) - Returns a relation consists of <string|int|bigint feature, float weight>

    Build a prediction model by Passive-Aggressive (PA) binary classifier
  • train_pa1(list<string|int|bigint> features, int label [, const string options]) - Returns a relation consists of <string|int|bigint feature, float weight>

    Build a prediction model by Passive-Aggressive 1 (PA-1) binary classifier
  • train_pa2(list<string|int|bigint> features, int label [, const string options]) - Returns a relation consists of <string|int|bigint feature, float weight>

    Build a prediction model by Passive-Aggressive 2 (PA-2) binary classifier
  • train_perceptron(list<string|int|bigint> features, int label [, const string options]) - Returns a relation consists of <string|int|bigint feature, float weight>

    Build a prediction model by Perceptron binary classifier
  • train_scw(list<string|int|bigint> features, int label [, const string options]) - Returns a relation consists of <string|int|bigint feature, float weight, float covar>

    Build a prediction model by Soft Confidence-Weighted (SCW-1) binary classifier
  • train_scw2(list<string|int|bigint> features, int label [, const string options]) - Returns a relation consists of <string|int|bigint feature, float weight, float covar>

    Build a prediction model by Soft Confidence-Weighted 2 (SCW-2) binary classifier

Multiclass classification

  • train_multiclass_arow(list<string|int|bigint> features, {int|string} label [, const string options]) - Returns a relation consists of <{int|string} label, {string|int|bigint} feature, float weight, float covar>

    Build a prediction model by Adaptive Regularization of Weight Vectors (AROW) multiclass classifier
  • train_multiclass_arowh(list<string|int|bigint> features, int|string label [, const string options]) - Returns a relation consists of <int|string label, string|int|bigint feature, float weight, float covar>

    Build a prediction model by Adaptive Regularization of Weight Vectors (AROW) multiclass classifier using hinge loss
  • train_multiclass_cw(list<string|int|bigint> features, {int|string} label [, const string options]) - Returns a relation consists of <{int|string} label, {string|int|bigint} feature, float weight, float covar>

    Build a prediction model by Confidence-Weighted (CW) multiclass classifier
  • train_multiclass_pa(list<string|int|bigint> features, {int|string} label [, const string options]) - Returns a relation consists of <{int|string} label, {string|int|bigint} feature, float weight>

    Build a prediction model by Passive-Aggressive (PA) multiclass classifier
  • train_multiclass_pa1(list<string|int|bigint> features, {int|string} label [, const string options]) - Returns a relation consists of <{int|string} label, {string|int|bigint} feature, float weight>

    Build a prediction model by Passive-Aggressive 1 (PA-1) multiclass classifier
  • train_multiclass_pa2(list<string|int|bigint> features, {int|string} label [, const string options]) - Returns a relation consists of <{int|string} label, {string|int|bigint} feature, float weight>

    Build a prediction model by Passive-Aggressive 2 (PA-2) multiclass classifier
  • train_multiclass_perceptron(list<string|int|bigint> features, {int|string} label [, const string options]) - Returns a relation consists of <{int|string} label, {string|int|bigint} feature, float weight>

    Build a prediction model by Perceptron multiclass classifier
  • train_multiclass_scw(list<string|int|bigint> features, {int|string} label [, const string options]) - Returns a relation consists of <{int|string} label, {string|int|bigint} feature, float weight, float covar>

    Build a prediction model by Soft Confidence-Weighted (SCW-1) multiclass classifier
  • train_multiclass_scw2(list<string|int|bigint> features, {int|string} label [, const string options]) - Returns a relation consists of <{int|string} label, {string|int|bigint} feature, float weight, float covar>

    Build a prediction model by Soft Confidence-Weighted 2 (SCW-2) multiclass classifier

Matrix factorization

  • bprmf_predict(List<Float> Pu, List<Float> Qi[, double Bi]) - Returns the prediction value

  • mf_predict(List<Float> Pu, List<Float> Qi[, double Bu, double Bi[, double mu]]) - Returns the prediction value

  • train_bprmf(INT user, INT posItem, INT negItem [, String options]) - Returns a relation <INT i, FLOAT Pi, FLOAT Qi [, FLOAT Bi]>

  • train_mf_adagrad(INT user, INT item, FLOAT rating [, CONSTANT STRING options]) - Returns a relation consists of <int idx, array<float> Pu, array<float> Qi [, float Bu, float Bi [, float mu]]>

  • train_mf_sgd(INT user, INT item, FLOAT rating [, CONSTANT STRING options]) - Returns a relation consists of <int idx, array<float> Pu, array<float> Qi [, float Bu, float Bi [, float mu]]>

Factorization machines

  • ffm_predict(float Wi, array<float> Vifj, array<float> Vjfi, float Xi, float Xj) - Returns a prediction value in Double

  • fm_predict(Float Wj, array<float> Vjf, float Xj) - Returns a prediction value in Double

  • train_ffm(array<string> x, double y [, const string options]) - Returns a prediction model

  • train_fm(array<string> x, double y [, const string options]) - Returns a prediction model


  • train_slim( int i, map<int, double> r_i, map<int, map<int, double>> topKRatesOfI, int j, map<int, double> r_j [, constant string options]) - Returns row index, column index and non-zero weight value of prediction model

Anomaly detection

  • changefinder(double|array<double> x [, const string options]) - Returns outlier/change-point scores and decisions using ChangeFinder. It will return a tuple <double outlier_score, double changepoint_score [, boolean is_anomaly [, boolean is_changepoint]]

  • sst(double|array<double> x [, const string options]) - Returns change-point scores and decisions using Singular Spectrum Transformation (SST). It will return a tuple <double changepoint_score [, boolean is_changepoint]>

Topic modeling

  • lda_predict(string word, float value, int label, float lambda[, const string options]) - Returns a list which consists of <int label, float prob>

  • plsa_predict(string word, float value, int label, float prob[, const string options]) - Returns a list which consists of <int label, float prob>

  • train_lda(array<string> words[, const string options]) - Returns a relation consists of <int topic, string word, float score>

  • train_plsa(array<string> words[, const string options]) - Returns a relation consists of <int topic, string word, float score>


  • add_bias(feature_vector in array<string>) - Returns features with a bias in array<string>

  • add_feature_index(ARRAY[DOUBLE]: dense feature vector) - Returns a feature vector with feature indices

  • extract_feature(feature_vector in array<string>) - Returns features in array<string>

  • extract_weight(feature_vector in array<string>) - Returns the weights of features in array<string>

  • feature(<string|int|long|short|byte> feature, <number> value) - Returns a feature string

  • feature_index(feature_vector in array<string>) - Returns feature indices in array<index>

  • sort_by_feature(map in map<int,float>) - Returns a sorted map

Data amplification

  • amplify(const int xtimes, *) - amplify the input records x-times

  • rand_amplify(const int xtimes [, const string options], *) - amplify the input records x-times in map-side

Feature binning

  • build_bins(number weight, const int num_of_bins[, const boolean auto_shrink = false]) - Return quantiles representing bins: array<double>

  • feature_binning(array<features::string> features, const map<string, array<number>> quantiles_map) / FUNC(number weight, const array<number> quantiles) - Returns binned features as an array<features::string> / bin ID as int

Feature format conversion

  • conv2dense(int feature, float weight, int nDims) - Return a dense model in array<float>

  • quantify(boolean output, col1, col2, ...) - Returns an identified features

  • to_dense_features(array<string> feature_vector, int dimensions) - Returns a dense feature in array<float>

  • to_sparse_features(array<float> feature_vector) - Returns a sparse feature in array<string>

Feature hashing

  • array_hash_values(array<string> values, [string prefix [, int numFeatures], boolean useIndexAsPrefix]) returns hash values in array<int>

  • feature_hashing(array<string> features [, const string options]) - returns a hashed feature vector in array<string>

  • mhash(string word) returns a murmurhash3 INT value starting from 1

  • prefixed_hash_values(array<string> values, string prefix [, boolean useIndexAsPrefix]) returns array<string> that each element has the specified prefix

  • sha1(string word [, int numFeatures]) returns a SHA-1 value

Feature paring

  • feature_pairs(feature_vector in array<string>, [, const string options]) - Returns a relation <string i, string j, double xi, double xj>

  • polynomial_features(feature_vector in array<string>) - Returns a feature vectorhaving polynomial feature space

  • powered_features(feature_vector in array<string>, int degree [, boolean truncate]) - Returns a feature vector having a powered feature space


  • bpr_sampling(int userId, List<int> posItems [, const string options])- Returns a relation consists of <int userId, int itemId>

  • item_pairs_sampling(array<int|long> pos_items, const int max_item_id [, const string options])- Returns a relation consists of <int pos_item_id, int neg_item_id>

  • populate_not_in(list items, const int max_item_id [, const string options])- Returns a relation consists of <int item> that item does not exist in the given items

Feature scaling

  • l1_normalize(ftvec string) - Returned a L1 normalized value

  • l2_normalize(ftvec string) - Returned a L2 normalized value

  • rescale(value, min, max) - Returns rescaled value by min-max normalization

  • zscore(value, mean, stddev) - Returns a standard score (zscore)

Feature selection

  • chi2(array<array<number>> observed, array<array<number>> expected) - Returns chi2_val and p_val of each columns as <array<double>, array<double>>

  • snr(array<number> features, array<int> one-hot class label) - Returns Signal Noise Ratio for each feature as array<double>

Feature transformation and vectorization

  • add_field_indices(array<string> features) - Returns arrays of string that field indices (<field>:<feature>)* are augmented

  • binarize_label(int/long positive, int/long negative, ...) - Returns positive/negative records that are represented as (..., int label) where label is 0 or 1

  • categorical_features(array<string> featureNames, feature1, feature2, .. [, const string options]) - Returns a feature vector array<string>

  • ffm_features(const array<string> featureNames, feature1, feature2, .. [, const string options]) - Takes categorical variables and returns a feature vector array<string> in a libffm format <field>:<index>:<value>

  • indexed_features(double v1, double v2, ...) - Returns a list of features as array<string>: [1:v1, 2:v2, ..]

  • onehot_encoding(PRIMITIVE feature, ...) - Compute onehot encoded label for each feature

  • quantified_features(boolean output, col1, col2, ...) - Returns an identified features in a dense array<double>

  • quantitative_features(array<string> featureNames, feature1, feature2, .. [, const string options]) - Returns a feature vector array<string>

  • vectorize_features(array<string> featureNames, feature1, feature2, .. [, const string options]) - Returns a feature vector array<string>

Geospatial functions

  • haversine_distance(double lat1, double lon1, double lat2, double lon2, [const boolean mile=false])::double - return distance between two locations in km [or miles] using haversine formula

    Usage: select latlon_distance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2) from ...
  • lat2tiley(double lat, int zoom)::int - Returns the tile number of the given latitude and zoom level

  • lon2tilex(double lon, int zoom)::int - Returns the tile number of the given longitude and zoom level

  • map_url(double lat, double lon, int zoom [, const string option]) - Returns a URL string

    Google Maps:${lat},${lon},${zoom}z
  • tile(double lat, double lon, int zoom)::bigint - Returns a tile number 2^2n where n is zoom level. FUNC(lat,lon,zoom) = xtile(lon,zoom) + ytile(lat,zoom) * 2^zoom

    refer for detail
  • tilex2lon(int x, int zoom)::double - Returns longitude of the given tile x and zoom level

  • tiley2lat(int y, int zoom)::double - Returns latitude of the given tile y and zoom level

Distance measures

  • angular_distance(ftvec1, ftvec2) - Returns an angular distance of the given two vectors

  • cosine_distance(ftvec1, ftvec2) - Returns a cosine distance of the given two vectors

  • euclid_distance(ftvec1, ftvec2) - Returns the square root of the sum of the squared differences: sqrt(sum((x - y)^2))

  • hamming_distance(A, B [,int k]) - Returns Hamming distance between A and B

  • jaccard_distance(A, B [,int k]) - Returns Jaccard distance between A and B

  • kld(double m1, double sigma1, double mu2, double sigma 2) - Returns KL divergence between two distributions

  • manhattan_distance(list x, list y) - Returns sum(|x - y|)

  • minkowski_distance(list x, list y, double p) - Returns sum(|x - y|^p)^(1/p)

  • popcnt(a [, b]) - Returns a popcount value

Locality-sensitive hashing

  • bbit_minhash(array<> features [, int numHashes]) - Returns a b-bits minhash value

  • minhash(ANY item, array<int|bigint|string> features [, constant string options]) - Returns n different k-depth signatures (i.e., clusterid) for each item <clusterid, item>

  • minhashes(array<> features [, int numHashes, int keyGroup [, boolean noWeight]]) - Returns minhash values

Similarity measures

  • angular_similarity(ftvec1, ftvec2) - Returns an angular similarity of the given two vectors

  • cosine_similarity(ftvec1, ftvec2) - Returns a cosine similarity of the given two vectors

  • dimsum_mapper(array<string> row, map<int col_id, double norm> colNorms [, const string options]) - Returns column-wise partial similarities

  • distance2similarity(float d) - Returns 1.0 / (1.0 + d)

  • euclid_similarity(ftvec1, ftvec2) - Returns a euclid distance based similarity, which is 1.0 / (1.0 + distance), of the given two vectors

  • jaccard_similarity(A, B [,int k]) - Returns Jaccard similarity coefficient of A and B


  • auc(array rankItems | double score, array correctItems | int label [, const int recommendSize = rankItems.size ]) - Returns AUC

  • average_precision(array rankItems, array correctItems [, const int recommendSize = rankItems.size]) - Returns MAP

  • f1score(array[int], array[int]) - Return a F1 score

  • fmeasure(array|int|boolean actual, array|int| boolean predicted [, const string options]) - Return a F-measure (f1score is the special with beta=1.0)

  • hitrate(array rankItems, array correctItems [, const int recommendSize = rankItems.size]) - Returns HitRate

  • logloss(double predicted, double actual) - Return a Logrithmic Loss

  • mae(double predicted, double actual) - Return a Mean Absolute Error

  • mrr(array rankItems, array correctItems [, const int recommendSize = rankItems.size]) - Returns MRR

  • mse(double predicted, double actual) - Return a Mean Squared Error

  • ndcg(array rankItems, array correctItems [, const int recommendSize = rankItems.size]) - Returns nDCG

  • precision_at(array rankItems, array correctItems [, const int recommendSize = rankItems.size]) - Returns Precision

  • r2(double predicted, double actual) - Return R Squared (coefficient of determination)

  • recall_at(array rankItems, array correctItems [, const int recommendSize = rankItems.size]) - Returns Recall

  • rmse(double predicted, double actual) - Return a Root Mean Squared Error


  • approx_count_distinct(expr x [, const string options]) - Returns an approximation of count(DISTINCT x) using HyperLogLogPlus algorithm

Ensemble learning

  • argmin_kld(float mean, float covar) - Returns mean or covar that minimize a KL-distance among distributions

    The returned value is (1.0 / (sum(1.0 / covar))) * (sum(mean / covar)
  • max_label(double value, string label) - Returns a label that has the maximum value

  • maxrow(ANY compare, ...) - Returns a row that has maximum value in the 1st argument


  • voted_avg(double value) - Returns an averaged value by bagging for classification

  • weight_voted_avg(expr) - Returns an averaged value by considering sum of positive/negative weights

Decision trees and RandomForest

  • train_gradient_tree_boosting_classifier(array<double|string> features, int label [, string options]) - Returns a relation consists of <int iteration, int model_type, array<string> pred_models, double intercept, double shrinkage, array<double> var_importance, float oob_error_rate>

  • train_randomforest_classifier(array<double|string> features, int label [, const string options, const array<double> classWeights])- Returns a relation consists of <string model_id, double model_weight, string model, array<double> var_importance, int oob_errors, int oob_tests>

  • train_randomforest_regression(array<double|string> features, double target [, string options]) - Returns a relation consists of <int model_id, int model_type, string pred_model, array<double> var_importance, int oob_errors, int oob_tests>

  • guess_attribute_types(ANY, ...) - Returns attribute types

    select guess_attribute_types(*) from train limit 1;
    > Q,Q,C,C,C,C,Q,C,C,C,Q,C,Q,Q,Q,Q,C,Q
  • rf_ensemble(int yhat [, array<double> proba [, double model_weight=1.0]]) - Returns ensembled prediction results in <int label, double probability, array<double> probabilities>

  • tree_export(string model, const string options, optional array<string> featureNames=null, optional array<string> classNames=null) - exports a Decision Tree model as javascript/dot]

  • tree_predict(string modelId, string model, array<double|string> features [, const string options | const boolean classification=false]) - Returns a prediction result of a random forest in <int value, array<double> a posteriori> for classification and <double> for regression


  • train_multiclass_xgboost_classifier(string[] features, double target [, string options]) - Returns a relation consisting of <string model_id, array<byte> pred_model>

  • train_xgboost_classifier(string[] features, double target [, string options]) - Returns a relation consisting of <string model_id, array<byte> pred_model>

  • train_xgboost_regr(string[] features, double target [, string options]) - Returns a relation consisting of <string model_id, array<byte> pred_model>

  • xgboost_multiclass_predict(string rowid, string[] features, string model_id, array<byte> pred_model [, string options]) - Returns a prediction result as (string rowid, string label, float probability)

  • xgboost_predict(string rowid, string[] features, string model_id, array<byte> pred_model [, string options]) - Returns a prediction result as (string rowid, float predicted)


  • hivemall_version() - Returns the version of Hivemall

    Usage: SELECT hivemall_version();
  • lr_datagen(options string) - Generates a logistic regression dataset

    WITH dual AS (SELECT 1) SELECT lr_datagen('-n_examples 1k -n_features 10') FROM dual;
  • tf(string text) - Return a term frequency in <string, float>

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