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Last active February 20, 2025 20:42
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Simple Utility Script for allowing debug of hardened macOS apps.
#! /bin/bash
# Simple Utility Script for allowing debug of hardened macOS apps.
# This is useful mostly for plug-in developer that would like keep developing without turning SIP off.
# Credit for idea goes to (McMartin):
# Update 2022-03-10: Based on Fabian's feedback, add capability to inject DYLD for sanitizers.
# Please note:
# - Modern Logic (on M1s) uses `AUHostingService` which resides within the system thus not patchable and REQUIRES to turn-off SIP.
# - Some hosts uses separate plug-in scanning or sandboxing.
# if that's the case, it's required to patch those (if needed) and attach debugger to them instead.
# If you see `operation not permitted`, make sure the calling process has Full Disk Access.
# For example is showing and has Full Disk Access under System Preferences -> Privacy & Security
if [ -z "$app_path" ];
echo "You need to specify app to re-codesign!"
exit 0
# This uses local codesign. so it'll be valid ONLY on the machine you've re-signed with.
echo "Grabbing entitlements from app..."
codesign -d --entitlements - "$app_path" --xml >> $entitlements_plist || { exit 1; }
echo "Patch entitlements (if missing)..."
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add bool true" $entitlements_plist
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add bool true" $entitlements_plist
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add bool true" $entitlements_plist
# allow custom dyld for sanitizers...
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add bool true" $entitlements_plist
echo "Re-applying entitlements (if missing)..."
codesign --force --options runtime --sign - --entitlements $entitlements_plist "$app_path" || { echo "codesign failed!"; }
echo "Removing temporary plist..."
rm $entitlements_plist
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Thank you very much for sharing!
However, is it me or the dev_id doesn't seem to be used in this script?

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However, is it me or the dev_id doesn't seem to be used in this script?

Thanks. I've removed this unused dev_id and add a comment related to current signing.

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You're welcome!
Also, is it the only step to do? It doesn't seem to work on my side 🤔

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meverett commented Jun 13, 2021

First of all, thanks for making this. However, it fails for me with the following error when trying to resign Ableton Live 11 on macOS 10.15.7:

Re-applying entitlements (if missing)...
/Applications/Ableton Live 11 replacing existing signature
/Applications/Ableton Live 11 resource fork, Finder information, or similar detritus not allowed
codesign failed!

Has anyone encountered this error before? Any insights?

It turned out to be some extended attributes that needed to be removed first:

xattr -rc "/Applications/Ableton Live 11"

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bogre commented Oct 7, 2021


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Hi thanks for a great tool.
When I run it for Ableton Live 10 I get this error:
/Applications/Ableton Live 10 replacing existing signature /Applications/Ableton Live 10 invalid or unsupported format for signature In subcomponent: /Applications/Ableton Live 10 codesign failed! Removing temporary plist...

What do I do?

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adaskar commented Nov 26, 2021

After applying this script one of the app installed on my system, it says application damaged, any idea what should i do now?

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After applying this script one of the app installed on my system

What system app you've used it on??

It's intended for allowing debugging on DAWs. System shouldn't even be possible since Catalina iirc.

Some apps kept some additional system attributes by mistake (xattr -rc )

See this post as an example:

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adaskar commented Nov 29, 2021

After applying this script one of the app installed on my system

What system app you've used it on??

It's intended for allowing debugging on DAWs. System shouldn't even be possible since Catalina iirc.

Some apps kept some additional system attributes by mistake (xattr -rc )

See this post as an example:

it's not a systema app, it's an app downloaded from internet.
i have tried xattr -rc either, even if the code signing process not gives an error though. still getting application crashed.
i'm missing something but what?

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hogliux commented Mar 10, 2022

May I suggest also adding the entitlement. This way you can also debug plug-ins built with address sanitizer by adding

export DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=/Applications/

to your environment variables. Without this entitlement, any environment variables starting with DYLD_ are ignored.

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Thanks @hogliux I've updated the script above.
Semantics, I guess it's not only AUs but any dylib (VST/VST3 included) :) but it's indeed useful.

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hogliux commented Mar 10, 2022

Semantics, I guess it's not only AUs but any dylib (VST/VST3 included) :) but it's indeed useful.

Yes you are totally right. I've updated my comment just now.

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hogliux commented Mar 10, 2022

@talaviram The update to your script is incorrect. It's missing the bool true at the end of the PListBuddy command.

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ahh. sorry for that. fixed.

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Thanks for creating this tool! Unfortunately it doesn't work for me. I have MacBook with M1, I've tried running the script on Sudio One 4 and disabling the SIP in order to Debug VST3 audio plugin. I see that entitlements are added, but it has no effect. Only when I build the Release version of audioplugin the Studio One sees it.

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@mpielikis - I suspect your issue isn't related to script. Maybe release builds universal but debug only arm64? S1 v4 was never released as Apple silicon.
Also the script allow debug but isn't related to host scanning.

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BenLeadbetter commented Oct 28, 2022

Thanks! This worked nicely for me with the Steinberg VST3PluginTestHost, using my arm64 MacBook Pro on Monterey👌🏻

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Does anyone know if this works for auval?

I copied auval to a user dir and applied the script to it but running it just reports instantly it has been killed.

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Does anyone know if this works for auval?

Sadly, auval archs are x86_64 and arm64e. The e in the arm64e is the tricky part... it means there is pointer authentication so re-applying codesign won't work.
So you can use auval but only under Rosetta. (or.. disable SIP sigh)

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Oof.... !
Thanks for the info.

Apple really don't want us to develop solid plugins do they?!

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Signing fails on Ventura. /Applications/Ableton Live 11 resource fork, Finder information, or similar detritus not allowed codesign failed!

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Signing fails on Ventura. /Applications/Ableton Live 11 resource fork, Finder information, or similar detritus not allowed codesign failed!

Please see:
TL;DR - xattr -rc

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totally missed that. It worked. Thanks!

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PWhiddy commented Jan 24, 2024

Worked beautifully for me on an M1 mac. Thanks!

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faqteur commented Mar 11, 2024

It doesn't seem to work anymore with Ableton Live 12 (release version) :'(

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It doesn't seem to work anymore with Ableton Live 12 (release version) :'(

It'll be helpful to have more details.
Anyway, I don't have Live 12 but the trial version allows re-signing just fine...

Grabbing entitlements from app...
Executable=/Users/talaviram/Downloads/Ableton Live 12
Patch entitlements (if missing)...
Add: "" Entry Already Exists
Add: "" Entry Already Exists
Re-applying entitlements (if missing)...
/Users/talaviram/Downloads/Ableton Live 12 replacing existing signature
Removing temporary plist...

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faqteur commented Mar 11, 2024

Ah sorry, I forgot.
sudo xattr -rc Ableton\ Live\ 12\ did the trick :)

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Having trouble with Mac OS Sequoia and Ableton Live 12 Suite. Live 11 worked just fine, but with LIve 12 I get:

resource fork, Finder information, or similar detritus not allowed codesign failed!

I tried:
sudo chmod 777 /Applications/Ableton\ Live\ 12\ Operation Not Permitted, with and without sudo
sudo xattr -rc /Applications/Ableton\ Live\ 12\ Operation Not Permitted, with and without sudo

Anyone else find a way around this?

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talaviram commented Dec 12, 2024

Did you look at the comment above you? (

EDIT: Ahh! Do you have enough permissions in Terminal? Full Disk Access and Developer Tools?

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The command fails on macOS 15.3:

Cannot parse a NULL or zero-length data
Error Reading File: /private/tmp/debug_entitlements.plist
/tmp/debug_entitlements.plist: unrecognized blob type (accepting blindly)

To fix the issue, add an -x flag to the PlistBuddy commands:

#! /bin/bash

if [ -z "$app_path" ];
    echo "You need to specify app to re-codesign!"
    exit 0

echo "Grabbing entitlements from app..."
codesign -d --entitlements - "$app_path" --xml >> $entitlements_plist || { exit 1; }

echo "Patch entitlements (if missing)..."
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add bool true" -x $entitlements_plist
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add bool true" -x $entitlements_plist
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add bool true" -x $entitlements_plist
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add bool true" -x $entitlements_plist

echo "Re-applying entitlements (if missing)..."
codesign --force --options runtime --sign - --entitlements $entitlements_plist "$app_path" || { echo "codesign failed!"; }

echo "Removing temporary plist..."
rm $entitlements_plist

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