#!/bin/zsh |
# set -x |
----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Written by:William Smith |
Technical Enablement Manager |
Jamf |
[email protected] |
https://gist.github.com/talkingmoose/0550abf9ebb9e1267ea82a55556601d8 |
Originally posted: June 16, 2024 |
Purpose: Configure Jamf Pro LAPS settings. |
Instructions: |
1. In Jamf Pro click Settings > System > API roles and clients. |
2. Under API Roles create a new API role such as "LAPS Management". |
Set Privileges to include: |
Update Local Admin Password Settings |
Under API Clients create a new API client such as "LAPS Manager". |
Set API roles to: |
LAPS Management |
Enable the API client and copy the Client ID and Client Secret. |
3. UUpdate the Jamf Pro URL, Client ID, and Client Secret variables below. |
4. In Jamf Pro edit Settings > Global > User-Initiated Enrollment > |
Computers. |
Select "Create managed local administrator account" and provide |
a Username for the LAPS account. |
Optionally, hide the managed local administrator account and/or |
allow SSH access. |
5. Adjust the LAPS settings JSON variable below. |
autoDeployedEnabled (default: false): |
Set to "true" only if using a PreStage LAPS account. |
Otherwise, the jamf binary LAPS account |
passwordRotationTime (default: 3600): |
Number of seconds before Jamf Pro will will wait before |
rotating the password after viewing it. |
autoRotateEnabled (default: false): |
Set to "true" to rotate LAPS account passwords regardless |
of whether they've been viewed. |
autoRotateExpirationTime (default: 7776000): |
Number of seconds before Jamf Pro will will automatically rotate |
LAPS account passwords regardless of whether they've been viewed. |
autoRotateEnabled must be set to "true". |
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under |
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ |
"A feature undiscovered is a feature missing." |
----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
jamfProURL="https://talkingmoose.jamfcloud.com" |
clientID="b36a0245-f238-4c54-ac8a-6e4170f7ad6a" |
clientSecret="ve5ffjUAIGjs4X-OjsT_KeyqVAv7HR_Em4hXWYHT12mp791DY7RGqHFEdyhtjZsB" |
lapsSettingsJSON='{ |
"autoDeployEnabled": false, |
"passwordRotationTime": 900, |
"autoRotateEnabled": false, |
"autoRotateExpirationTime": 31536000 |
}' |
function checkResponseCode() { |
httpErrorCodes="000 No HTTP code received |
200 Request successful |
201 Request to create or update object successful |
400 Bad request |
401 Authentication failed |
403 Invalid permissions |
404 Object/resource not found |
409 Conflict |
500 Internal server error" |
responseCode=${1: -3} |
code=$( /usr/bin/grep "$responseCode" <<< "$httpErrorCodes" ) |
echo "$code" |
} |
echo "Requesting oauth token." |
# request oauth token |
oAuthTokenResponse=$( /usr/bin/curl \ |
--data-urlencode "grant_type=client_credentials" \ |
--data-urlencode "client_id=$clientID" \ |
--data-urlencode "client_secret=$clientSecret" \ |
--header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \ |
--request POST \ |
--silent \ |
--url "$jamfProURL/api/oauth/token" \ |
--write-out "%{http_code}" ) |
checkResponseCode "$oAuthTokenResponse" |
# extract token data from response |
oAuthToken=${oAuthTokenResponse%???} |
# parse token from response |
token=$( /usr/bin/plutil -extract access_token raw - <<< "$oAuthToken" ) |
echo "Configuring settings." |
# set LAPS settings |
lapsSettings=$( /usr/bin/curl \ |
--data "$lapsSettingsJSON" \ |
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \ |
--header "Authorization: Bearer $token" \ |
--request PUT \ |
--silent \ |
--url "$jamfProURL/api/v2/local-admin-password/settings" \ |
--write-out "%{http_code}" ) |
checkResponseCode "$lapsSettings" |
# extract data from request |
echo "${lapsSettings%???}" |
echo "Destroying oauth token." |
# expire auth token |
expireToken=$( /usr/bin/curl \ |
--header "Authorization: Bearer $token" \ |
--request POST \ |
--silent \ |
--url "$jamfProURL/api/v1/auth/invalidate-token" \ |
--write-out "%{http_code}" ) |
checkResponseCode "$oAuthTokenResponse" |
exit 0 |
@talkingmoose Is this last script for turning off the laps feature but setting a generic password back to the laps admin user account? Per what you stated in your article from last year?
"While Jamf Pro offers a PUT /v2/local-admin-password/{clientManagement}/set-password endpoint, it’s only available to set one computer at a time. The Jamf Pro administrator will need to create a Jamf Pro API script to set every computer password using LAPS. Only after ensuring all passwords are changed to known passwords should the administrator turn off LAPS"